Starting over again...when will I ever learn

VanessaRoss Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So, I cant believe I am finding myself in this predicament again! What is wrong with me and when will I ever learn my lesson. I could just cry. But, here I am standing before you a year after I lost 30 pounds and having gained it ALL back. I am committing myself to losing again but I must wonder will it stay off? Will I ever learn to eat less food? Food is just sooo tasty and then with the one cheat day comes another and another. Then before you know it there is all my weight again. I never thought when I quit smoking that I would gain so much weight. Enough of the pity party...I CAN DO THIS.


  • Ebelstad
    Ebelstad Posts: 9
    You said it! YOU CAN DO THIS! One day at a time :) Good luck!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    yes!!! you can do it. one day at a time one small achievement at a time. if you've done it before, there should be no reason you cant do it again, but it is a learning process, this time, when you're at your goals, remember all the hard work you put into where you are at that moment, and hopefully it will help keep "those days" a little more managable. good luck, and we are all here for you
  • Don't aim for a diet or an incremental weight loss. Get there by changing your habits so you can sustain it!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! You just have to step back and realise how well you've done, and see how good you feel when it's all over(:

    You can do it!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I know EXACTLY how you feel!! I lost 36 pounds last summer then in the fall/winter I regained all of it plus several extra. I have probably lost well over 1,000 pounds in my life, but it is the same stinking 30-40 pounds over and over and over and over again. This time the difference is that instead of going on a diet I am making lifestyle changes. Another 10 pounds I will be back to where I was when I started last summer. UGH!! But as you said, you can do this. Best wishes to you on this journey!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I can relate to how you are feeling. I lost about 30 pounds at one point but gained it all back later. It does feel like starting all over again but just remind yourself of the motivation factors that got you through it before. Take it day by day because each day that passes gets you closer to losing it all again.
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    you're certainly not alone! I've spent the last 30yrs losing and gaining back the same 4 stone! You have to keep at it until it finally clicks and you succeed - the alternative doesn't bear thinking about - you'll do it this time - don't give yourself the option not to - and although I'd say keep past mistakes in mind so that you don't keep making the same mistake - you have to also let go of your past failures and not let them hold you back now! Good luck on your journey!
  • Life is subtle. So is weight loss. Its not about control but about embracing healing and ridding the emotions that keep you chained to this weight. I have struggles for over 30 years. ANd I finally realized that if I don't heal the emotional attachment I won't lose.
    LOVE YOURSELF day at a time! Keep moving and don't let yourself get bored or feeling lonely. I walk alot and putter and declutter my house to feel grounded. Baby steps. Keep trying and suddenly you won't even have to try!!!
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    You can do this. You just need to figure out what works for you! When and how much to workout, and making healthy choices throughout the day! Make it a life style change not a diet. I too uses to smoke and know how hard it is to try not to turn to somthing else in it's place but you can do!! Just be strong! God Bless You!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I lost 50 pounds and gained it all back so I know exactly how you feel. But when that happened I stopped doing all the things that got me there, excecising and watching what I ate. I got complacent and comfortable and before I knew it the energy and health I had been enjoying and being jazzed about was gone. You have to make a concious effort everyday to be in the here and now because if your constantly saying "tomorrow" all those tomorrows become today and your back at where you started. Not this time, not for me. I just had a baby and Im 37 and on high bp meds. I dont want to die young. I want to live and in order to live longer I have to pay attention. You can CAN do this. Its the sticking to it that gets ya! But you can do that too! Good luck!
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Yeppers. I can sure feel you. It's hard to stay away from something your body needs to function. It's far worse than a recovering drug addict or alcoholic. However, you said the magic words: You can do it!! You have to view this as not a means to an end, but a lifestyle choice. Making this lifestyle choice doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite foods forever.

    Since one cheat day seems to lead to another and another for you, I might suggest that you not have cheat days. You can have meals where you allow yourself a special treat. Enlist friends and family to help you get control of your binge eating. Anyone who loves you and cares about your health should be happy to help. And we are all here for you. Best wishes!
  • lady56
    lady56 Posts: 2
    Don't think of this as a "losing weight" experience but rather a lifestyle change you are commiting to for the duration of your life for a healthier you because YOU are so worth it. Alot of folks tend to dwell on the numbers . . . this way of thinking will usually last for only so long and old habits once again become routine -- however, when you commit to a healthier lifeystyle change for the rest of your life . . . . you will feel better and be the winner. So don't be discouraged -- be happy and proud of yourself that you are stepping up and taking charge of your lifestyle. I know you can succeed.
  • Thanks so much for all the support, I just know I can do it this time. Last year I started gaining the weight back after having a four wheeler accident and couldnt exercise because of a hurt foot. Not sure what exercise I can do this time because the foot still has issues but thinking of getting a bycicle. I am sure that we can all make it happen. Good luck to all
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I also lost close to 30 lbs 3 years ago on Weight Watchers only to gain it all back and I've been trying for the last 3 years to lose it for good. It's definitely a journey! As cheesey as it sounds...once I found out that I needed to start focusing on the inside rather than just stressing out about fixing the outside things started to fall into place.

    I really recommend reading "Women Food & God" by Geneen Roth- the title makes it sound religious but its totally not...its about women and your relationship with food. Its a life-changer...totally opened my eyes to how I've been sabotaging myself and I've been able to gain some control over my emotional eating/binging habits...amazing read

    here's a link to her site:

    Good luck, you can do this, you just have to start trusting yourself and giving yourself some credit =)

    Hope that helps!

  • Crossfit_Mom_2_4
    Crossfit_Mom_2_4 Posts: 19 Member
    So, I cant believe I am finding myself in this predicament again! What is wrong with me and when will I ever learn my lesson. I could just cry. But, here I am standing before you a year after I lost 30 pounds and having gained it ALL back. I am committing myself to losing again but I must wonder will it stay off? Will I ever learn to eat less food? Food is just sooo tasty and then with the one cheat day comes another and another. Then before you know it there is all my weight again. I never thought when I quit smoking that I would gain so much weight. Enough of the pity party...I CAN DO THIS.

    You're not alone in 2000 I lost 108lbs and was in the fittest shape of my life. Then I got lazy, let 'life' be my excuse, and gained back all 108lbs plus an additional 27lbs. What I learned was it was more internal dialogue than it was the actual act of of exercising. It was more about issues I'd yet to tackle, but soon learned. Now I'm back, and the internal dialogue has truly changed. I read the book "Transformation" by Bill Phillips and the lessons and advice in that book changed my life. I'm happy to say that what was once a 284lbs sad/depressed/angry mother of four, is now a 229lbs happy/ALIVE/AWARE mom of four moving towards my personal, physical, and spiritual goals each day!

  • SusieB01
    SusieB01 Posts: 89
    I'm starting over again too. I'm 60 years old, and I've been on so many diets that I should be considered a professional at it! When I was in my 30's, I lost 50 lbs. and kept it off at least 10 years. I think one thing causing this has been the way I look at it. I call it 'starting over' when I should be staying with it in the first place. Because if I'd stayed with it, I wouldn't have gained the weight back. I know what I should do, but I've been lax in doing it. When I kept the weight off I had ways to remind myself if I'd started to gain again and ways to lose it back if I had. I got weighed once a month at first, and then probably at least quarterly. My clothes fit well enough so that I'd know if I'd gained even a little water weight. I had an amount that I'd allow myself, and if I gained more than that I went back on a diet until I lost it again. I'm hoping I can remember not only how to loose, but how to keep it off this time!
  • tysi
    tysi Posts: 13
    I hear you! Add me and we can do this together! :smile:
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Honey I no how ur feeling right now. I did the samething about 7 years ago. I worked so hard I weighed 158 lbs and got don't to 125. I was still not happy. I've had 2 boys now 21 and 16. No matter how much I exersized I did look like how I want so I kinda of gave up .gained all my weight back. Now I haved to start all over again. I'm so mad at myself because of it. I need to learn that just to be happy with me. I have no friends to help keep me motivated. I feel all alone. But I no I'm not. We can do this together!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    So, I cant believe I am finding myself in this predicament again! What is wrong with me and when will I ever learn my lesson. I could just cry. But, here I am standing before you a year after I lost 30 pounds and having gained it ALL back. I am committing myself to losing again but I must wonder will it stay off? Will I ever learn to eat less food? Food is just sooo tasty and then with the one cheat day comes another and another. Then before you know it there is all my weight again. I never thought when I quit smoking that I would gain so much weight. Enough of the pity party...I CAN DO THIS.

    I think you have to look at it in a different way.

    People who have addictive personalities tend to become addictive to something else when they've given something up. You said you gained weight when you stopped smoking? so was you your ideal weight before giving up or are you blaming stopping smoking as you only reason for putting on so much weight?

    You say you've lost weight before so you know that you can do it. My suggestion is no cheat days as it clearly doesnt work for you. It doesn't for alot of people so you're not on your own.

    I do hope you do it this time and don't blame your weight gain for not smoking as thats a recipe for disaster.

    As an ex smoker myself I always pride in myself that i dont feel guilty lighting one up anymore,, and no my reason for my weight is my gorgeous children that i have and not giving up smoking.

    Add me as a friend if you wanna kick up the backside. xx
  • pepzkat
    pepzkat Posts: 3
    I know what you mean!! I lost 50 pounds! Was in the best shape of my life in college, then I started eating bad foods cause well, I was at a good weight, so I can have something bad once in a while. But that once in a while quickly became everyday and now I am back from the beginning. It's frustrating! But you and I can definitely do it! We did it once we can do it again!!! :D
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