Hi!! Losing weight is SO HARD when you are over 40!!!



  • kevywan53
    kevywan53 Posts: 11
    Hi Kathleen,

    Just be honest with yourself about what you eat (and record EVERYTHING!) and about your exercise. Don't let it slide for a day, be diligent, make it a duty to yourself to do it. If you stay on top of that it will work. I am 57 and though it may be harder to lose weight now, it seems easier to be disciplined about it. Even if I don't get all my exercise in, if I pay attention to everything I eat and record it as I go ( I have the smartphone app too, so I can keep up if I am out) then I lose the weight. So that would seem to be goal 1, don't eat more than you're allowed to to attain your goals; pretty simple really (not necessarily easy, but simple!). Another little thing I am doing now is if I am tempted to eat something that isn't really on my plan, and knowing now how much of the excercise it takes to work off X number of calories, I ask myself " is eating this worth spending 30 minutes on the elliptical?" or "which is easier, passing on these cookies or working out for an hour?". Those knds of reminders often have me making a better choice (notice I didn't say always!). Don't get me wrong, I have really grown to like my workouts, but still it can put some moments of temptation into perspective. I hope this is useful information and good luck on reaching your goals, I know you can do it!


  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm new this week too and am 42. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like! :) You can never have enough cheerleaders!
  • Hi! I am 50 and just started MFP at the end of February, have lost 3 lbs. It has been hard, and very different. I am getting my head around the idea that it is going to be slower than it used to be, and that's okay. In fact, one of the things I am trying to focus on is that this is my year to focus on wellness, which for me means really improving my physical fitness. I have some chronic pain challenges so the workouts are difficult, and I have to be slow and steady with increasing that as well. But that is my mantra--someone else said it on this thread and I keep it in mind too--"slow and steady wins the race!" As soon as I try to jump ahead of myself, or ahead of where my body tells me I need to be, I fall off the good habits, and regain all the weight!
  • Thanks Jilly!
    I have only been on my fitness pal for two days...but I LOVE how easy it is to go on and record your food and the exercise you've done. I think I finally found something that will work. I have tried everything...these stubborn 25 pounds just wont budge. Thanks for the encouragement!!! I am determined to get back in shape. I have arthritis and joint issues too....and I know every pound I lose will help the knees!!!! Thanks! Kathleen
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    Hi there! Having just truned 39, losing weight is much harder for me than it was in my 20's for sure! Joining MFP was the best thing I could have done this time around. All the support form people just like me, doing their best to be healthy...is very motivating. Add me of you want to build a friend base...the more the merrier! Good luck!
  • tysi
    tysi Posts: 13
    Hi there,
    I'm starting over today. I just had my 43 birthday and I am seeing fat rolls in places I didn't expect! My clothes aren't fitting and it is really depressing. My husband just bought me a bike for my birthday (requested by me). I'm on board if anyone wants to be my friend and go on this weight loss journey with me. I have 20 Lbs. to lose.
  • If one more doctor says how difficult it is to lose weight after 40 - yikes! I am 47 and have been losing slowly and steadily since turning 41. This past week I really cut my carbs - some days by more than 1/2. I have lost a pound and I know inches (because my clothes are way looser). I have my official weight and measure on monday but I'm feeling great. Lunch all week was a turkey and cheese wrap using romain lettuce leaf instead of a tortilla. It was actually pretty good too. Eggs for lunch and a healthy dinner. It's been a good week for me.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hi Kathleen :flowerforyou:

    I can relate to your story! I am now 52 and offically "menopaused" and yeah it is alot harder to lose weight and feel in shape at this time in life. But, there is hope!

    For me, regular enthusiastic exercise, cardio and balanced with muscle toning/strengthening is helping alot. More than I thought it would ( the weight lifting part, though I don't do much yet. I am working on it!) I'm learning that if we just think of fitness as counting calories and trying to lose fat/weight we won't be as effective at it. We have to work on our muscles because they keep our metabolism revved up.

    I am a huge believer in MFP! Tracking and being diligent and getting support from your friends too. It is a lovely community here :heart:


  • CIam2Bless2BStress
    CIam2Bless2BStress Posts: 1 Member
    Hello New to myfitnesspal thought I try it out.. Wanted to keep track of my food intake. So far I like the calories counting, Since I started My Wii fit plus. I lost 29 lbs. Now doing this along with it. I can't wait to see the results. I found being over 40 it was getting harder for me to lose weight. Now I have many tools to help me make my goal. So here we go for healthier eating, Firming the body.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    True story it seems the hurrier I go the behinder I get. My old quick fad diets aren't working now that I am pushing 50 real hard. Gonna try to old fashioned way-fewer calories in and more calories out while not screwing up my nutrition. Wish me luck!!!
  • whynotnana
    whynotnana Posts: 26 Member
    you are right about being over 60 the harder it is, but just think of all the experience you have!!!good luck on your weight Journey--just starting mine.
  • gailhaw
    gailhaw Posts: 1
    Hey everybody. My name is Gail and this is my first day truly on my diet program and I can hardly think straight. I found this site about a month ago and I love it. It does a great job of tracking my day on my diet. I have already started sending friends to this site.
  • msbev711
    msbev711 Posts: 4
    I new to this group ( second day) and I went over my calories already at a family bbq. I'm 60 + and need to lose weight for health reasons.
  • mamacath
    mamacath Posts: 51
    Hello & welcome .. I am 46 . will be 47 in June and I have lost 29 pounds so far .. only a couple more pounds to go before I reach my final weight loss .. I feel better now than I have in years .. working out makes me feel great for the day and so much better about myself .. keep your head in the game and we are all here to help and support any way we can :flowerforyou:
  • mamacath
    mamacath Posts: 51
    If one more doctor says how difficult it is to lose weight after 40 - yikes! I am 47 and have been losing slowly and steadily since turning 41. This past week I really cut my carbs - some days by more than 1/2. I have lost a pound and I know inches (because my clothes are way looser). I have my official weight and measure on monday but I'm feeling great. Lunch all week was a turkey and cheese wrap using romain lettuce leaf instead of a tortilla. It was actually pretty good too. Eggs for lunch and a healthy dinner. It's been a good week for me.

    I too am losing slowly and steady by doing low / no carbs .. it just seems to work better for me :)
  • Philly4Ever04
    Philly4Ever04 Posts: 5 Member
    Its funny that I've ran across 2 other people that are looking to meet their fitness/weight loss goals by July 4th 2011 just like me! I am very motivated now that I see that others are fighting daily to reach the same completion goal date!
  • Philly4Ever04
    Philly4Ever04 Posts: 5 Member
    Its funny that I've ran across 2 other people that are looking to meet their fitness/weight loss goals by July 4th 2011 just like me! I am very motivated now that I see that others are fighting daily to reach the same completion goal date!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet. You should think of it as a life change. Start small if you have to but work towards eating healthy. A diet is ti do something extreme for a short time and then go back. Change of life stile is diff. I changed the way I eat 2 years ago. I- may have thought diet at first but not now. I'm not on a diet. I heat healthy.
  • Jilly416
    Jilly416 Posts: 2
    Hi - my name is Jill and I started my fitness journey in October. I'm 36 and decided that this was my year to get in shape! I lost my mom last march and she had many health problems due to obesity - I want to be healthy and around for my kids in the years to come. So far I have lost about 35 lbs…but it has been a slow battle. I exercise whenever I can which includes Zumba, biking, and jogging - and recently had been at a plateau I just could not get past! Then I found this website and it has helped me to start losing weight again. Feel free to add me - would love to hear what everyone else experience has been! I love this website - it really holds me accountable for what I eat and helps encourage me in my exercise…and of course, it always helps when you see that scale going down!
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    check out a work out called Chalean Extreme (Chalene is over 40) and one of the people in her workouts is 60 years old! What she found was that strength training helps your metabolism!!!!!!!!! Muscle burns fat and you won't end up looking bulky if that's what you're worried about too.
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