I had a bad day.

I ate McDonalds AND KFC in one day.

I blame the alcohol.

I feel awful.

New week, new start!!


  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    New day and new week is right! Just work at remembering how eating that stuff made you feel. When I have a day that I eat out and I feel like crap I really try to get myself to remember how I felt so I don't want to do it again. One meal, one step and one day at a time we will get there!!!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    Alcohol makes you crave fatty, greasy foods.
  • emma6978
    emma6978 Posts: 22 Member
    New day and new week is right! Just work at remembering how eating that stuff made you feel. When I have a day that I eat out and I feel like crap I really try to get myself to remember how I felt so I don't want to do it again. One meal, one step and one day at a time we will get there!!!

    I completely agree!! If you pay attention on how you feel aftwards you'll start to look at those menues differently. Then you'll get tired of feeling tired and sluggish and change you mind. I gave up those meals and if I get stuck having no choice I usually get the "grilled" chicken anything.
  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    :smile: Now you know you had a bad day so make today a good one!
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    Ya my bad day was yesterday as well I had McDonalds salad and a small shamrock shake and Taco Bell chicken qusilleda (sp) and fries supreme with a pepsi.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I gave in to the lure of cheese yesterday. Bad decision. A healthier day for me today!
  • scythianlady
    scythianlady Posts: 12 Member
    It's just one day. Don't obsess over it and make today a great day!
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    New week is right! Sometimes you need to let yourself cheat.. I had some chinese yesterday but I didn't go overboard.. I tried keeping it healthy! I wanted to make fish and a big salad but hubby wanted to go to the chinese buffet.. I wanted to hurt him! lol.. Thankfully my daughter wanted nothing to do with the place so I only had a couple bites of rice, chicken and broccoli, and green beans.. My husband was so annoyed and I was laughing, lol.. I was so glad she didn't want to be there!!
  • erica14304
    erica14304 Posts: 49 Member
    I had a horrible day yesterday as well. 2300 calories is what I ate. That's twice what I usually do. I had McDonald's for lunch (cheeseburger happy meal) and Red Robin (Avocado Bacon Burger and fries) for dinner. Horrible. This is the worst day I've had in a long time. Oh well, new day today.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Yeah - I've had a bad Weekend...and today won't be much better. I'm sick. Bronchitis and some stomach virus. Right now it seems that Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup is the only thing that will stay down... so that's what I'm eating. Exercise woud require the ability to breathe... so that's not happening either, Oh well... it's life and as soon as I feel better, I can go back to eating veggies, fruits and lean protein - until then though - soup it is!
  • bmcmforfun
    We all have had them. Don't beat yourself up over this b/c you are right, today is a new day. A fresh start! I used to be a fast food junkie. When I started out I was determined to give up all fast food. I did and then I was having a bad day and just needed my comfort food. So I went to McDonald's and had the Big Mac, large french fries and large sweet tea. About 2 hours later, I felt even worse from all the fried food, sugar and fats my body had already become accustomed to not having. Did it taste good when I was eating it? Absolutely! Would I love to have another? Absolutely! BUT I know what I will be doing to my body AND how it will make me feel, so I don't.
    If you find your self faced with being at a fast food place, get a salad or something that is grilled with out all the mayo or sauces that they may add to it and wheat bread if they offer it. This way you will feel better about your choices and not beat yourself up.

    As we continue on our journeys, our bad days will be fewer and farther between. :)

    Stay focused and strong,
  • kanakike8
    kanakike8 Posts: 52 Member
    I understand. I had a bad week as well. Lots of carbs :grumble:
    BUT even when you're eating all the junk (or later in the day when you realize what you've done), drink LOTS of water! Stay hydrated. It will help minimize bloating and water retention from the sodium. It will also help flush any remaining alcohol from your system and you won't feel as sluggish the next day. And then just chalk it up to being human and start fresh the next day.
    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    The only time there is no tomorrow is when you give up. Without looking at your food dialry it's hard to say how bad it was. Were your calories blown?
  • get_it_gone2012
    Hangover eating day? :tongue:
    I had one yesterday too. But today was a new day, and I'm good.
    Think of it this way, fit people have hangover eating days too, and they're fine - it's all in moderation. Just don't do it every day!
    You're doing great - remember. One day doesn't change that! :wink:
  • lbowa2
    lbowa2 Posts: 14
    This musta been the bad weekend for everyone! Yesterday I was in a hurry and I too has McDonald's...grilled chicken ranch wrap and a small fry. Today I had homemade corned beef hash and two fried eggs for breakfast and Steak n Shake double steak burger for lunch...I wasn't thrilled with those choices, but I did work my butt off doing yard work, heavy duty stuff too, lots of digging, wheelbarrowing, chopping wood...but it doesn't take away the guilty grease feelings...
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I didn't feel the urge or craving for fast food or even much junk food for this entire past week...worked out like crazy the past few days and was kinda feeling like I wanted I got a couple chicken tacos and a root beer...couldn't even finish half of it--WAY too much sodium and drinking LOTS of water to feel better and will be staying away from most "fast food" for at least another week...ugh...
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    The smell of mcdonalds and those kinds of places make me want to hurl. Not to say that I don't have times where some of it sounds good.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I had a bad day.

    I ate McDonalds AND KFC in one day.

    I blame the alcohol.

    I feel awful.

    New week, new start!!

    I'm sorry, I know it was bad, but this made me laugh. It's like the worst free verse poem I have read in a long time. Hope your day is better tomorrow.
  • stephstrege
    stephstrege Posts: 62 Member
    I read this somewhere else, but just like we log our food here, you can also start "logging" (writing it down, journal style) about how something makes you feel after you eat it, it is just another way to track your food intake. Especially if your an emotional eater, binge eater or you have certain triggers that make you go after certain foods. I personally know eating is way more than my taste buds and my stomach, 99% of it is in my head!!
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Actually, an original breast with mash and gravy, mac and cheese and a biscuit from KFC does sound fabulous right about now.....*drool*