What changes have you noticed with weight loss??



  • wildsun
    wildsun Posts: 24
    I fit in the airplane easier (basically why I am losing the weight).
    My pants are falling off (lolz, but they really are).
    I don't have the urge to eat as much.
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    My thighs aren't rubbing together anymore. My stomach is no longer hanging over my pants.
  • superdre
    superdre Posts: 27 Member
    My thighs aren't rubbing together anymore. My stomach is no longer hanging over my pants.

    Same here!
    other changes:

    1. Had to buy new pants and shirts :-).
    2. Exercise helps to take weight off faster.
    3. Body just generally feels better since I cut out fast foods. I can tell instantly now when I eat something that's not healthy.
    4. I look better and am getting hit on more ;-).
    5. I feel better!
    6. Ditto on Thighs.

    Sometimes I plateau in weight, but it's usually when I am really busy during the week and can't supplement diet w/ exercise.
    So proud of all of us here for making the changes! It's definitely a journey though... and we have to keep working at it..
  • ropedancer
    ropedancer Posts: 115
    I've noticed a few changed too

    1. I've rediscovered certain bones like my hips and my collarbones (not in a creepy underfed way of course. But they're there!)
    2. I've noticed my figure has become much more feminine
    3. I've noticed that I can carry heavy boxes filled with books short (and sometimes not-so-short) distances. Could never go this before.
    4. Indulging in one candy strawberry really is enough for me most times, instead of the whole bag.
    5. I don't have as many ::ahem:: bathroom problems as I used to.
    6. I'm happier!
  • LaurieKPhoto1972
    I SWEAT LESS!!!! Thank the good LORD! I am a photographer and while doing my photo sessions of children I am up and down and moving all over the place. I used to sweat like a PIG. I still sweat but it's way less and I have only lost 32 pounds so I can't imagine all the changes I will feel when I lose 116!