
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I'd love to lose the weight I gained back during my brother's spring break and make it to 200 min of exercise. Last week I tried for 250, but I didn't quite make it. Thanks for doing this, it's so very helpful.
  • ok, well I've just seen this, so I guess I'm a day late....but on board anyway ! I'll be walking wounded, but I'll do my best to walk each evening.(I hate exercise, but you people are so inspiring)....I'll do it....I know I will !! :bigsmile:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers!!! I am so excited to be walking side by side with each of you as we continue our goals for a new lifestyle!!!

    I had an emotionally trying day today but instead of being lazy and tying into the feedbag, I went outside and walked the sidewalks around my building while my daughter played with her friends outdoors. Trust me, if I had junk in the house, today would have been the day I had eaten it.... I am SUCH an emotional eater. But I tossed all that junk 2 weeks ago and now I just have healthy choices. :drinker: I didn't really feel like eating something healthy so outside walking it was! :happy:
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Sam here, and you all seem like a great group, so I'm in!

    My biggest problem is distracting myself while I am waiting for the big pay off at the "end" of this journey. I'm doing really well at only weighing in twice a week and not spending an entire day at the gym. I even forced myself to take today off (which was not easy, and I'll probably still go for a walk soon).

    So my one-week goal is: Be able to run for 5 minutes straight.

    It's ridiculous, but my conditioning is so bad I had trouble with 2 solid minutes the other day. *sigh* I think if I focus on adding a little more each day, I can do it. And focusing on that instead of the scale or tape measure is a great distraction. :)
  • Welcome to the newcomers!!! I am so excited to be walking side by side with each of you as we continue our goals for a new lifestyle!!!

    I had an emotionally trying day today but instead of being lazy and tying into the feedbag, I went outside and walked the sidewalks around my building while my daughter played with her friends outdoors. Trust me, if I had junk in the house, today would have been the day I had eaten it.... I am SUCH an emotional eater. But I tossed all that junk 2 weeks ago and now I just have healthy choices. :drinker: I didn't really feel like eating something healthy so outside walking it was! :happy:

    Hey, good for you ! Believe me, I know how hard that is, and you made a healthy and wise choice .... you're not alone, we can all do it.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm making boneless pork chops in the crock pot tonight with a salt-free marinade. No sodium at all in the marinade and very very lean chops...SO excited!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @Jimmy, you're never too late to join us! Welcome!!

    @Suzanne GOOD FOR YOU! That's awesome. Breaking those habits seems to be one of the hardest things to do and you're well on your way!

    @Sam, welcome and that's a GREAT goal! I can't do that yet myself and probably won't for awhile LOL But I WILL get there!
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    I love the fact that we have options since i have given up on the scale for the month :)

    My goal is : walking for at least 750 minutes this week
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Today was a big day for me. I walked 2-1/4 miles at 3 mph without stopping, without problem and with energy to spare. Two years ago I was so weak I couldn't even climb the stairs to the second floor of my home. It's been a 4-year long ordeal getting my meds right and my energy back. I can't tell you how good it feels. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    This week's goal is to walk 10 miles
    Sunday - 2.25 miles
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I love the fact that we have options since i have given up on the scale for the month :)

    My goal is : walking for at least 750 minutes this week

    Yesssssss!!!! Everyone has different needs, but we all need SUPPORT!! WELCOME!!!!! I sure wish I could give up the scales.................. for I am a daily weigher. YIKES!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    NSV - I cooked dinner tonight! ***I*** ACTUALLY cooked - sliced, diced, sauteed, shaked and baked (lol). I am proud of my small victory! LOL I can't wait for everyone to look at my dairy now. :wink: :laugh: I am slowly learning!
  • NguyenTJ
    NguyenTJ Posts: 35 Member
    I'm joining up for the week... a little late but here none the less. My goal is to exercise 250+ mins this week and stay under original daily goal (not counting burned cals) every day.

    So far, I'm doing pretty good. Pulled my bike out of storage and took a couple of short rides today... and I can feel it!!!
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in again this week. I'm going to switch it up a bit though. I've got exercising down pat for now. I've been taking 3 mile walks after work and still doing some workouts with my Biggest Loser for Wii. I need to refocus in regards to what I'm eating though. I've been staying under my calories, but I'm not making the best choices still. It was the week from hell for me, but that's still not a great reason as to why I ate like crap.

    So this week, I have two goals. I'm going to start focusing on making better food choices since I've fallen off the bandwagon a little, and I'm also going to make sure I'm drinking my 8 glasses of water each day.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Im going to go for 10 mile goal this week
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Ok for this week I am thinking my workout goal will be 400 mins. I have been hitting above 300 so I am going to up it. I might not make it to 400 but I am sure going to try. Made some poor choices these past few days so my other goal will be to stay under all my calories this week. Will have to have a few days with massive under so that I can slack next weekend when I am working 12 hr shifts again. Just don't have the mentality to workout after 12 shifts. Will work on that as a goal next week. I don't have a NS goal this week. So anything extra I do is just that... EXTRA!! Have a good week all and will be checking in on a daily basis.
    TNERNURSE Posts: 17
    Sounds good count me in...agree sometimes it seems overwhelming when have so much to lose. I'm in the need to lose one hundred pound category. So one week at a time sounds good or as I always say is that it's the baby steps for me.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Welcome to those who are new to the group! Dee has done a FANTASTIC job with this and is an amazing motivator! :D

    Thank you soooo much for saying this, but it is you guys that keep us going!!! You have been a great motivator for me and I appreciate that!! Than You & GOOD LUCK THIS WEEK!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Had a busy weekend, sorry for being MIA so much. I know that we all have another life. LOL In fact, I am dying my hair as I type. LOL

    There is some confusion on when the challenge week starts. My weeks go from Sunday to Saturday cus I have some OCD’s on my weeks. LOL BUT your week can start when it suites YOU!! Some do vary. No problems, we are all in it to win it!!

    Welcome!! Congrats on losing 46 pounds!! WOW!! Nice!! A plateau?? How long? That stinks. Have you tried eating more and less, alternating days? Do you eat couscous & polenta in replacing those grains?

    Two salads?? Good for you!!! Keep us posted how creative you get. Will that include like, Spinach Salad, Broccoli Salad, Cole Slaw, Cucumber and things like that?

    Welcome!! Good for you going for 300 minutes!! Good Luck!! Stop back for support.

    Welcome & Good luck!!

    Welcome & Good Luck!!

    Can’t say enough on what a Ray of Sunshine you are!! I really appreciate your positive outlook and willing to do anything!! PLUS so inspiring with that 7 pound weight loss this week!! Woooo Hoooooo & Cookin’ too!!

    I almost thought I wasn’t gonna make it this week. I counted my yard work in the challenge. Phewwwww!!

    Nope, you didn’t miss a thing!! WELCOME!! Let’s get started!!

    ........................More after I rince out my hair LOL:drinker:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    MAK, Laura, Crazyquilter, swimgirl, mytime, kymirah, kid1624, Kris, savvynurse, Dee(-67 pounds still amazes me)
    CONGRATS on making goals and returning again. Those small goals lead to the reaching the BIG ONE!! Yep!! You CAN do it!! Look at what you have already done!

    You are welcome, thanks for returning to us!! But, I am jealous of all the fun you had!!! Please tell us how you got all those beads!!

    Jimmy & Se9996a
    WELCOME & GOOD LUCK!! Not late at all!!
    Focus on the small prize to obtain the big one!! I agree that we are learning a healthy lifestyle for LIFE!! Not as overwhelming. Give yourself credit for what you CAN do!!

    Ohhhhhh I know all about baby steps! I am the original BIG BABY!! Stick with me!! LOL

    To everyone else that I mised, I apologize. Just know that I appreciate ALL OF YOU AND WISH YOU ALL GOOD HEALTH AND HEALTHY EATING & ACTIVITY!!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Wow, we have a LOT of newbies this week! I'm so excited to see all of the new faces and I can't wait to get to know you!! I'm Ang, and this is my favorite place on MFP.

    Welcome BACK to all of the returning participants too! We're going to have a great week here and make our goals and shout from the rooftops when we achieve them!
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