bummed after mall shopping

waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey. So I went to the mall with my sister today in a great mood. I have lost 7.5 lbs (went from 144 to 137) and wanted to fit into some new clothes.I first went to the mall and bought a skirt. Then I went to Old Navy cuz I have a coupon. I was disgusted when I put on my size 8 pants and barely fit. I WILL NOT TRY ON A 10) My sister who is younger told me that not many older people shop there but still... I FEEL GROSS. I then put on some cute tank tops and my bulge is splurting out. I am doing the best I can. I was partially paralyzed four years ago due to 3 brain surgeries. I am now working out 5-6 times a week for about 20-30 min on the ellyptical or bike. I also work out with our free personal trainer and do weights and abs...but I still feel gross.I am not able to burn like 500-1000 calories like you all do. I work out and do about 150-200 caloires and alot of sweating. I just want to lose my bulge and weights. I just need some supporting people to make me feel better......... please!


  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    You have to look at the positives, you have lost 7lb, thats not easy and trust me I would be happy dancing roung the shops if my weight was in the 130's :O
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    agreed, 7lbs gone for good is awesome work :happy:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Old Navy is guilty of vanity sizing. Their size numbers are BS! I Never Never shop there because their sizes are so wrong that it always depresses me.

    To heck with Old Navy, congrats on your losses, it's NOT you, it's THEM!!!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    hey im stil 30+lbs away from bein where u r lol chin up and dont give up :)

    best wishes
    Kirstie xx
  • Keep looking up the trick to losing any kind a bulge is weight training. You don't have to have to body of a Greek Goddess even people who do can name a million things they don't like about their body. You can do it be patient and stick with it. It's a slow tedious process. But we're all going through it with you.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You have done a great job. A clothing size is just a random number. Try on a 10 for now and in a month or two, try on the 8.
  • stucross1987
    stucross1987 Posts: 36 Member
    partialy paralised? still exercising?

    3 brain operations?

    you have overcome somethings alot bigger than weightloss dont let it beat you, you clearly have a fighting mentality!!!!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Old Navy is guilty of vanity sizing. Their size numbers are BS! I Never Never shop there because their sizes are so wrong that it always depresses me.

    To heck with Old Navy, congrats on your losses, it's NOT you, it's THEM!!!

  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you! I know Old Navy has bad sizes and that a 10 is not that bad. But I just hate that was the last place I went so I feel gross. I know that I have overcome odds that noone can understand. I just want my old body back.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Lately I've been hitting the gym on the weekends and burn 500 each time, but seriously, my usual weeknight work out is like 150-300 calories per work out.

    When I first started here, ALL I did was walk, so that was like 150-200 per work out and I was consistently losing. I don't want to make light of working out because I certainly think it's very important, but because MFP builds in a calorie deficit to your program, sticking to your calories is the biggest thing that will help you lose weight. Yes working out gets your body stronger and healthier, but since you should be eating the calories back anyway, the main part of losing weight on MFP is eating less and eating healthier. Do what you can, stick to your calories and the weight will come off. You've already had great success, you've just got to be patient.

    And PS, shopping for new clothes can make or break your day. Women's clothing is sized differently depending on what store you go to, so don't let that get you down!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    7lbs is great! But I know how you feel. I've lost 13lbs so far but don't really see improvement. I just got a dvd from JM called "no more trouble zones". I hope it works, I hate my stomach after having 3 kids
  • nameka
    nameka Posts: 1
    I have a similiar issue with clothes. Body type plays into how clothes fit also. So many stores cater to a little girls body. Look for a brand/store/style that is more forgiving.. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • hi there...although clothes are a great indication of weight loss remember you are working towards a goal and almost there. losing 7lbs is an achievement you should be proud of! don't lose focus, it take a little more weight coming off to notice changes in clothes and self. you can do it and will`~* s
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Old Navy is guilty of vanity sizing. Their size numbers are BS! I Never Never shop there because their sizes are so wrong that it always depresses me.

    To heck with Old Navy, congrats on your losses, it's NOT you, it's THEM!!!

    I agree, I've bought shirts from there that were 3XXX. Now come on, I am NOT a triple X. Target can be that way too, most other stores my pants are a size 12 but at Target my pants are between 16 and 18. Way to make you feel like crap, lol.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Old Navy pant sizes are all over the place. Next time you will fit in a size 4! Keep up the good work~
  • kstw
    kstw Posts: 52 Member
    For me, it takes a while for the actual size of my body to change as I lose weight. Losing inches is the best way to see how your overall body size is progressing. Also, you are at about 7lbs lost...as the weeks go by you'll continue to lose and soon those clothes will be fitting perfectly. I have lost 13 lbs and still haven't tried shopping for new clothes yet. I want to hit at least 20 lbs lost before I see how new clothes fit. I feel better, I eat healthier foods, I exercise more than I ever dreamed I'd consider and I know what I am doing is for my overall health...not just my size (although I am looking forward to those new smaller sizes).

    Don't worry...getting weight off is a work in progress and it takes time. I gained weight over a ten year time frame (once I was a petite 104 lbs) and I was averaging close to 10 lbs per year! What took me ten years to gain will take close to a year or better to take off. I've set mini-goals and as I achieve each I feel closer to my goal. Better health=better clothes I've found it is a slow process but I am seeing those numbers on the scale going down all the time! So will you!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    A few things-shopping always motivates me-I know weird. When I can't fit into stuff it makes me sad, but at the same time it makes me want it all the more.
    Second-Old Navy-hmph. So Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Gap are all the same owner. The difference is how many pieces they cut out. Banana is I think 5, Gap is like 15 and old navy is somewhere around 40 or something ridiculous like that. So they aren't always true to size. Like the top one may work, but as it goes down and the fabric is pulling it will make it smaller, so I wouldn't go too much on what old navy produces.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    we are all working hard, some of us may burn extra calories than you, but we also have more weight to lose.

    i know this journey can be frustrating and hard, but 7lbs is a great loss, and things dont happen overnight, stick at it,

    and remember, a lot of shops sizes differ, i range between four sizes, it doesn't mean your not doing great!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    Hey! I know how you feel. I have Spina Bifida and am confined to a wheelchair. I'm Paralyzed from the waist down. I can hardly do anything, I just do a lot of what I can do. Add me if you want!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    partialy paralised? still exercising?

    3 brain operations?

    you have overcome somethings alot bigger than weightloss dont let it beat you, you clearly have a fighting mentality!!!!

    Hells yeah! And besides that, I agree with the Old Navy being crazy sizing. In fact all brands are not reliable sizing, even within the same brand. Get that tape measure out and measure every month neck, chest, waist, hips, leg, upper arm, calf. Or whatever! Every pound and every 1/4 inch is hard work. It seems easy when other people do it, but it's not easy for anyone. Do not discount that you are working at it and having success!!

    What a very motivational thing it is to have you post and let us all see how hard you are working. You never know who is watching and being inspired. They may not say so, but you create ripples just by moving around in the world. You are rubbing off in a positive way to other people all the time, and that bounces from them to others. So there's another success. You are a positive influence in this tired world. Keep that up girl!
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