Hi!! Losing weight is SO HARD when you are over 40!!!



  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Keep experimenting until you find foods and activities that work for YOU. All I've ever needed to do for exercise in the past 3 years is walk, and I've gone from 215 down to 119 pounds. I walk a LOT - it works well for my lifestyle because I have dogs, love to hike, and need the long, slow, destressing activity of this nature. I do arm and ab exercises while walking. It's worked wonders on my body. I'm toned from head to toe and haven't needed anything else.

    As for foods, I've completely changed what I eat. Fast food rarely happens now and I don't miss it a bit. I've cut way back on saturated fats, added healthy fats, and vastly increased the fruit and vegetable content of my diet. I eat very simple foods most of the time and am perfectly happy with them. If I go out to a restaurant with family or coworkers I can eat whatever I want and not worry about it because it's only once in awhile - and usually I want something healthy anyway, lol.

    Some people enjoy going to the gym or working out to videos. That's great if you do. I can't stand it!!!! So if you find you don't enjoy those things keep searching until you find what you really like to do. In my experience the main difference for those of us who are older is that we usually have to work a bit harder at it than our younger selves did. But we also usually have more inner strength and know by now that it can take a lot of work to get where we want to be, but we can do it.
  • kjmosquito
    kjmosquito Posts: 15 Member
    Oh I hear ya girlfriend. I'm 52 - my husband actually threw my scale away because I get depressed if I don't loose. I use the Leslie Sansome walk away the lbs DVD, just purchased Kickboxing for dummies and I work out with my trainer twice a week for 30 minutes; it's about all I can afford.
    I just keep telling myself to set realistic goals. My husband and I walk; but we are also very social. You have to live - you can't stop just because a little weight gets in the way. 2-3 lbs a week is a good weight loss so it doesn't come back on.

    I stock my fridge with fresh fruit and vegetables - always! Those little cuties for kids - the oranges are great and only 40 calories!