Artificial Sweeteners and weight gain

Hey All,

I am wondering if I should go back to all water and no diet drinks / stuff with artifical sweeteners. Ever since I started adding some diet soda or powerade zero for variety purposes I have noticed a weight gain. Anyone have results like this or can offer their opinion on this?



  • schaney24
    schaney24 Posts: 11
    I don't know if the two are related either, but I feel like I have noticed that myself. Pepsi Max, Coke Zero, and even Sugar Free Red Bull or Low-Carb Monster are drinks I like to enjoy because they say there are limited or few calories. I seriously feel that there are calories in there cause I too sense a weight gain when drinking them. How can there be no calories? They are way too delicious.
  • Mahlissa
    Mahlissa Posts: 128

    Yes, three years ago, I had weight gain, 8 lbs or so. I was drinking ice coffees with Splenda, only 2 packs per day and some occassional diet soda. UGH> that little bit wreaked havoc on my body. My body reacted to it, insulin spikes, weight retention in my abs area.

    That stuff is evil. I don't use artificial sweetener at all now and have my occassional diet Dr. Pepper once or twice a month.

    My sister and brother in law drink way too much Propel water and my brother in law got diagnosed as being borderline diabetic and had to stop drinking it and now he's fine.

    Good luck, fresh water is best :) I actually like Dasani and Smart water. Great tasting.

    ( this is just my opinion and how my body handles artificial sweeteners, not to mention the awful migraines it caused.)
  • Buckwheat38
    personally i don't drink any of those but think about it, its all chemicals pretty much crap that you put in your body, you're better off with water. You want to add a little flavour to it, just squeeze lemon in the water, its awesome, that's what i do.

    Good luck
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    YES..........artificial sweeteners are bad for you...
  • Aps123
    Aps123 Posts: 71 Member
    i have been trying to give up diet soda and artificial sweetners just because i know its not good for me. i use alot of flavored water packets. but today i actually found a crystal light sweetner thats called "pure" and has no artificial sweetners. all natural. 15 cals per serving just add it to a bottle of water. its pretty good to fill those sweet cravings without the artificial flavoring and not too many calories.
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    It's probably the aspartame that's found in most diet or "calorie-free" drinks. If you want some variety, try Vitamin Water Zero: it's zero calories and it's sweetened with Truvia and fructose, though there's less than a gram of it. It's pretty good and there are a lot of different flavors.
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    My doctor and physical therapist both said NOT to drink diet sodas. There have been many studies that believe diet drinks can actually trigger your craving for more sugar. Diet drinks, like any other diet food is harder to digest and take longer to digest. A lot of diet drinks also have a LOT more sodium, which makes you retain water.

    I have always drank unsweetened ice tea and unsweetened coffee. I alternate those with my water intake each day. You might also want to try adding just a little fresh fruit juice to your water as a change. It will give you a hint of the fruit taste without all the calories. I like to add cranberry/pomegranate juice to my water. Just a few TBLS makes a real difference and the water doesn't seem so "heavy."
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    I believe the connection between the sugar subs and weight gain is indirect. Don't remember the study but it was pretty recently, that the problem with the sugar subs is that the user never breaks their craving for sweets and thus reverts back to their old ways resulting in the weight gain. When they completely give up the sugar and sugar subs they lost their desire for it, resulting in a more stable weight loss. That aside, you then have the whole "Are sugar subs safe debate".
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    I believe the connection between the sugar subs and weight gain is indirect. Don't remember the study but it was pretty recently, that the problem with the sugar subs is that the user never breaks their craving for sweets and thus reverts back to their old ways resulting in the weight gain. When they completely give up the sugar and sugar subs they lost their desire for it, resulting in a more stable weight loss. That aside, you then have the whole "Are sugar subs safe debate".

    Yes, that's what I've read too. It creates an "addiction" of sorts. I do indulge in a diet soda every once in a while, but I've been trying not to drink one every day like I used to. As I said, Vitamin Water Zero is a good way to bring some variety to your drinks!

    And of course, you worded it correctly -- it is a "debate." There has been no conclusive studies showing links between artificial sweeteners and health issues. Then again, that's just what I've found through my own internet research; I could be wrong.
  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    I have heard both things- it's terrible for weight loss and that Aspartame is FDA approved unless you drink A LOT! I have just reached the conclusion that, even though I like diet soda, I just can't risk it fighting me and making keep the weight I want to lose. It's a catch 22- You want to lose weight, so you drink diet stuff, which makes you gain weight. I think I will have a diet soda occasionally. Not every day like I have been. It's just not worth the risk. It's just a bunch of chemicals my body cannot digest. I will remember that. Stick with what is pure- unsweetened drinks and good old water- the building block of LIFE!!!! :wink: