Eating well on the road

I do a pretty good job sticking to my calorie, fat and sodium goals when I am home but I travel 3-4 days a week and have to eat out 3 times a day. I can usually hit my fat and calorie goals as long as I exercise but I'm always way over in my sodium. I buy fruit to snack on but the rest is eaten out or purchased at the grocery store and heated up in the microwave. I'm not a big salad fan and really can't stand to eat salads 4 days a week. Any suggestions on how to reduce my sodium and eat healthier while on the road?

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  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I struggle with this too. I travel several times a month for work and keeping my sodium in check is impossible. I generally stay at hotels that don't even have a microwave let alone a fridge. Salads get old fast.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    This is just me but...

    medjool dates for sweet fix.
    clementines - easy to peel and less mess.
    os trim - ostrich jerky/beef stick ... very low in sodium and high in protein.
    protein shake powder - with water... bring a funnel if you need one.


    a jar of sunbutter or peanut butter doesn't need refridgerated....
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    If you eat from a microwave, prepare your meals at home and carry in a cooler. Always ask for a hotel room with a fridge and microwave - you sometimes have to pay a little more, but your health is worth it.. If you can't bring from home and pre preare, get some healthy choice prepared meals. the right portions and usually way lower in sodium.

    If you eat out, ask for your foods broiled or grilled with no added salt. Then you can add your own to taste, and you always add less when after cooking. Ask for sauces, dressings, butters, all added stuff on the side - you can add the flavors without adding all the calories and sodium by diing your fork and getting a taste rather than a glob on each mouthful.

    Good Luck
  • dfleno
    dfleno Posts: 25 Member
    I am on the road a lot too, and it sucks to find food that is healthy and quick and can be eaten in a car! I do like salads, but salad from fast food places are no better sometimes than the burger in sodium and other stuff. Sometimes I bring a cooler bag with a sandwich from home and snacks, but other times I'm on the road with other people who want to stop and grab a bite to eat... Not only is it a meal, but it's part of my job in a way! I feel like that episode of Friends where Rachel's coworkers all worked everything out over a cigarette break but she missed it because she was inside. So....on those days, I just bump up the water and hope that it balances out the bad...
  • steph5565
    steph5565 Posts: 36
    I'm the same way - on the road 200 days a year (sounds like you may be in consulting too :smile: ). Anyhow, I always pack my own breakfasts for the week - I separate single servings of oats and put them in ziploc baggies with cinnamon. I'll add milk, water, fruit, or eat them raw depending on my schedule. For lunch I try to go to places that offer salads and ask for them with no dressing, cheeses, or meats. (I eat a lot of raw spinach). For dinner I like sushi places and get sashimi (easy on the soy sauce though). It's definitely tough to get low sodium, but restaurants are usually very accomodating when you ask for no salt or steamed veggies on the side. Drink lots of water (I've also heard green tea will counteract the sodium in some meals) and eat clean when you're home to balance.

    I also practice Bikram yoga to remove the toxins from my body on weekends - great for stress relief and you sweat a ton! Good luck and safe travels!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I would love to hear what others are finding to eat within calorie budgets when on the road!

    I forgot about sushi, it is great for staying within my calorie budget and very healthy too! I also have good luck with Greek and Middle Eastern places. I can usually find good options like stuffed grape leaves, grilled kebabs, etc. Peruvian chicken joints are good too, just take the skin off (no problem for me since I hate chicken skin!). I have been able to navigate Thai restaurants OK as well, as long as I stay away from the noodle dishes...I can't portion it out without wasting a lot of food if I have no fridge to store leftovers. Thai places usually have interesting salads and great soups- Tom Yum soup is easy on the calories. I try to stay away from hotel restaurants because they are overpriced with mediocre food for the most part, but when stuck eating there I can always find grilled chicken or other lower cal entrees.

    Unfortunately what I can eat is dependent on where I travel. For instance, my next trip is to Washington DC, where just about every cuisine is available to me. My last trip to Ohio was very tough...nothing but chain restaurants with nothing on the menu but salads to stay within goal. That's when it gets boring and tedious. I should also add that I am flying to these places so I can't bring any liquids with me.

    As for staying at a hotel with a fridge and microwave...that decision isn't up to me. My company books and pays for my stays. They tell me where I am going and it is usually a Hilton or Marriott type (and not the kind with kitchenettes) with no access to a fridge or microwave. I can't tell my company to book me somewhere else so I can eat better (I wish!). The bright side is there is always a nice fitness facility and usually a pool so getting exercise in isn't a problem!

    So far my plan has just been to drink more water than usual to counter the gross amounts of sodium.
  • readeramm
    readeramm Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. They are helpful. I didn't realize I could counteract some of the sodium with extra water - I can handle that.