SIXERS Spring into Action--Week 1



  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Only 9:50 am and it is already crazy busy at work when it is normally our slowest day of the week. Yikes!

    I am planning on going for my first hike of the year tomorrow since the weather is actually cooperating and it will be sunny with no snow or rain. Yay! It will still be a little chilly but I can handle that at least. Got lots of spring cleaning to do this weekend as well. DH has done an amazing job cleaning the house so far while he is on vacation but everything gets shoved in the basement and I have to sort through what we keep, trash, and donate. It is so nice not to be tripping over piles of clothes, books, toys and other stuff though.

    I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and take care,

    ~ Datenshi ~
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals!!

    Sorry it's taken me so long to check in! Been very busy at work! SO...

    Plan for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday...Slim in Six Ramp it Up! (50 minute workout)

    Have a great weekend gals!! Be back on Monday!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey gals!!!

    Happy Birthday Lauren!!! Hope you had a great birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I haven't checked in. Yesterday, I was really just worn out for some reason and didn't log all my food, so kinda feel quilty for that, but it's all good.

    Today was kinda a weird day. Took the day off from work. So, took kids to their bus stop this morning. Came home read for 30 minutes then decided I wanted to go back to sleep. Woke up to my cell ringing. Hubby asking if I had gotten called from the school, cause he had a missed call from them. Sure enough I had a lot of missed calls from them. Come to find out, my girls were in a bus accident on the way to school. Someone hit them T-bone style, but all the kids and driver were all right. So girls had all kinds of things to tell me when they came home today.

    Didn't eat that great either. Hubby and I had Cracker Barrel for breakfast and Chinese for dinner. Not good.

    Well, hope everyone has a great weekend. Gonna work in the yard this weekend. Night all.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Where is everyone?!? Ya'll must be out enjoying all the beautiful weather everywhere. I went out and mowed the yard today. Boy am I glad I don't have allergy problems. Cause that pollen and dust was all over the place.

    Well, it's time to sit in the house and relax a little. Might make sausage hoagies for dinner tonight.

    Later all!!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I got to go for my hike today and even though both kids fell into mud puddles we still had a good time. It is supposed to be even wamer tomorrow so I am going to try and get my butt out of bed early and go for a hike myself so I can go for a longer one. I love hiking with the kids but we have to keep them short since my son is only 6 and they tend to dawdle and look around at things. I am hoping if I go early enough I will get to see the deer that hang out where I go hiking.

    I hope you are all having a happy healthy weekend!

    Take care,
    ~ Datenshi ~
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    OMG! I just had the HARDEST time finding you all! :( That's what I get for being away so long. But It's harder to check in on the regular when I don't have internet access besides on my SLOW Blackberry!

    I have an update for all of you!

    I have MATCHED for residency and I'm going to have a job when I graduate!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! :-) All my hard work and it has finally paid off! :-D

    I also have been working out regularly, eating well, and hoping to see more weight loss! <3 you sixers!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 243.4 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 159.4 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 167.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 134.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 130.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 163.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I had a great weekend - hopefully you all did too!! I am feeling super motivated! I've been trying a little different of a diet to get my body going again - because I've been stuck in a rut for so long - and it's actually working! I'm excited for Tuesday's weigh-in... Haven't said that in a LOOOONG time!

    I'm training to walk a full marathon. It is scheduled for the first weekend in June. My friend and I also have 3 other 1/2 marathons we're doing this year. I don't even think they are that bad anymore! We had planned to run them, but really for us walking is just as good. We did a 15k a while back, running, and it was really boring! My stride is just faster than hers, so I didn't see her hardly at all the whole race. So we decided to walk it, and have more fun and good conversation. :)

    Hey everyone - I just want to tell you how much I appreciate all of you! I've never had a group like this one before, and I think it's really rare and really incredible. You are like, the constant in our lives. You are always here, you never judge if we don't show up for a couple weeks/months, and you always welcome us back with open arms. I've seen it so often, and I just wanted you to all know - YOU ARE GREAT! :flowerforyou: Thank you for being here, even when I'm not. You're the best!

    Hey Kristin - You have to tell me how the car ride went with Kadence! Was she irritable at all? Did she nap a lot? And what did you do to keep her entertained?

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning

    what a busy weekend for me. was looking forward to yesterday nothing was planned. NOT...had the girls saturday night, planted garden sunday, two trips to lowes, two trips to walmart. i thought oh, maybe today i would get a rest day. NOT...avon meeting at 11, a scentsy call to make at 1 for an order. i still have the house to clean and the laundry to do. and i really need some gas, or i am not making it anywhere. tomorrow is a scentsy workday. calls to make. the days are clear for rest of week. girls want to start hiking again. might plan that for saturday. shanell are they busy that day?

    i am heading to the gym in a few week 2 day 1 of c25k

  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Well... I'm a week late getting started again with you gals. I'm really hoping to get back on track again! I'll weigh in tomorrow and add my stats. I'm sure they are NOT pretty...

    I did start logging again today, so I'm going to try my hardest to keep up with that. The hard thing is that our computer is old and sits in one of our guest rooms. My husband and I spend most of our evenings in the family room, so getting on the computer takes time away from spending with him. Hoping to get a laptop really soon...
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    hey everyone,

    I've spent ages reading up on what everyones up to and now i come to write I cannot remember who's dne what!!

    Whoever is running the 5K with her daughter? that is so cool!! good luck! what a really special thing to do. will be so much fun running together.

    Chipper your C25K is going well? I will google this and start doing it myself I think. I ran a 5K last November and realyl enjoyed it. did it in 34 minutes (i dont know if thats really terrible or quite average?!) anyway i am going to start running again because i really ennjoy it when i get going.

    i've forgotten everything else! I'm on a bit of a dowener today so I'm gonna leave this post as it is and then check in tomorrow much brighter and happier!

    have a good day all xxxx
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Wow...I had a SUPER bad weekend! Friday night I went home, felt like poop...didn't exercise...woke up Saturday feeling crummy again...didn't exercise...woke up Sunday feeling horrible yet again...didn't exercise...but then felt a little better last night so took Kadence on a wagon walk....felt crappy once I got home....what a BUMMER! THEN...I stubbed my pinky toe SO hard last night I thought I broke it! Still in pain today and can barely walk on it!! Hoping it gets better quick, but I'm not sure what exercise will look like for tonight! Seems like FOREVER since I've had a good workout!!!! UGH!

    Oh well...plan for today:
    B-Honey Chex, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Kashi soft-baked cereal bar, banana
    L-FF Cottage cheese, brussel sprouts, light yogurt
    D-Turkey Meatloaf, baked red potato, green beans
    S-Strawberry Banana frozen yogurt


    Have a good day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    is it bedtime yet???? my past week is catching up to me fast.

    tomorrow it should start slowing down. i really do like being busy, it keeps me from eating. i just like breath time. having a nice chocolate coffee malt from hungry girl 70 cals.

    see you in the morning. i hope it's good for me.