Who set your goal weight?

I've been stuck at 149 for months now...I train for marathons and tris. I'm about 5'7 and 22% body fat. My goal weight for MFP is 135 (set by me). I am really ready to just stop and be (semi) happy where I am at. I would love at least 5-10 pds off but I dont know what else to cut out or do that would be a lifetime change..

Is there somewhere that determines what I should weigh?


  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    I set mine at 150, I am 5'6". I had gastric bypass 4 years ago and actually only got down to 175 when I got pregnant (at 38/39 years old!). I am now having a hard time getting rid of the 25 pounds I put on while pregnant to just put me back at 175! But would really ike to see 150 at some point.

    Honestly I don't know that it wil ever happen...my body may just naturally be more comfortable at a higher weight. Not to mention the extra skin I have from losing 200+ pounds to begin with will make up some difference.

    I don't want to tell you to "give up". But just realize with the working out that you do maybe your body is just more comfortable where it is at. Set a different goal maybe. Instead of making you goat about losing those last pounds. Set a goal to run a longer distance in a shorter time. Or doing more weight training.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I set it to be on the upper end of healthy for BMI. Upper end because I've got a large frame and muscular build. Even so, I know from my past that even maintaining that weight (or even reaching it) will be a big challenge.
    When I get closer I might readjust to be happy with the lowest end of the "overweight" BMI category.
  • Beachbean77
    Beachbean77 Posts: 83 Member
    How long ago didyou set your goal weight? Is it from a time of being much younger? Over time your body changes and just won't be natural at the weight you were say back at age 21, especially if you'r over 30 and have had kids. The lightest I ever was is 130 and thats before kids when I was 21. I know if I was that weight now that I'm 33 or whatever that it just wouldn't be healthy for me. So I set my goal at 150. I'd be happy with 160 but would just like to get down to those numbers somewhere. I'm also not a stickler for 150 exactly. If I just lose enough weight to make me feel comfortable I will be happy... no matter what number is on the scale. But everyone is different.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    CHeck out this thread. It has tons of information relating to your situation (and mine). It is long though, about 18 pages worth but well worth the read. Best thread ever on this forum that I have seen. To sum it up IF you really want to lose the pounds you may need to cut back cardio and focus on strength training but for a runner it might not be worth giving up all your cardio.

  • lovinmykiddos
    I'm sort of where you are now. I started my diet January 1st at 162 pounds, I'm down to140 now but I still feel like I need to lose like 10-15 more pounds even though my goal is 135. I still have fat thighs and the stubborn belly fat.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i set mine to be on the lower end of healthy weight
    Im 5ft 6 and i want to be about 120lb
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I have a medium frame, so I've set it somewhere towards the upper end of my healthy weight (which is about -10 lbs.). I figure once I get there, I'll see how I feel and if I should try to keep going. I used to be 135 lbs at my thinnest, which is -17 lbs from where I am now and I was very comfortable with that weight, so I know I can get there without a problem. But I don't really focus so much on weight as I do on feeling in shape and wearing my clothes comfortably.

    FYI, my mother, almost 60 and having had 2 kids, is 5'1" and 124 lbs. She looks amazing. So, there's hope for everyone!