What I've learned from MFP

Since being on this site I've now lost nearly 30lbs since January and its taught me so much.
I've tried every weightloss program under the sun, slimming world, weight watchers, slim fast, atkins etc etc. Ive lost weight on all of them the put it all back on and then some.
No one ever explained the simplicity of weightloss i.e roughly 3500 calorie defecit =1lb weight loss.
I dont believe in the "free foods" slimming word promote anymore, they all have calories.
I know I have to resistance work in the gym to help my metabolism.
I know processed food has a hell of a lot of calories
I know how to keep focused by reading the forums and logging all my good and bad days.
But best of all this time I know I'll be able to get to my goal (still along way off) and stay there.
These forums are great source of knowledge and ideas and I cant tell you how helpful they've been so far


  • Itsmetimi
    Itsmetimi Posts: 8 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Ditto to what you said!!

    I'd like to add that I now know that too much sodium intake also hampers weight loss. I've lost over 30lbs too - by comitting to some sort of daily exercise and portion control, counting calories & watching the sodium - which has also greatly reduced my blood pressure!!!
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    Well said! Good luck with the rest of your journey!