
Hi everybody!

I’m curious today….just wondering if you reward yourselves when you reach your weight goals? If so, what do you reward yourself with?

Essentially, I am trying to justify purchasing a rather pricey pair of sunglasses once I reach my goal weight. :tongue:


  • popsicle33
    popsicle33 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey, they don't add calories do they?

    I say go for it because every time you see yourself in a mirror wearing those glasses they will be a reminder of your amazing journey.
  • allie_00
    allie_00 Posts: 73
    I get some awesome Lululemon workout gear :) It works well because then I get even more motivation to workout, which leads to more loss and more gear. Lol.
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    Yep go for it! I can't buy pricey sunglasses because I always lose or break them :(
  • Patecakers
    absolutely!!!! Rewarding yourself is definitely a good thing when you reach your goals....I plan on getting a massage every 15 pounds I lose!!
  • Renise01
    Renise01 Posts: 39 Member
    I totally agree with Pops! I generally do small rewards that lead up to bigger ones :) EX - once I reach 10 lbs I'll treat myself to a spa pedicure! At 20 it'll be a mani/pedi with massage! At goal - approx 30lbs Shopping Spree!! Do what makes you happy and those sunglasses will be a fab reminder of your hard wark!
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    Go for it! Think of all the money you are saving on junk food (and, in my case, alcohol) LOL I plan on several mini-rewards along the way, in addition to a fabulous shopping spree at the end! Enjoy!
  • ItsAsha
    ItsAsha Posts: 78
    Yesssss! Thank you for your responses!
    Now I don't feel so guilty :0)

    Much luck on your weight loss goals!!