Finding the Time

So i've been working out 4 days a week for almost two months now, but this week hit me really hard between two jobs that i'm working and trying to find time to work out and sleep.. so I was only able to go 3 times. I feel really bad about this given that i'm trying to kick it up to 5 times a week because i've heard thats when you really start to burn the most. Some days i'm just so fatigued from everything but I push myself to go anyways then feel good after, and other days ( like this week ) i'm falling asleep on the subway coming come and I know its just not going to happen. How do you all find the time/ fit it in, i'm trying to stay positive about it but its difficult when I feel like i'm failing myself by not going at least 4 times... any help?


  • MeganMac17
    MeganMac17 Posts: 90 Member
    Can you break up your exercise? I wish I could remember where I read this, but I read that if you do 30 minutes a day, it's beneficial even if it's broken up into three 10-minute sessions. If you can leave work at your lunch break, take a 10 minute walk!
  • Shelty64
    Shelty64 Posts: 18
    Yeah, I agree. Break it up into 10 minutes 3 times a day. Or skip exercise. As long as you are only eating 1,200 calories a day, you will still lose weight, without the exercise. Listen to your body! Rest is JUST AS important as exercise.
  • silhouetted25
    Thanks for the tips! I do a good amount of walking as I live in nyc so even just walking to the train in the morning is good ...but also have to remember to tell myself that exact phrase that "rest is just as important".