Infertiles losing weight



  • I am totally in for support group! I have PCOS as well and me and the hubby have been TTC for 3 years. I just had an exploratory lap done and my tubes are clear so hopefully if we can get the hubbys count up we can do our first IUI soon. I am on my 2nd infertility doc. I have tried clomid and it did nothing. I was put on Femera with my new doc and it seems to be working to make me ovulate. I also take 1000mg of metformin. Heres to our 2011 miracles ladies!!
  • GOjoy
    GOjoy Posts: 3
    I would like to join. My husband and I have been TTC for five years now. I need a support group. This is very difficult to go through. I want to continue research, testing and move on to treatments in 2011.
  • Hi everyone I think a group is a great idea. Myself and my partner have been TTC for almost 3 years now. We were referred to our local fertility clinic and this month was our 7th month on Norethisterone (to induce AF) and 100mg of Clomid. We did get pregnant back in July but m/c at around 8 weeks. Everytime I see the consultant she asks if ive lost weight, I just find it so hard to lose anything but have started with a new determination... i lost 5kg last year but after the m/c i went back to comfort eating and pretty much put it all back on :(
    we've been looking into egg sharing/ivf and if we decide to go ahead I will have to really focus on reducing my bMI to the required levels for the clinic to proceed with the treatment. So no pressure then... :)
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