Coffee before workout....

tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I've read mixed reviews on this.

I tried it yesterday and had a boast of energy throughout my work out. Afterward I felt fine. I would like to try it again today, but want to ensure it's not harmful. Any opinions?


  • gavin03
    gavin03 Posts: 39
    That is all I have before my workout. Have no trouble with it. I workout at 4:30 in the morning so That is way to early to eat anything. So coffee works for me.
  • bigmang
    bigmang Posts: 27
    I know that warm drinks before running can bring on bowel movements....
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I love it!!! I think its the best way to get good energy. Its not like you're slamming them down one after the other. I usually do an espresso shot. :)
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I hope it's not harmful! I need my coffee before my workout ( or anything else for that matter :drinker: )
  • MindyC7609
    MindyC7609 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll do at least one cup of coffee, sometimes two, before a race, a long run or a regular morning workout (i.e. elliptical). I do 8 oz of pure juice before a very early morning (4:30 a.m.) training run. Many energy gels have caffeine in them. I think it's a matter of personal preference and how your body responds to caffeine. I'm a self-described caffeine addict, but I do MOST of my caffeine intake after my workouts.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    One cup of regular coffee before your workout isn't going to be harmful to you at all. I do it quite a bit because my husband and I generally workout late afternoon when I am starting to crash. A cup of coffee gives me just enough of a boost to get to the gym and the adrenlain rush I get from working out keeps me going while I am there. Win-win for me.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I always have a cup before my workouts too and i kick butt w/ the energy I get from it! Afterwards I maqke sure to chug down water so I don't get extra dehydrated from the coffee and workout-I think as long as u chug down water your fine
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    I personally try to avoid it. Yes, it wakes you up a bit, BUT overall it takes away from the hydration (water) your body needs when you work out.

    Also, if you don't have enough food in the tummy to make your body happy, the coffee can also give ya the shakes or random stomach pain.

    Best of luck to ya!!
  • prinzar
    prinzar Posts: 2 Member
    I always have a high caffeine drink before a workout. It boosts the metabolism and gives a great focus on what you're doing
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I was worried about the dehydration effect coffee has on the body, plus I sweat like a man (no offense men) :happy: .

    I normally drink about 9 (16.9 oz) bottles of water a day.

    I'm going to give it a shot this evening. :drinker:
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    nope, I believe there have been studies that show some coffee before a workout can be beneficial because you DO get that shot of energy to work out a bit longer and/or harder! I almost always slam a cup before a workout, but I'm a coffee addict. Everything in moderation. =)
  • I've heard that Coffee makes you dehydrated.. I drink a cup before I do anything in the morning and feel perfectly fine. Just make sure to drink plenty of water during your work out.
  • I'm a big fan of the energy boost that a pre-work out cup of the good stuff gives me. To those who say that it dehydrates you, drink water through your workout and you'll be fine! I drink constantly while lifting weights. If I'm doing cardio, I also drink as I go (though not as much). Before I have a cup of coffee, I always start my day with 2 cups of water so I am always pre-hydrated. I know then that coffee isn't going to dehydrate me at all. The water contained in the coffee is still water and does provide hydration. The caffeine is the diuretic. 1 cup of coffee isn't going to wipe your body out from a hydration standpoint.

    I have yet to see a negative issue in myself from a pre-workout coffee. From a medical standpoint, the only concern would be if there are pre-existing cardiac conditions or risk factors, to be careful of not sending your heart rate too high. Caffeine also increases blood pressure, as does vigorous exercise so that is another factor to be aware of.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I ALWAYS have a cup or two before exercising.

    Here is just one of many, many respected sites on how coffee does NOT dehydrate most people:

    Enjoy your cup of coffee--it is not hurting you at all!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i only drink coffee black, and it def keeps my energy up
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I do the same.. up at 5:15, cup of coffee, at the gym by 6... never had a problem. I do make sure I drink water during my workout and eat something ASAP once I'm done.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I ALWAYS have a cup or two before exercising.

    Here is just one of many, many respected sites on how coffee does NOT dehydrate most people:

    Enjoy your cup of coffee--it is not hurting you at all!

    Thanks for this read!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    C'mon guys! It's the only vice I've got left!! :laugh: I LOVE my coffee!!!
  • I have a coffee and something with fiber or protein with it about an hour before I work out. I read in one of my Parenting magazines last year that coffee was a good way to get a bit of energy for your workout as long as there is time for it to settle in your tummy first :) I actually thought this was all in my head until one day I got on the treadmill w/o having coffee (I wasn't aware I forgot the coffee, just a hectic morning that day) and boy did I drag. After wards when I saw the coffee still the pot I figured there had to be some truth to the energy boost! haha. I also do like others and make sure I drink plenty of water - at least 2 glasses- directly after my workout to rehydrate.
  • Eloisa79
    Eloisa79 Posts: 1
    I would love to try it but coffee always seems to give me a headache within 30 mins of drinking it. :sad:
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