Ready to get my body back!

kerridactyl Posts: 9 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I'm Kerri, and I am getting ready to graduate college in May and marry my best friend in September! Whew, what a wild year I have ahead of me!
I joined this with the encouragement of one of my best friends and bridesmaids. I know I am definitely overweight for my age and height, which can do a lot to a woman's confidence. I want to lose weight so I can feel a million dollars in my wedding dress, enjoy an active lifestyle with my future husband, and be a really interactive mother for my future children.

My biggest kryptonite is maintaining faith in myself when I lose the will to exercise. My biggest strength is (officially!) MyFitnessPal.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to sharing my journey to a better life with you all! God bless and never give up! :D


  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Hi Kerri! Welcome! I think you'll find the people on my fitness pal to be very supportive and helpful. Glad to have you with us!
  • Sherry41
    Sherry41 Posts: 10
    Welcome Kerri
    Good Luck, you can do it!! :-)
  • shan2bthin
    shan2bthin Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome! You can do it and when you feel your motivation slacking just go for a's still exercise!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome. You will get plenty of support and encouragement on this site.
  • bluedecor
    bluedecor Posts: 28
    Kerri, welcome!

    Your goal is something you CAN achieve by your wedding! Hang in there. The scale may not show a lot of progress, but if you feel your clothes getting loser, you are headed in the right direction. Your body composition will change as you replace fat with muscle. Then, your metabolism will speed up and you will be on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Every day is a new day, don' t give up!
  • Hi, I'm Sarah. I just started this 3 days ago...I lost a ton of weight last year and recently hurt my back because I fell. I am back up 15 pounds... :( with the help of this and a friend on here I'm hopeing to get my goal weight which is 140!! Good luck to all of you...I haven't been near my goal weight in years I still have about 50lbs to lose.
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    You've come to the right place. I love it here. You have great goals and we're all here to help you if you get stuck along the way. Welcome aboard!
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