Help! I want to go out to eat, but everything has insane cal

Hey everyone! My fiance and I plus all of my friends love to go out to eat. Who doesn't? The problem is that while I don't mind eating salmon and steamed vegetables over and over, I'm wondering if there any items at mainstream restaurants that have a reasonable amount of calories and are different. I am a major foodie and love to cook, so I need variety which is ultimately what I'm after. I LOVE seafood, steak, chicken, Mexican, Italian, fast food (teehee), Chinese, comfort food and everything else in between. Like I said, I don't mind eating healthy and already have given up sweet tea, one of my go to staples. I just want a little freedom and being diet conscious is hard as sometimes the calories are difficult to find before the waitress comes. Tips would be awesome!!! Thanks!


  • TheMrsFitnessGeek
    TheMrsFitnessGeek Posts: 89 Member
    Plan, plan, plan. That is the best advice I have ever received. I go online and check the nutritional value of every restaurant I might go to and have my go to meals.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Applebee's has a menu for like 600 calories and below (something like that) I really don't eat out much. So when I do, I normally just eat whatever and workout extra hard.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    applebee's has a great 550 calorie menu with steak, seafood, and a few other options on it! I had the steak and it was delicious!!
    I'm sure that other people will mention that it is high in sodium, but if you are looking for a nice night out with friends that won't blow your calories, its a pretty good option...
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    hi! one fantastic resource i found is

    you enter your zip code and you can see all the healthy offerings near you. this website is still expanding the number of participating restaurants, but there already many including one of my all time faves, red lobster! :) hope this site will be helpful for you!
  • frap12
    frap12 Posts: 6 Member
    I do not have a recommendation for a specific restaurant but I know that most large chains now post the caloric values of their main dishes online. I would start there and plan out my meal before even getting to the restaurant. This way you can make informed smart choices. It will allow you to adjust the rest of your day to allow for the extra calories you might eat at dinner. Best of luck.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I use an ap on my phone called calorie counter by fatsecret. They list restaurants and the calories (and other nutritional values) in food at restaurants, supermarkets, etc and even have a barcode scanner if you have the ability on your phone to scan..I can go to any restaurant other people want to go to and I just pull up that restaurant and pick from my phone what to order..very handy for me.
  • midwesthiker
    When I know I am going out for dinner I try to eat very light throughout the day and make sure I get a good workout in. That way I have the calories left so that I can eat something tasty. Then I box half of it up - or split it with my husband.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I agree with the others. Applebees menu for under 550 calories is delish! I had the dijon chicken just a couple of nights ago. Yummm. IHOP also has a lot of "simple&fit" menu items that are fabulous! I love the omelet with the oven roasted tomatoes on top! Most restaurants have their menus and nutrition info on their website. Check them out beforehand and plan ahead. I haven't eat at a restaurant that doesn't have nutritoin info posted in ages. Get a calorieking ( small book and carry it with you. Check their website, too from your phone if you can while you are out. I have found healthy options at chipotle as well. I get the burrito bowl and plan ahead on what I want to put into it. This will involve some research on your part, but in the end, you will be so glad you did! Have fun and bon appetit! :drinker:
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    The margarita chicken from Chilis is pretty good. While you will find the menu items with reduced calories, everything is loaded with sodium, so drink lots of water!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Outback - I think it's the Sirloin - small - and steamed broccoli - you can order one or both without butter sauce - Last time we went, we had steak (the Outback Special) cooked normal, had steamed broccoli minus butter, caesar salad, minus croutons and unsweet tea. Can't swear to it, but I know I had saved 600-700 calories for that night and stayed within my calories... Also, their website lets you customize the meal to see what your intake would be.

    As someone else mentioned - pre-planning when going out is very helpful!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I would definitely recommend checking cals online beforehand.

    As for specific recommendations--there's this delicious Margareta grilled chicken (with rice and beans) at Chili's. It's one of their lower-cal options (I think about 530 or so for the whole plate). I definitely recommend it! it's so good, and filling!

    Also, whenever I go out, I immediately box up half of my food when I get it (or separate it in two so that I only eat half). That way, even if my entire plate is 1000 cals (not uncommon in restaurants, I think), I still only get 500 of it. And then you've got lunch for the next couple days!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Plan ahead. Get your exercise in for the day. Ask for a to go box when your meal comes and take half off your plate. Look to see if the restaurant has nutritional information of online. But you need to treat yourself here and there. The other big thing to remember is the sodium amount is crazy when you eat out. So make sure you are getting your water in. Allow yourself to eat out twice or once a month and try not to do it just before weigh in day if there is a certain day you weigh in that way you are giving yourself the week to work it off.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i ALWAYS eat get whatever i want, but i split it in half and take part of it home. :) we eat out once or twice a week.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Most mainstream restaurants are required to have nutrition facts either on hand or on their website. Smaller 'mom and pop' places may not, but the main chain type places should have that available for you. I agree with tulip528, planning ahead is going to be so important! If you know you're planning a night out, look up calories ahead of time, and figure if you have enough left for a dinner out, or if you need to do 30 mins on the treadmill (or whatever). I went out to lunch with my hubby and his best bud the other day, went to a little diner place, had a burger, fries, even a milkshake. Came home, logged my cals and went into the red... I worked out extra long and pushed extra hard to work off that milkshake (which was about 600 cals btw!!). You CAN eat out without guilt. You simply have to put in a bit of extra work. That's what I've decided for myself... you want that piece of cake? Ok... go put Jillian in and work for it! Makes you think twice about what goes in your mouth, but sometimes, it's worth it! :)
  • CatchThatKitten
    Red Robin has a really easy to use feature on their website that lets you plan your ENTIRE meal! Everything down to the lettuce on your burger.
  • jwstew007
    jwstew007 Posts: 67
    "Victory Loves Preparation"

    Outback & Panda express offer great calorie calculators on their websites.

    Another great choice is a sushi bar, California and avocado are great low-cal rolls
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    When I eat out, my best odds for staying in my calories are any combination of the following:

    1. Plan ahead, look up the restaurant, look up entries here for the kinds of food I might have, etc.

    2. Order basics. Grilled chicken or fish, salad w/fat-free dressing, veggies instead of starches, broth-based soups, etc.

    3. Order what I would if I wasn't trying to lose weight, but only eat 1/3 to 1/2 of it. Ask for the rest to be wrapped up to go before they even bring it to me. If it's on my plate and I'm just waiting for the server to take it away, I tend to nibble, which gets me in trouble.

    4. Exercise more that day, so I have more calories available to eat.