
Hi, I'm new. My name is Janet. I'm trying to watch fat grams and cholesterol more that anything. I'm trying to eat healthier. I've had several heart attacks and two open heart surgeries. I have two veins that are still open and I'm trying to keep them that way. Its really hard. So many of the foods I used to eat, I don't eat at all anymore. I have lost 31 pounds so far. I would kill for a bacon cheese burger. :tongue:


  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, great to have you, welcome. I watch my fat grams and cholesterol too. Having my lipids tested tomorrow, so I will let you know how the diet helps out.
  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi - You've made a good move to join the folk here at MFP. Look forward to your hamburger or whatever - get your calorie intake correct and who knows - you may be able to have a smaller helping than usual - good luck with the weight loss....:-)
  • teddyann
    teddyann Posts: 60 Member
    Welcome aboard! Glad you are here! :wink:
    Don't eat the bacon cheeseburger! :)
  • essentialme
    Thanks for the welcome.
  • want2write2
    Hi there, the whole experience of being over weight is new to me and I think sometimes I'm in a bit of denial. I don't let my spouse know how much I weigh and change the subject if it comes up with family. My children and friends are always saying... you are not fat, you're so beautiful, stop it; but I know differently. See I used to be so small until about 10 years ago I was 102 - 110 and had been all my life. I'm going to be 49 this year and I'm depressed about it. I don't think that I'll go to my 30 year reunion because of the embarrassment. Anyway, in the last 2 years I've also found out that my thyroid isn't working. To top it off because I"m over weight I'm tired all the time so I don't have the energy to work out. All of this sound silly but I don't talk to anyone about this, these are my inner feelings. I have been more cognizant of what I take in, calories, portions, etc... today I got on the treadmill for a short walk. I need to get motivated and serious, and stop making excuses. I now weight about 173 and I hate it. I hate shopping for clothes because I want to buy something cute. I hate monitoring what I eat, and I hate looking in the mirror. I'm just gabbing so my apologies for being so selfish. I just needed to get it out I guess. I'm going to do everything I can to document this every day so, in the mean time thank you for listening.
  • essentialme
    2want2write: your story sounds a lot like mine. I too weighed about 120 until I hit 49. by the time I was 50 I weighed 180. I understand how you feel. Its not silly. I never told anybody how much I weighed. About the reunion, you would probably be surprised at how many of them have gained weight! I think too that thyroid problems only makes things worse. I hope that being on here will help a lot! Take little steps...one day at a time. If you don't do so well one day try to do better the next day. You can do it!! I know that counting fat grams and calories isn't easy but hopefully MFP will help.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    welcome Janet - I'm sure you will love this site...such a lot of support and having to log the food and exercise really makes you accountable. No one judges - we all try to help so good luck with your journey.