Healthy Gorcery List Please...



  • Gmnidrm
    Gmnidrm Posts: 7
    Very nice list for anyone who is getting started to a healthier way of eating. Along with that I would like to add to the list. Coconut oil which can be found in health food stores. I use this more than olive oil for cooking.
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    I will have to check out some of these sites too thanks. Always looking for more info and healthy alternatives to what I currently make
  • jessmichaels22
    I am the same way, if I know that I have a choice between chocolate and an apple well, we both know where that goes... I am a big fan of fruit so here are some different ways to make a few healthy snacks:

    1cup of cut up strawberries
    1 banana
    1.5 cups of milk

    **blend for 1 minute in the blender makes for a really great smoothie.. you can also replace the milk with fat free vanilla yogart**

    after I have done my work out for the day and am sitting at home by myself, the kitchen never seems to far from my mind so I puposely make sure that I dont have any chips or unhealthy munchy food in the house so what I do is take 2 cups of grapes throw them in a bowl and sit and watch a movie, this way I am satisfying my hunger craving and keeping my mind out of the kitchen.

    Try making a fruit salad:

    **cut them all up and throw them in a bowl, and when your done and ready to eat some I usually measure out between 1 and 2 cups at a time then put the rest in the fridge for another day.**

    I hope this helps a bit!!!
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    I went grocery shopping yesterday and the following was on my list. I've added notes in addition for your dining/snacking ideas!

    skim milk
    cheddar cheese
    plain yogurt (I mix with frozen mixed berries. By the time I get to work, the berries are thawed - good morning snack!)
    frozen salad shrimp (I mix with fresh pico de gallo and fresh lime juice to create a shrimp cerviche. I eat with whole grain crackers. This is a MEAL!)

    heart healthy bisquick (I'm making impossible cheeseburger pie tonight for the family with this)
    chocolate ovaltine (I sprinkle ovaltine in my banana/milk/peanut butter smoothies)
    canned black beans (eat on salads with shredded chicken, salsa, tiny amount of ranch dressing for a southwestern type salad)
    refried beans

    celery (blend into berry smoothies - you can't taste it, but you get a full serving of vegetables!)
    strawberries (afternoon snack)
    red leaf lettuce
    canteloupe (snacking)
    grapes (snacking)
    green onions (ALWAYS on my green salads)
    white potatoes (roasted with garlic salt and paprika for dinner)
    snap peas (eat with ranch for an afternoon snack)

    The shrimp cerviche sounds really good. Do you make the pico de gallo? If so, can you give the recipe?