Get to know your fitness pal friends



  • dantell13
    Name: David
    Starting Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 209
    Goal Weight: 185
    Favorite thing about dieting: CANNOT THINK OF ONE FAVORITE THING
    Worst thing about dieting: NO CAKES OR ICE CREAM
    Favorite diet food: BOCA SOY BURGER
    Favorite thing about exercise: FEELING THE SWEAT AND ACCOMPLISHMENT
    Worst thing about exercise: SORENESS
    Favorite exercise: LIFTING WIEGHTS ON TRICEP DAY
    Most important thing about losing weight: LIVING LONG FOR MY KIDS AND HAVING ENERGY
    What made you decide to lose weight: HEALTH REASONS
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: PATIENCE. RELAX AND DO WHAT YOUR ARE SUPPOSED TO.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Name: Marla

    Starting Weight: 205

    Current Weight: 177

    Goal Weight: 145

    Favorite thing about dieting: Being in control of SOMETHING in an otherwise out of control life.

    Worst thing about dieting: Nothing anymore-- withdrawal from sweets is gone-- life is good.

    Favorite diet food: Don't eat diet food-- just less of "real" food.

    Favorite thing about exercise: the instant results.

    Worst thing about exercise: nothing-- I love it, when I have the time.

    Favorite exercise: running. Overcoming the "I can't"

    Most important thing about losing weight: looking and feeling better-- not making excuses anymore.

    What made you decide to lose weight: seeing a woman on TV who'd lost 150 pounds-- if she can, so can I--

    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Do or do not-- there is no try. We got ourselves into this mess, now let's get ourselves out!!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Name: Kim
    Starting Weight: 157
    Current Weight: 129
    Goal Weight: It was originally 135, but I guess my happy place is 129
    Favorite thing about dieting: Ummm....I'll come back to this :)
    Worst thing about dieting: Nothing...everything in moderation
    Favorite diet food: frozen yogurt
    Favorite thing about exercise: feel stronger
    Worst thing about exercise: trying to fit it in the day
    Favorite exercise: yoga
    Most important thing about losing weight: making myself healthier/stronger
    What made you decide to lose weight: had enough of feeling cruddy about shopping and my clothes
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Be accountable....write down everything you eat....if you are diligent the weight will come off

  • sunshine_girl
    Name: Becca
    Starting Weight: 215
    Current Weight: 190
    Goal Weight:160
    Favorite thing about dieting: I don't feel like i am dieting most days, but I guess the best thing is knowing i am learning how to be a good role model for future children
    Worst thing about dieting: feeling restricted when going out with friends
    Favorite diet food: lean cuisines?? IDK i kind of just eat what i want in smaller portions
    Favorite thing about exercise: kills time
    Worst thing about exercise: takes time
    Favorite exercise: walking or staionary biking situps
    Most important thing about losing weight: 1 word: CLOTHES :P (also getting healthy before TTC)
    What made you decide to lose weight: wanting to start a family and realizing i was gaining weight like crazy
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Don't tell yourself you can't eat certain things. Eat what you want, within moderation and try to incorporate more water, fruits and vegetables.
  • JohnnyP
    JohnnyP Posts: 26
    Name: John
    Starting Weight: 190+ :wink:
    Current Weight: 183
    Goal Weight: 155-160
    Favorite thing about dieting: Eating like I should! :bigsmile:
    Worst thing about dieting: Saying "no thank you" to dessert! :grumble:
    Favorite diet food: My Sausage (turkey), Egg (Whites only), and cheese (fat free slice) on a whole wheat english muffin breakfast sandwich. :tongue:
    Favorite thing about exercise: Increased energy and it adds to my caloric intake. :laugh:
    Worst thing about exercise: Missing a session
    Favorite exercise: Stairmaster aka The Gauntlet!
    Most important thing about losing weight: My health, reduced weight, reduced blood pressure, reduced cholesterol...
    What made you decide to lose weight: A photo of myself with my dad (300+) and uncle (300+)...a vision of my possible future unless I did something about it.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Do it for yourself :flowerforyou: take it one day at a time :drinker: and NEVER SURRENDER!!

    Created by - Free Diet Journal
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Name: Marianne
    Starting Weight: 196
    Current Weight: 162
    Goal Weight: 110

    Favorite thing about dieting:
    I wouldn't call this a "diet" just a healthier way of eating. It's FUN discovering new foods that are not just heathier choices, but are also delicious!

    Worst thing about dieting:
    Having to be patient.

    Favorite diet food:
    Hmmm...too many to choose from, but since I'm eating it right now...Lauging Cow cheese and a pickle (I know the combo sounds weirhd and no, I'm not pregnant) :laugh:

    Favorite thing about exercise:
    The feeling I have walking out of the gym, with more energy and knowing that I've done something wonderful for ME! Oh, oh...And the feeling of the nerves in my thighs twitching - reminds me that my body is awesome machine!

    Worst thing about exercise:
    I get bored easily.

    Favorite exercise:
    I have a love/hate relationship with the elliptical. I also love strength training.

    Most important thing about losing weight:
    Knowing that I'm healthier than my parents were at my age. And clothes...lots of clothes!

    What made you decide to lose weight:
    Seeing how much I weighed in at the scale the last time I was at the doctor's office. Totally embarrassing!

    Best advice you can give about losing weight:
    Be patient and never give up on yourself.
  • monica5237
    Name: Monica
    Starting Weight: 236
    Current Weight: 199
    Goal Weight: 165
    Favorite thing about dieting: I know i will look great soon
    Worst thing about dieting: can't have my favorite sweets as much as i want them:blushing:
    Favorite diet food: Boca burgers
    Favorite thing about exercise: Walking in the fresh air
    Worst thing about exercise: gets me hot and sweaty and i hurt sometimes the next day
    Favorite exercise: walking
    Most important thing about losing weight: health
    What made you decide to lose weight: I have been single too long :wink:
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: stick to it and dedicate yourself don't give in to temptation

    Fill it out and we all can get to know one another
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Name: Amy
    Starting Weight: 216
    Current Weight: 197
    Goal Weight: 180 for now, but probably more like 140
    Favorite thing about dieting: seeing results
    Worst thing about dieting: feeling trapped
    Favorite diet food: Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, or my homemade chicken shawarma sandwhiches that are pretty low cal
    Favorite thing about exercise: being outside and feeling fabulous afterward
    Worst thing about exercise: making myself do it, and being all sweaty after
    Favorite exercise: walking or riding my bike, tennis too
    Most important thing about losing weight: being healthy and feeling great
    What made you decide to lose weight: I hated the way I looked and all of my clothes were getting tighter
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: never give up
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Name: Gabrielle
    Starting Weight: 144
    Current Weight: 136.2
    Goal Weight: 125
    Favorite thing about dieting: Eating clean keeps my GI tract happy
    Worst thing about dieting: Sometimes I see something REALLY yummy that I can't have because it's a DQ Pumpkin Pie Blizzard with a hundred million calories :sad:
    Favorite diet food: fat free milk
    Favorite thing about exercise: doing it
    Worst thing about exercise: not doing it
    Favorite exercise: I have to pick ONE!? :noway:
    Most important thing about losing weight: Learning how cool your body is and the way it works
    What made you decide to lose weight: You can't help others if you don't help yourself!
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Learn how the body works, and this stuff becomes easy!
  • stacystar
    stacystar Posts: 175 Member
    Name: Stacy
    Starting Weight: 237
    Current Weight: 226
    Goal Weight: 10% less is my first goal-- Ultimiate Goal 145
    Favorite thing about dieting: My mother-in-law asking if I've lost weight (jk) the way I feel
    Worst thing about dieting: Hate the word die-t -- I'm trying to live longer
    Favorite diet food: Favorite Healthy Eating food--soup
    Favorite thing about exercise: the feeling you get when you do something longer & faster than before
    Worst thing about exercise: making the time -- when kids are not underfoot
    Favorite exercise: Zumba!!!
    Most important thing about losing weight: Living longer than my mother (she died at 56)
    What made you decide to lose weight: Everything just clicked--it was time
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Take it at a turtles pace--the rabbit never wins the race.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Name: Jeannie
    Starting Weight: 168.5
    Current Weight: 147
    Goal Weight: was 135 now changed to 125
    Favorite thing about dieting: losing weight
    Worst thing about dieting: nasty remarks from friends "your obsessed" I AM losing weight, arent I?
    Favorite diet food: chicken
    Favorite thing about exercise: finishing
    Worst thing about exercise: starting
    Favorite exercise: walk/jog makes me feel proud. DANCE DANCE DANCE makes me feel happy
    Most important thing about losing weight: Health.
    What made you decide to lose weight: I was Neck injury.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Stick with it. It doesnt fall off in a week, and if it does it will come back twice as fast. This is a journey. Enjoy the stops along the way. Lose a pound...celebrate with us!! We will enjoy that lost pound with you!!

    Stay positive. I swear I lose more weight when I am smiling! :wink:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Name: Julie
    Starting Weight: 174
    Current Weight: 157
    Goal Weight: 140
    Favorite thing about dieting: it's easy and I'm never hungry
    Worst thing about dieting: certain things have too many calories and I miss them
    Favorite diet food: veggies
    Favorite thing about exercise: gettin' in the zone
    Worst thing about exercise: when i can't get into the zone
    Favorite exercise: elliptical
    Most important thing about losing weight: health
    What made you decide to lose weight: ditto
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: slow and steady wins the race
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Name: Jamie (duh) aka Sparkle Kilt Man :devil:
    Starting Weight: 263
    Current Weight: 248
    Goal Weight: 180 (?) I'd be delighted to just get under 200! :tongue:
    Favorite thing about dieting: I don't diet! I do portion control and caloric management. :happy:
    Worst thing about dieting: See above...
    Favorite diet food: Ahem... bit of a slow learner ? :wink:
    Favorite thing about exercise: Working out! (Used to be a jock)
    Worst thing about exercise: Walking up the stairs from the basement after I'm done.
    Favorite exercise: Elliptical with iPod :glasses:
    Most important thing about losing weight: Getting healthy, and having clothes that fit right! :drinker:
    What made you decide to lose weight: I was simply sick and tired of being an over weight slob! :angry:
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: One day at a time, one meal at a time, one exercise at a time.... log each and everything you do, and plan on what you do! :flowerforyou:
  • innocent75
    innocent75 Posts: 57 Member
    Name: Matt
    Starting Weight: 230
    Current Weight: 215
    Goal Weight: Right now 200.. we'll see how I feel when I get there
    Favorite thing about dieting: The full feeling after eating a good healthy meal
    Worst thing about dieting: Thinking about eating
    Favorite diet food: Fiber One Honey Clusters Cereal
    Favorite thing about exercise: The endorphins and burn when you get from a solid workout
    Worst thing about exercise: Getting started
    Favorite exercise: Hiking and weight training
    Most important thing about losing weight: My health and to look good
    What made you decide to lose weight: Seeing my wife lose a bunch of weight
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Take it one day and one meal at a time. Cheat, but in moderation, and drink water.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    Name: jackie
    Starting Weight: 272+
    Current Weight:216
    Goal Weight:140ish
    Favorite thing about dieting:watching the scale move :)
    Worst thing about dieting: not having any colthes that fit me
    Favorite diet food: salad
    Favorite thing about exercise: feeling accomplished
    Worst thing about exercise: the procrastination that comes before it
    Favorite exercise: ZUMBA
    Most important thing about losing weight: My health
    What made you decide to lose weight: feeling crappy about myself
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: keep going .. even if you fall wipe off those knees and keep going...
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    Name: Angie
    Starting Weight: 170 (about 10 months ago)
    Current Weight: 128
    Goal Weight: 120
    Favorite thing about dieting: I'm not really dieting, just eatting right. I also believe it's ok to indulge :devil:
    Worst thing about dieting: Tracking calories
    Favorite diet food: Apples and peanutbutter
    Favorite thing about exercise: Feeling acomplished
    Worst thing about exercise: Getting started
    Favorite exercise: Yoga types
    Most important thing about losing weight: Feeling great and having energy
    What made you decide to lose weight: Someone asked me when I was due once! Hello, not preg! I cried so hard and then realized I needed to lose weight.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Don't stop being 'healthy' once you've reached your goal!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Name: Jessica
    Starting Weight: 134
    Current Weight: 129
    Goal Weight: 120
    Favorite thing about dieting: I feel like I am doing something good for my body
    Worst thing about dieting: I get tired of measuring and counting sometimes
    Favorite diet food: Sugar free Jello with fat free cool whip
    Favorite thing about exercise: I really feel great when I am done and I am getting more toned!
    Worst thing about exercise: Sometimes it gets boring
    Favorite exercise: my ab workouts
    Most important thing about losing weight: Staying healthy and liking myself
    What made you decide to lose weight: Tired of feeling fat and telling my hubby I am fat but not doing anything about it.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Be patient and take it slow, the end result is WELL worth the effort.
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Name: JILL
    Starting Weight: 215ish
    Current Weight: 173
    Goal Weight: 155 - I want to keep my curves!
    Favorite thing about dieting: Fruits and Veggies. YuMMY!
    Worst thing about dieting: Motivation while surrounded by temptation.
    Favorite diet food: Bananas
    Favorite thing about exercise: Feeling so good during/after.
    Worst thing about exercise: Falling off the elliptical (yes, this happens. Often.)
    Favorite exercise: Biking, ellipticals, weight machines.
    Most important thing about losing weight: Being healthier, being able to keep up with my niece and nephews, feeling confident about myself.
    What made you decide to lose weight: I hated the way I looked. I had no self confidence, and it had to change.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: You just gotta buckle down and do it.
  • ninabonina
    Name: Janina (nina)
    Starting Weight:177
    Current Weight:172
    Goal Weight:145
    Favorite thing about dieting: Its not a diet, its about changing your life
    Worst thing about dieting: Not being to eat what ever you want
    Favorite diet food:100 calorie snacks :laugh:
    Favorite thing about exercise:Feel good afterwards
    Worst thing about exercise: Having to do it :tongue:
    Favorite exercise: Cycling
    Most important thing about losing weight: To be healthy and fit
    What made you decide to lose weight: It was just time. I'm bigger than my friends.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Watch what you eat, not just your calories. You are what you eat
  • 9726172000
    Name: Sally
    Starting Weight: 214
    Current Weight: 210
    Goal Weight: 160
    Favorite thing about dieting: Knowing I can do this
    Worst thing about dieting: No Chocolate (I'm a chocoholic)
    Favorite diet food: My home made chicken salad wraps
    Favorite thing about exercise: It helps me sleep great at night
    Worst thing about exercise: Sometimes I can over do it
    Favorite exercise: The tred mill
    Most important thing about losing weight: Being a smaller size
    What made you decide to lose weight: My Dr. told me I would be in a wheel chair if I didn't lose the weight because it made my arthritist worse.
    Best advice you can give about losing weight: Do it for yourself and for no body else.