Chocolate falling into mouth help !!!

MinxMooMoo Posts: 24
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all

Why does my day always start well , with exercise and a positive mind , this normally dwindles after 1 pm , I then get angry as chocolate accidentally falls into my mouth . I then beat myself up and sulk all day . I wish, wish, wish you could buy willpower !!!!!
Thanks for listening , if you can relate to this please add me as a friend .
Have a good day and stay focused , x


  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    im a chocoholic too... and a diabetic. doubble wammie. lol how ever i get the aldis fit and active chocolate wafer crisps. there 100 cal pack and usually does the trick for me.
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    its perfectly fine to have chocolate, everyday if you want. just work it in to your day and stop beating yourself up about it. =)
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member the title of this thread :laugh: . Anyway, I love chocolate too, so I plan a little chocolate into my day. I buy the fun size candy (twix, M&Ms, etc) and work them into my diary. So far, it's really helping me. Just an idea to throw out to ya. :bigsmile:
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Chocolate is my downfall as well. I have found the longer I diet, the easier it is to follow my own guideline I have set. If I eat well and save enough calories at the end of the night my snack is a Jello (original) pudding cup. It tastes much better than the sugar free and I deserve it :tongue: . It is amazing once you get used to not caving to the cravings, how good a chocolate pudding cup can taste!

    Good luck!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Hi all

    Why does my day always start well , with exercise and a positive mind , this normally dwindles after 1 pm , I then get angry as chocolate accidentally falls into my mouth . I then beat myself up and sulk all day . I wish, wish, wish you could buy willpower !!!!!
    Thanks for listening , if you can relate to this please add me as a friend .
    Have a good day and stay focused , x

    Try exercising in the evening. When I work out in the morning I always find it tougher too due to burning so many calories just starting the day out. If you exercise in the evening then rest a bit and then off to bed you sleep through that sudden shortage of fuel in your body.
  • rcgrissom
    rcgrissom Posts: 17
    Don't beat yourself up so bad. Remember, its about getting healthy and not always denying yourself everything. Eat the chocolate, eat the candy, eat the ice cream just EAT THE RIGHT KIND. I have last 15 pounds so far and I love to eat lots of food; I eat it ALL but the RIGHT KIND. Sugar Free, No Salt or low Salt, etc.

    Sugar Free can be a little spendy but a quick trip to your local dollar store and you'll find great variety for $1. Buy sugar free pudding and sugar free jello. Make Greek, non fat, plain yogurt your friend by adding some vanilla and cinnamon along with a little stevia or truvia.

    You can do it!
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    I fix my chocolate craving (usually..) with sliced strawberries, unsweetened cocoa powder and a little bit of reddi whip. It's pretty good when you mix it up and the whip cream gets all chocolatey. Yum!
  • I LOVE chocolate, Its my downfall! I want some every day. So ....i have found Dove Sugar free Chocolate Creme Candy. They also have Chocolate Raspberry. They are only 38 calories for 1 peice. So I can allow myself something i love to curb my craving w/o killing the calories. They also have Sugar Free Chocolate bars.
  • sammyjj53
    sammyjj53 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm with all of you chocloholics!!! I have one hershey kiss a night and don't feel guilty about it because they are only 22 calories a kiss!!!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    chocolate can actually be a dietary benefit, however refined chocolate is not of any real dietary benefit as you are getting a very diluted version of it. Try going for a darker chocolate as it will satisfy that craving (I love chapmans black jack cherry frozen yogurt for this as it has dark chocolate in it and is only 120 cals for a 1/2 cup serving). If the dark chocolate does not satisfy that craving then its the sugar causing the craving and not the chocolate. It is also being caused by a blood sugar dip which triggers that craving. I recommend to everyone to drink 1-2 cups of 1% choc milk post workout within 5 mins of stopping to get recovery in and to satisfy that chocolate craving.
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Oh chocolate, how I love thee!!

    BUT I have realized that I can't control myself around chocolate. I plan small amounts of chocolate into my calorie counts for the day, nearly every day. HOWEVER, I also know myself well enough to know that I can't keep a fun size bag of chocolate in the house, because before I know it - it's all gone . . . . Who ate it??? Wait, I am the only one home :(

    So, I find chocolate that is usually less than 200 cals per serving - Ghiradelli makes a new carame chocolate bar that is 190, yumm! I plan it into my daily consumption and I have to make an effort to get it, so if I am iffy on eating it, I don't go get it.

    But it's such a pain when it just jumps off the counter, holds you down and forces it's way into your system!! Usually ending up as added inches on my "don't need anymore inches" belly!!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    it doesnt accidentally fall into your mouth, we make concious effort to make the choice of what we are going to put in our bodies.

    Learning a new habbit to stop at one piece takes time, if you cant do that right now I would suggest getting rid of it and make yourself have to earn the pleasure. I myself cannot have candy bars, if I stop to buy one, I will have to buy 5 or 6 of them and eat them in one sitting without stopping and no thought about it until my belly hurts afterwards. My only choice is to not make it available to me - I always have one of my children with me when I goto a store and I wont buy them candy, so it keeps me from buying one for myself.

    You need to take one day at a time, and as an earlier post suggested, if you like to have that chocolate everyday, you need to incorporate that into you diary, and work around that,,,,perhaps that will help you to rethink those calories more often then not. A healthy diet is not meant to "restrict", "prevent", or "take away" all the "bad" stuff, its about learning how to make those "better" decisions more often then not and learning self control. good luck to you.

    ps.. also start with your own advice "stay focused" (just because you had a "treat" doesnt mean its all over, you just start over again with another small goal.

  • hrhwrightca
    hrhwrightca Posts: 45 Member
    I eat Jello chocolate pudding (refrigerated type) has 60 calories and is DELICIOUS :) I love chocolate also and NEEEEEED it I have found that this helps
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    Don't beat yourself up so bad. Remember, its about getting healthy and not always denying yourself everything. Eat the chocolate, eat the candy, eat the ice cream just EAT THE RIGHT KIND. I have last 15 pounds so far and I love to eat lots of food; I eat it ALL but the RIGHT KIND. Sugar Free, No Salt or low Salt, etc.

    Sugar Free can be a little spendy but a quick trip to your local dollar store and you'll find great variety for $1. Buy sugar free pudding and sugar free jello. Make Greek, non fat, plain yogurt your friend by adding some vanilla and cinnamon along with a little stevia or truvia.

    You can do it!

    Be careful with some sugar free candies - they substitute sugar with sugar alcohols and some people can have terrible reactions to that substitution!! I learned the hard way for myself. But I would choose that option if I could (sugar free that is!)
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Just plan for it. I am a big opponent of swearing off anything because it's too restrictive and hard to stick to. It's WAY easier to say no to chocolate throughout the day when you can tell yourself, "I get to have my ____ tonight so I don't really need this now."

    If you know a dove promise/ghirardelli square/ etc is 60 calories or whatever and you LOVE chocolate, just try to cut maybe 10-20 calories off your meals and suddenly you'll have room for your choco fix every day.

    My chocolate fix is one 50 calorie Snackwell's Devil's Food Cookie Cake in the evening.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Try my plan: Start the day with an intention to eat chocolate - decide how much, and what type (I love green and blacks Maya Gold - 18 Cal per square) Set aside your days squares in the fridge and log them as if you already ate them.

    Now - one of two things will happen - you will eat them but be within your calories - or you will not eat them and be under calories - but its pretty unlikely you will eat more than what you put aside.
  • Thank you everybody for your replies , interesting reading . I am really loving this site and all the friendly , helpful likeminded people on here .

    Maybe I need to try evening exercising I always go in the morning , work and shifts permitting.

    Thanks again , focused once more !!:flowerforyou:

  • I don't know if this will help; but I try and have 1-2 squares of 70%-85% cocoa chocolate if I'm craving chocolate.
    I nibble them, really slowly and let the chocolate dissolve on my tongue so it lasts longer.

    I've found, with the high cocoa content stuff that 1-2 squares is enough for me and doesn't leave me craving even more (whereas a couple of squares of dairy milk would....)
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member

    I nibble them, really slowly and let the chocolate dissolve on my tongue so it lasts longer.

    This is a great tip. Really savor your bites!
  • mpdes
    mpdes Posts: 40
    Agree with BlindFaith,
    I'm def chocolate addict, (not sugar because if there's no chocolate in the sugary thing, I'm probably not gonna eat it!) and I usually go for 1-2 square of organic dark chocolate (good quality, not crap) with at least 70% cacao, the darker the chocolate is, the less i'm going to eat some. Don't give me milk chocolate because that's all gone in a minute hahaha ;)
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