Morning workouts

I dont know how people work out in the morning and they have more energy. I am the complete opposite. I got up this morning to work out for an hour, and now im even MORE tired!! lol


  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    The only thing that gets me out of bed to exercise is knowing that, with 4 young children, I will not have any other time to do it.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I'm with Cricket...'cept I only have two.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    Do you eat before or after your workout? And what are you eating? Sometimes the problem isn't when you work out, it's about what you are eating! I can never get through a morning workout strong if I don't have something to eat first and then I usually follow it up with a protein drink or light snack. And of course, water water water.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    go with what works for you, early morning workouts are fine for morning people, and to go from not being a morning person to being one is going to take some time to adjust. I am one of those morning people, the latest I sleep is until 8 am. I always have been one and do not know anything else so my advice is that if you are a evening or night person then gear your workouts to suit you.
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    I have no energy in the morning, I am stiff and feel like poo... I only do a short morning yoga practice in the morning. I save my big workout for later in the day
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm with Cricket and Zaggytiddies, but I have only one really active 3 year old, and a husband who likes to work out in the p.m. If I don't get it done first thing in the morning, between the two of them, I will not have another chance. Also, when I first started working out in the morning, I was very tired. After a couple of weeks, my body adjusted and I feel quite energetic. I usually wake up without an alarm or anything.
  • ashleyb1031
    ashleyb1031 Posts: 69 Member
    Do you eat before or after your workout? And what are you eating? Sometimes the problem isn't when you work out, it's about what you are eating! I can never get through a morning workout strong if I don't have something to eat first and then I usually follow it up with a protein drink or light snack. And of course, water water water.

    I just think its cause im the worse morning person ever lol
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    I'm with you on that, I like sleeping in as long as possible and am a bit of a night owl. From a personal experience I like working out in the mid to late afternoon after I get off work. Most morning people who work out ^^^ have to becuase it fits their schedule better, not becuase they want to wake up extra early.

    And I agree 100% with water water water..........its the key to dieting, working out, and maintaining your weight. I chug a large cup of water every morning when I wake up, it helps me get my day going.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Am vs Pm is really a preference thing. For me it's a struggle but it's the only time I know I can go at it and not be distracted. My husband is the opposite he wait until either after work or after the kids go to bed. He'd never do the 5ams and I'd never be able to do the 9pms. Luckily that works for us!!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    You don't have to be a morning person to work out in the morning. You Will feel tired the first couple of weeks but once your body get used to it, you'll feel more energetic. I work out both in the morning and at night. I prefer the morning. I have more energy to do the workout.
  • fattymcgoo
    I have a love-hate relationship with working out in the morning, but I know in my case that I will be so tired by the end of the day that I won't put the same effort into my workout, or worse, I won't work out at all!

    I like to think of it this way: workout time is "me time" - my time of the day to take care of my body and improve its condition. It will benefit all other aspects of my life. So it makes sense that I concern myself with that first, and then deal with everything else in the day.
    Apart from that, I've noticed that when I work out first thing in the morning,..
    -I'm more likely to put full effort into my workout since it sets the tone for the rest of my day
    -I make better nutritional choices, because I don't want to undo the good work I've done
    -I feel more confident because I know I did something right already
    -I know exactly how much I can eat - this relieves a little stress
    -I fall asleep more easily at night

    I think it's also a matter of getting used to it! It took me a couple of weeks after I started doing morning workouts to get into the swing of it. But I'm a convert now, obviously :)

    Oh, and unless you have blood pressure issues or heart issues, it's OK to have a little caffeine before you work out. I can't do without a little coffee 30 minutes prior personally.

    good luck!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I've just started doing it one day a week, to ease my body in gently! If I get used to it, and feel it's going well, then I might sneak in some more morning workouts. but one day a week feels manageable to begin with.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I just started two a days and today was my first morning workout and it was hard getting out of bed and the sleepiness is def kicking in right now but it fits well with my schedule. I work full time and go to school half time and still fit in homework and studying and to do two a days I have to work out once in the monring and once in the late afternoon. I agree with FitPhysique I have more energy to do the morning workouts.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I LOATHE mornings but my daughters don't like to waste daylight, so both of them are up with the sun all year round but when morning nap happens I used to nap with them BUT now I take the opportunity and work out and it's been a life saver for me. It gets me energized for the rest of the day and my sleep problems that use to keep me up til past midnight? GONE! So I'm learning everyday to appreciate mornings but it doesn't mean I have to like them. I just prepare myself to do it. I eat. I chug water. I say a little prayer. Cuss a little. And by the time the hour or so is over, I feel tons better about the day and about myself. And when the little one awakes, I am ready to take her on! (She just started walking and running. And that's a workout in itself.) I also workout in the evenings when the husband is home. I use that time to enjoy MY workouts and MY strength without having to rush it before the baby wakes up. I think almost anyone who starts a morning routine, starts to love them. Highly recommend it.
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Mornings are hard but the more you do it and make it a routine, the more energized you'll feel when the alarm goes off and after the workout. It got easier on me!
  • tremendacooke
    tremendacooke Posts: 26 Member
    I love to workout in the morning and the energy level is PHENOMENAL, I will get up at 6 pm had a coffee with fat free creamer and a banana log in to facebook,play my family feud and by 7 Im ready to rock and roll and the feeling that im done my workout and when i get home I can enjoy my family is awesome ,(make me happy all day) plus working out in the morning making me behave better dont want to eat nothing fattning after an amazing workout