thinking of trying a spinning class!

chrystal86 Posts: 20
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
has anybody tried spinning classes and are they hard?. cause ive been wanting to try one since i joined bally total fitness but feel kind of intiminated. ive seen it by watching other people and wonder if its really hard. i have been kind of bad havent been back to the gym in about a week. just been going through some finacial things. and just feel like my trainer is gonna be disappointed in me. any advice to help me stay motivated?.


  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 156 Member
    The spinning class I used to go to is kinda go at your own resistance so if it's too hard, you control your bike. You can push yourself if you want but if you're not up to it that day you don't have to go over the top. So...go try it out! :) I loved it. I came out of there a hot sweaty mess but it was awesome! Hmm....I should go back. :)
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    Try it! It's one of my favorite exercises. You might not love it the first time but by the second or third you'll feel like a champion. Adjust the resistance to make it as hard as you want and if you have a good instructor they'll motivate you through it. Great calorie burn as well.
  • jgkimo
    jgkimo Posts: 61
    I love spinning. Fair warning though - the first time I went it felt like I was violated (no kidding). I could barely move for about 2 days afterwards; however you get used to it, or you could just purchase a gel cover for you cycle seat. You will burn the most calories spinning in the less amount of time than anything else you work at. It is a great all around workout.
  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I wish I knew how to link you to a post I made a few days ago, as I had the same feelings when I started. I say go for it and soon you will be the intimidator :devil:

    Here is that post, in cut and paste format:

    For those of you on your first journey into the world of triathlon (or something else that's completely new and challenging), and those of you who, despite your experience, have had intimidation moments about your training or workout, I'd like to share a personal reflection that really grabbed me.

    When I approached my first spin workout with a triathlon group, I was scared s***less! I knew it would be hard, and everyone else in the group already had great muscle definition in multiple body parts. How could I ever keep up with these iron people?!? My goal was to survive the workout and only limp once out of site! That was last fall.

    I just started my third spin class - a class that my husband has decided to join as his first spin experience. Yes, we both found it hard, and yet made it through victorious. On the way home, he told me what great shape I was in to be able to handle that level of activity 3 times a week and that he had some work to do to keep up. This from the man with the most powerful quads I've ever seen! I realized, at that moment, how far I've come; how comfortable I had become at spinning, and how much I felt part of the group (not someone desperately trying to keep up). It's amazing what happens with time, determination and patience!


    (Believe in yourself and your potential)

    Have a marvelous weekend!
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    I am an avid spinner. I lost ALOT of weight in only 4 months spinning for a half hour 5 days a week. and my legs were stealth :) it takes some getting used to but it is an incredible workout if you have the right instructor. Let me know how you like it!
  • Kiwidacute
    Kiwidacute Posts: 11 Member
    This is probably a bit naive of me, but I have been wanting to try a spinning class for ages and was wondering if you need special shoes or if ordinary trainers would be ok?
  • I say go for it! Great cardio workout and excellent option for x-training. I am a certified spinning instructor. Try to get to a class at least 15 minute prior so the instructor can help you set your bike up properly. it does take some getting used to. I would suggest wearing fitted shorts under losser fitting clothes ... it keeps everything in place if you catch my drift. I'm not going to lie to you, it does take some getting used to being in a saddle that long but if you ride a bike outdoors often then you are kinda used to it. Each instructor teaches differently so find one that you like try them all. Music motivation also plays a big part in class enjoyment. You are in full control of your bike so you can work as hard or easy as you want totally up to you. I would wearing a cross-training shoe vs a running shoe into the class only because the soles are harder on the bottom ... running shoes are to flexible it could start to hurt after awhile. Don't go out and buy cycling shoes just to take a class. If you enjoy it then by all means go get yourself a pair. They are worth it in the long run. Any more questions just hit me up! Enjoy~
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I hated spinning at first but gave it a proper go. I now do it three times a week and love it.

    Its great being able to go at your own pace. You don't know how hard the others are working so you can focus 100% on yourself.

    I would recommend going to a few beginner classes if possible. The instructor takes it a little easier and teaches you more technique.
  • Kiwidacute
    Kiwidacute Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you Rosalie for your response - very helpful!
  • nomoremuffintopness
    nomoremuffintopness Posts: 275 Member
    Spinning is my absolute favorite work out. It burns lots of calories. It is hard to some. When I first tried it, I wasnt as fast as everyone else. I lost 35 pounds with the help of spin. You can give it a try and go at your own pace, if you dont make it through the whole class, no biggie. Give it a try
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    If they have a beginner class I would try that one. I keep meaning to try it.
  • crnorwood
    crnorwood Posts: 29
    I did my fist spin class this weekend and it was probably the best workout Ive ever got!!! I went to a local place..and they supplied our shoes, water, towel and fruits for afterward. Previous poster said if feels like you've been violated..SO TRUE!!! It does go away fairly quickly. In the class I took, we workout our entire bodies..we lifted one pounds weights and I'm not afraid to say that 1lb kicked my hiney. My class lasted 40 minutes and it was the fasted 40 minute workout ever! I say go for it!! It's a great time!
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    Spinning is a great workout but you need to put in the effort. The bike has varying degrees of resistance and if you follow the directions of the instructor and turn up the resistance you will get a good workout. But if you don't then you're just going through the motions. I've seen people who barely put any resistance on their bike and are basically just moving their legs and are not really getting anything out of it. They don't even need a shower when they're done.

    I also agree to try a beginners class if you can and to get there 10-15 minutes early so you can learn how to set up your bike and how to increase the resistance.

    And to the poster who asked about shoes: you don't need special shoes to spin. Regular sneakers work fine. I prefer to use spin shoes though (they lock into the bike) because I feel you get an even better workout that way.
  • Debzxx
    Debzxx Posts: 14
    I started doing spinning a few years ago, before I had an accident and ruptured the tendon in one of my knees..

    I was very hard to keep up at first, but I found that I progressed very quicky.. Doing the class once a week but doing other cardio 2-3 times a week.

    The trainer used to make all the newbies come to the front so there was no hiding..... After a few weeks I enjoyed keeping up the pace with her house/trance tunes and it was encouaging to see the diffirence between myself and any new members of the group..... I could see how far I had come
    Great cardiovascular excercise in my experience
    I have gone back to bike riding but am not back at spinning as yet on the advice of my doctor......
    Maybe soon....

    Just do it, well at least try , for the experience......
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I am taking my first spinning class tomorrow morning. I am so super excited!
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Do it!!! I started spinning in December, and I now go 4-5 times a week at LA Fitness.

    Is it hard? Absolutely. Is it impossible? No way.

    During your first few classes, you'll probably feel overwhelmed. Just modify the moves by lowering your resistance or sitting down. Just keep moving the whole time, and try your hardest. I promise you, it will get easier! I would recommend investing in a pair of biking shorts or capris. (I have the "Sugar Knickers" by Pearl Izumi, and they're great.) Your lady parts will thank you! Also be sure to bring lots of water and a towel... you will sweat a lot!!
  • kaydee210
    kaydee210 Posts: 41 Member
    I agree with the other posters. Yes, it is hard. I've been taking 60 min classes at least 3x per week and every class is a struggle. That being said, you feel great afterward! It is an awesome work out. I would estimate I burn at least 500 calories per class. I have a favorite instructor and a favorite bike. I am hoping all the spinning helps when it comes time to unrack my bike and hit the road.

    I did invest in spin shoes because I knew I would be taking lots of classes. It makes a difference if you're in it for the long haul. If you have bike shoes and the clip isn't correct you can get them switched out. I didn't want to do that because I see myself spinning all year round.

    As with the other posters, you can adjust your tension to suit your abilities. Be sure you're saddle is adjusted properly or you can end up with sore knees. Your instructor should be able to help with this.

    Have fun!
  • KTNemo
    KTNemo Posts: 100
    I am a spin junkie! For real!

    Here's a little bit of info on me regarding exercise. If I could get into perfect shape just lifting, I would only do that. I am not big into cardio! In fact, I hate most classes and stationary machines.

    I have always been interested in taking a spin class. My best friend, who is a super model (not really) and gorgeous, is a spin fanatic. I have always wanted a body like hers, but was never interested in the work that it took to get one. I took my first spin class 2 months ago and FELL IN LOVE. I had already completed Couch 2 5K, so I was in decent shape, but spin still kicked my butt. The first class was hard, I am not going to lie. But each class got better and more doable. You set your own resistance, so you control how hard the class is. At first, you may only be able to turn the tension dial up 1/4 turn, but in time, you will be able to set it higher than you ever imagined. I loved the sweat and the "high" I got every time that I left the gym so much, that I even do it on my own, once a week, using an album that I downloaded off iTumes (My Spin Coach).

    I have two wonderful instructors that I go to religiously. They are both very different in their approach. One is more into slow hill climbs at intense resistance, the other is into spead work and agility. I go three times a week and never skip a class, no matter what. I am in the best shape of my life, and even though I have only lost 8 lbs in 2 months, I have lost a total of 7 inches off my entire body. I look better and feel better than I have in years.

    Do it! It is so worth it.
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks for the popst KTNemo. I am so excited to go tomorrow morning now :o)
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