Eating to much portien?

Brooklyn5966 Posts: 18
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
According to MFP I'm allowed 45 g of protien a day and I constantly go over that, is this bad for losing weight as most people tell me eating protien is a good thing. I'm just a little confused on this. Thanks!


  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i would like to hear an expert on this...i also go over but feel its better to go over that than fat grams or carbs right? also some days i have more fiber than it allows as well ....

    so BUMP this bad boy :bigsmile:
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Honestly, if you are trying to burn fat and build tone/muscle then high protein low fat diet is a great way to go.

    I hit roughly 150-175g per day. Just make sure you are eating plenty of good carbs (Green Veggies) along with that protein.

    Best of Luck!
  • lindainak
    lindainak Posts: 101
    My diet says animal protein every 3rd or every other day and plant protein on the rest of the days.
  • jgerbe2
    jgerbe2 Posts: 57 Member
    I also go every consistently by 20-40 grams. I have been wondering the same thing. I don't want it to cause any issues with reaching my goal but I enjoy the proteins I do eat.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    MFP has their protein limits set pretty low, its 15% of your total calories. I bumped mine up to 30% which puts me where I want to be... at 0.5 grams per pound of body weight. I don't always get to that amount but will after I get my whey protein.

    Its not a problem to go over protein, go change your % if you don't like seeing the red all the time.

    Goals are done under home... goals... change goals... custom... set your percentages and save.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    MFP has protein set very low. Most reasonably active people need .5g protein for each pound of body weight a day. Very active peeople need a full gram of protein per pound per day.
  • Thanks everyone for the replies, makes me feel much better. I do eat a lot of meat as my husband and meat and potatoes kinda guy.
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