What does "cheating" mean to you?



  • fattymcgoo
    I try not to label it 'cheat' days. I'm trying to create a lifestyle and some days that may mean chocolate and other days it may not. I think labeling it can give it a negative connotation. As long as you are honest with yourself then you aren't 'cheating'.

    I'm trying to create a habit I can live with for a lifetime. I hope your friend understands she's causing more detriment than not by overeating.

    How about calling it TREAT DAY! nothing negative about treats :laugh:
  • joaniegray
    joaniegray Posts: 88 Member
    I allow cheat days but they aren't scheduled - I thing one day a week is probably ok tfor most people. I tend to go by social occasions and find I am not so hungry anyhow these days with all this healthy eating. This weekend I am off to a sugar shack for a maple leaf breakfast - now that will be a cheat day but probably not that bad - it will be pancakes, maple syrup and bacon. Hopefully it will be followed by lots of walking - I always walk after I cheat!! I think it helps.

    Last week I did go to a restaurant. My friend and I each had a soup and split a main dish at a thai restaurant - yummy!! But just drank water and no dessert so probably not too bad. Anyhow, since then lost 2 pounds so maybe it was good for me.

    Everyone has different "cheat" patterns. I think if I craved chocolate cake, yes, I'd have it once a week. I am a big chocolate fan but I find my daily 1 square of LIndt Chocate 85% cocoa (50 calories) fills my craving.

    Great to hear everyone's cheat ideas - I like the one of not exceeding 2000 calories on a cheat day.
  • stacywalton
    stacywalton Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ~ I've always allowed myself one cheat day on the day that I weigh in. My weight loss tends to vary my degree of cheating or I feel horribly guilty. Normally I'll eat a lighter lunch and even skip breakfast sometimes but almost always I've pre-figured out where we are going to eat and how many calories I'm looking at for what I want. I've noticed that while I may want those cheese stick apps I'll stick to eating just one or two not "half" the order and I'll always order what I want and even dessert if it's something I'm really craving but I'll stop short of finishing everything because its "super" yummy and" I won't get it again for a while." I've even stopped poking my husband's hand with my fork if he comes in for an unexpected bite :) It's worked well for me and I've lost 18 pounds in 2.5 months and still have about 15 to go to be firming in the middle of the average range for my height. Going hog heaven may work for some people but I'm 39 and losing weight for me is much harder then in my younger years.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    my best friend and roommate and i have what we call Fun Food Fridays. we started it in college because we worked at the same place on campus, and it was a movie rental place, so we basically were stuck in the building from 5pm to midnight on friday nights because no one else wanted to work that night and we'd make it less boring by ordering in from somewhere fun while we worked. (we rewarded ourselves with food a LOT in college, but we're getting better and better every day about not doing that!)

    anyways, now we just have our friday dinner meal set aside to have something not so good that we've been craving (chinese, pizza, mexican, etc), and we try to watch our portions (so we don't make ourselves sick overeating like we used to) but don't sweat it if we are over a little bit that night. we also have slightly less healthy options of certain foods or healthier versions of less healthy foods on the weekends (if we are craving them) just to keep our sanity, but we still try to watch our calories/portions and workout on saturday and sunday to balance it out (friday is our day off from working out).

    its made all of these lifestyle changes a lot easier, especially because we don't mind taking it slow. especially for me, because i have a bit of a binge eating problem (but my roomie doesn't so much).

    We do allow ourselves a dessert each night, also IF WE PLAN ACCORDINGLY and have the calories. we've both had bad days both during the week and on the weekends, and we still will every now and then because we're human, but this is our plan and our goal each day. it gives us that wiggle room to be human and not feel guilty about it :)
  • fattymcgoo
    Hello ~ I've always allowed myself one cheat day on the day that I weigh in. My weight loss tends to vary my degree of cheating or I feel horribly guilty. Normally I'll eat a lighter lunch and even skip breakfast sometimes but almost always I've pre-figured out where we are going to eat and how many calories I'm looking at for what I want. I've noticed that while I may want those cheese stick apps I'll stick to eating just one or two not "half" the order and I'll always order what I want and even dessert if it's something I'm really craving but I'll stop short of finishing everything because its "super" yummy and" I won't get it again for a while." I've even stopped poking my husband's hand with my fork if he comes in for an unexpected bite :) It's worked well for me and I've lost 18 pounds in 2.5 months and still have about 15 to go to be firming in the middle of the average range for my height. Going hog heaven may work for some people but I'm 39 and losing weight for me is much harder then in my younger years.

    Wow, that is a fantastic idea that I've never thought of. Cheat day after weigh-in.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I don't really consider anything "cheating" because that means you are doing some wrong and I don't consider eating extra calories on occasion "wrong". It's not realistic to think that I will always eat within my calories after I get to goal so I don't know why I should expect myself to do so now.

    I don't plan or schedule a high calorie day or meal but they happen sometimes and I don't consider that a failure, cheat or mistake! Log it all and move on. It's life and there will be speedbumps. You just have to keep moving forward! :bigsmile:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I try not to label it 'cheat' days. I'm trying to create a lifestyle and some days that may mean chocolate and other days it may not. I think labeling it can give it a negative connotation. As long as you are honest with yourself then you aren't 'cheating'.

    I'm trying to create a habit I can live with for a lifetime. I hope your friend understands she's causing more detriment than not by overeating.

    How about calling it TREAT DAY! nothing negative about treats :laugh:

    exactly! i don't like the negative term because we're only human and this is our life. do you really want to feel guilty everytime you have something you like, even in moderation, forever? my answer is no! lol :)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    My husband and I have an off day each week (I hate the word "cheat"!) We do ours opposite - he has an eating frenzy, I watch what I'm eat but not as careful for a meal or two. I tried mine his way and I threw up at the end of the day. My body won't let me binge like that anymore. For me, it's more realistic to have a nice meal or two one day a week. If I ate everything I wanted I'd spend all my time trying to lose the same 2 pounds. I'm trying to change my lifestyle, and my lifestyle won't involve being able to eat whatever I want, but it also doesn't include me only eating salads for the rest of my life. Once in awhile works best for me, but I think it's a personal decision.
  • BrittanyGQ
    BrittanyGQ Posts: 92 Member
    It's hard since I'm 23, so my "cheat day(s)" consist of Friday or Saturday (sometimes both, lol) if I have friends that want to go out to eat and/or go out drinking... sometimes I'll TRY to make better choices, but I mean, it's not like I eat crap food every day of the week, so I'm not too hard on myself. lol. And I only stick with light beer. ;-) I'm also usually pretty good about going to the gym on the weekends, and I am a DANCE MACHINE when I drink, so that combined with dehydration, I'm usually down a pound or 2 the morning after! :-P but my biggest problem (which contributed to my recent weight gain) was the drunk munchies and generally just having too many empty calories, so I've learned that I really need to cut back on this cheating!
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I allow myself a cheat item, my shopping day is Saturday and it is also a gym day for me so if I am good all week I will allow myself a dark chocolate mocha at caribou coffee. It is like sweet heaven after a long week.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I have only been on MFP for a month and until this weekend I hadn't really had a cheat day. I had to go to a baby shower and thought I would do that as my cheat day - well I went over my calories and sort of felt like junk afterwords. I still ate lost of veggies and fruit but because I was running around trying to get last minute stuff done I ate a burger - NOT a good idea!!
    Mostly what I do is once or twice a week I let myself get a low fat/half sweet London Fog! My favourite drink. That way I don't feel like I am depriving myself.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Cheating to me is somewhat like yours. I may end up over, sometimes a lot over, depending. What I cheat on depends on what I am in the mood for. I try to listen to my body. It may be salty or sweet cravings. If I have been thinking about one particular item (won't say b/c may tempt others) I will plan to eat that for dinner. What I will do, though is PLAN. I'm going to have a big dinner or a large dessert so I will eat a light lunch or even skip it, even though that is considered bad. It makes the difference between 1800 calories to 2500 calories for that day. (I am 5'2", so 2500 calories is a lot for my size)
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    To me, "cheating" means hiding an ace in your sleeve, or having sex with a person who's not your spouse. I don't see food as "cheating." The only person it affects is the person doing the eating.

    That said, I don't have free days planned into my schedule. I occasionally go over my cals, and I'm ok with that. I don't plan them because I like having the freedom of knowing that if my husband is bringing home donuts for breakfast, I can have a couple even if it's not my "scheduled" free day. But if I were to plan a day to go over, I'd get pizza. Piled high with meat. :-P And eat half of it. In fact, sometimes I do it even though I don't plan it ahead of time. :laugh:
    Very well said! "Cheating" on calories makes it seem as though you're a split personality and one is cheating on the other. I prefer to think of it as the little angel and devil on my shoulders; neither of them IS me, but both influence me. MY responsibility is to reconcile both. Cheating implies doing something wrong, and I don't want to tell myself that I'm doing something wrong and feeling guilty. Either I eat something less healthy and more indulgent (and believe me, I eat!) and feel good about it, or I make a better decision and feel good about that.

    I'm a therapist-intern right now and I've been reading a lot about ambiguity and motivational interviewing lately -- look into it if you're interested further :)
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Cheating is cheating or fooling yourself.

    When I "cheat" it means I've eaten something and not tracked it, and that is extremely, extremely rare for me. So I feel like I've cheated myself in not being honest with myself and confronting it. (However, I don't ignore it entirely, I guesstimate and then try to work it off - it's only happened once so far since I joined).

    Cheating is also convincing yourself that you are making healthy choices when you aren't. I spent my first week on this site eating low-fat/low-cal ready meals, spending my extra calories on the odd chocolate bar, and yes, I lost weight, because I was in my calorie allowance. But I was not eating healthily, far from it. The same applies to exercise - if you *really* need to track those 10 minutes of vacuuming as exercise to justify that chocolate biscuit then the problem is twofold.

    I guess the closest thing to a "cheat day" for me would be to not eat Low-GI, which is rare (although I did have sushi on Saturday and I've heard mixed things about its GI content). Many of the things I eat happily and regularly, on my nutrition plan, are probably considered as "cheat day" foods to others - for example, steak, and (lean) bacon! I am genuinely a believer that if something is unprocessed (is identifiable as food - not cheetos!), and you count it in your calories, then it's fine. If I didn't eat low GI, I'd probably still bake (just different things), and eat the fruits of my labour - because it's natural and I'd be able to do the calorie content happily. I wouldn't need a "cheat day" for that.

    All in all, I believe we know when we are cheating ourselves.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    I can't do a cheat day, free for all. My lifestyle was that every day was a free for all that's what got me to come here in the first place.

    I totally agree. I don't do cheat days. I plan stuff out. If I am going to have something extra calorie laden I plan for it and make adjustments to exercise and food to make it all work.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I don't consider any day a cheat day, but only because I consider this a lifetime thing, not a diet. So if I want to go out to eat and have a restaurant meal, I do. I just make sure to not go over my maintenance calories for the day, and I don't worry about it. I couldn't let myself have a free-for all, but hitting 1900 calories for a day once in a while doesn't bother me because my maintenance calories are 2000.

    I wouldn't do it over and over, but I refuse to never have a cheeseburger or a few drinks. I have to do this for the rest of my life, what would be the point if I couldn't enjoy food once a while?
  • lillieme
    lillieme Posts: 15
    The wife and I have a cheat day on Sundays. We go and get that Item which we are craving. I think it is necessary to listen to the cravings of the body as it is the bodies way of telling us what it needs or desires. All things in moderation though -- we did go to Olive Garden two weeks ago and had a huge lunch because it was my birthday. I tell ya, I had a "Food Hangover" for the next two days and it was very hard to get back into my daily routine...Going hog wild on a cheat day will eventually knock a person off their eating regime.

    The key in all things is moderation. Go have what you want, but eat quality not quantity. Want that cheesecake, get it, I just say get a small slice of the best cheesecake around instead of a large slice of a rather pedestrian version of the same.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Everytime I do a cheat day, it sets me up for a food frenzy. It's like I am a foodaholic and once I start, I just cant stop. Like this past weekend, I had mexican food on Friday--complete with the basket of chips and guacamole, etc. I ended up binging all weekend and gaining weight. ugh. I just plan treats into my day to keep me from feeling deprived. When the true cravings start, I have learned that (for me) it is a mistake to give in. I end up going "buck wild" as my Granny used to say. :laugh: :devil:
  • Peanut1026
    Saturday evenings are my cheat days! I don't exactly watch what foods I eat, but I still eat in moderation. Saturday nights we go to my father-in-laws for dinner, and its really my time to relax, the kids are usually occupied with their aunts and I can just sit and enjoy myself with a few drinks. Most of the time we have dessert, but lately I have been taking the weight watchers Smart Ones desserts for myself instead of eating sugary cake/frosting or cookies,or I will buy frozen yogurt instead of regular ice cream. I weigh myself on Saturday mornings, as long as I still lost something for the week, I "relax" and give myself a break on Saturdays. Even if I only lose a pound for the week, I am happy!!! If we end up going out to a restuarant, most places now have a low calorie meal, some places like applebees have the weight watchers menu, and that is what I will eat! I think as long as you are happy with the progress you are making, then it is ok to have a cheat day once a week! gl to you.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    fridays is my cheat day i eat pizza but only three pieces and im good.so yes a cheat day is worth the wait all week for..