having a bit of a diet dip and newbie.xx

Hia all. Ive only recently found this site, its fab. Lost 18 pounds so far since ive started which i feel in my clothes and it feels great.
Went on hols last week and just ate what i wanted to and im now finding it real hard to get back on track and knuckle down.
I feel like ive already put it all back on again and feel that ive gone back ten steps. Its such a mental controlly thing to do, bit scary.

Hia to all anyway.


  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    You can do it! Just picture what it felt like knowing you lost 18 pounds and how great it felt. :)
  • rhayesNH
    rhayesNH Posts: 12
    I know it's hard to get back at it. I think this site is very helpful. Having to record everything I eat and be accountable really helps get it in control. Did you use MFP while on vacation? Maybe just being back here will help.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    do you have any photos of yourself when you were a smaller size, if you do maybe you should put them on your bathroom mirror and your fridge so that you see them every day, it will help remind you where you want to be and that you can get to the size you want.
  • amerycefn
    sorry,only just replying. thanks for your suport. Im actually on target today even though ive eaten a choccy bar today. As soon as i eat chocolate or a biscuit i give up for the whole day and just eat junk.
    Its so psychological eh. Im going to try and b religous about putting everything i eat on here to make me take stock an try harder.
    Im going swimming on sunday so long as I can get rid of this bug ive got, i weigh at the pool s ill let you know how it goes.
  • d_scott
    d_scott Posts: 5
    same thing happened to me... I lost about 15 pounds felt great! then started putting horrible foods into my body and I gained the weight I worked so hard to lose back. It's a yucky feeling!

    Keep it up! :)