venting: People who are trying to be 'helpful'



  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    The Atkins diet grosses me out!! Tell her that she can clog her arteries with fat and cholesterol if she wants to, but you'd prefer not to as weight loss is your goal not atherosclerosis! I would have been quite blunt with her by now and told her to mind her own damn business. If she is the same one that brought you out to dinner and then told you to buy the cake and now is making you miserable for it....well, not a friend in my book.

    EDIT: Ok...I see now they it wasn't the same person. Either way, tell your "Friend" to back off and if you want to know her opinion, you'll ask!
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I know what you mean, I now have people trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat. I also have people telling me that I shouldn't lose to much weight or get to skinny. I am not going to get to skinny, I know where the doctor wants me to be at to control my diabetes and I know where I want to be at and it's just slightly above the doctor's recomendations. I know most people mean well, but it is very annoying at times.

    Very!! I am so very proud of myself, the weigh tloss, the exercise I'm doing, the changes I've made in my diet. I used to eat fast food 6-12 times a week, sometimes every breakfast was Mcds. . .I'm paying more attention to what I eat. . My brother has adult on set diabetes, my grandmother hypertension. . I have cut the junk food down considerably. . now when i Pick up something at the grocery store, I check the nutritional facts before I buy them :) And usually turn down anything I can't find the calories for

    but that cake. . OMG, that cake LOL
  • Jackiesexton
    Jackiesexton Posts: 6 Member
    It never ceases to amaze and confuse me how much damage people are willing to do to be helpful! I have only lost 17 lbs since starting MFT, but i have lost SEVENTEEN POUNDS. I am SUPER excited about my success so far! When I decide to share my accomplishment, I always get the same thing. "What are you doing?" and I explain how simple it is to count your intake, reduce portions to not go over but basically eat ANYTHING I like. Ialways get crazy diet advice. I had a doctor tell me to only eat chicken and lettuce and thats how to lose weight. You put anyone on tht strict a diet and you are setting them up to fail! I say smile and nodd and do what works for you. That doctor probably thinks I'm eating nothing but lettuce and chicken. lol
    Congratulations on your 8 weeks of being unbelievably good and here's to another!
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Atkins is good for rapid short term weight loss, bad for life.
    Eating a balanced calorie-controllled diet, combined with regular exercise, (and the occasional dessert/beer/<insert weakness here>) is the only way to lose weight sustainably.
    People can be annoying, the important thing is not to kill them, prison food is probably not very balanced.

  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Atkins is good for rapid short term weight loss, bad for life.
    Eating a balanced calorie-controllled diet, combined with regular exercise, (and the occasional dessert/beer/<insert weakness here>) is the only way to lose weight sustainably.
    People can be annoying, the important thing is not to kill them, prison food is probably not very balanced.

  • Pipes710
    Pipes710 Posts: 1
    Wow she's being beyond ridiculous. I would also feel like exploding. However, just to try to add some idea as to why she may be acting this way, shes on the Atkins diet. Your nervous system including you brain is fueled more by carbs than by protien. So if she's gone over board like many do her nerves are actually cranky because they arnt getting their favorite food.
    It is perfectly fine to have a naughty day every so often. We are learning how to be healthy again so occasionally you have to reward yourself with a delicious desert. Especially if it's your first real reward since January. You like those because your brain releases endorphins saying yes.... Good. :)
    Personally my rule is I eat what I want as long as I'm willing to do the extra cardio. It's a really good deterrent! :) I even refuse to call what I'm doing a diet. It has ba connotaions in my mind. I call it making better food choices.
    Good luck dealing with your friend. Remind her nobody likes a militant dieter. Also good luck reaching your goals.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    The cake sounds fantastic! Sorry your "friend" is being that way. I use quotes because that is really not a friend. Friends are supportive and encouraging. They don't berate you for enjoying life and taking an occasional indulgence. Congrats on only eating half the meal, knowing what a whole meal and dessert would do to you! Good luck to you!
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    First of all, since smacking isn't a good option, you did the good thing by coming here to vent. That's what we're here for! I agree that you should just tell her in no uncertain terms to back off. It may cause stress to your relationship, but if that stress causes it to fall apart, you probably are better off without that negative influence anyway. I wish more people would use common sense in how they approach "helping" people. And only give unsolicited advice in EXTREME circumstances. I don't care what your standards are, one piece of cake a month is not intervention worthy...not compared to what most of us used to eat. I'm sorry this happened to you. She. Is. Wrong.

    Secondly, may I be a little defensive? I'm currently doing Atkins. And it's pretty insulting when people demean my efforts to get healthier by calling it "just a fad" or "a diet, not a lifestyle change". I know there are studies and whatnot that people can quote at me, and frankly, I won't read them. Atkins makes sense for me. It targets my weight loss issues and helps me work through them to get to a healthy "SUSTAINABLE" lifestyle. In case you haven't actually been to the Atkins site or read the books, the third phase of the diet is called the "maintenance" phase, and it is indefinite and allows you to add back in whole grains, potatoes, etc. I also take offense to the idea that my lunch of 6 oz of white chicken breast, 1/2 an avocado, and a scoop of sour cream on a giant bed of greens is going to cause me to have a heart attack. I'll eat like this until I feel that my body wants me to add in fruits, nuts, and legumes. And I'll eat like that until I'm ready to responsibly eat whole grains, pasta, and potatoes.

    I'm not calling anyone out specifically. And I'm sure no one meant to offend. But please think before posting comments like that. I don't have my diary public because I don't want to be judged for how I'm choosing to get healthy. And I think that's sad in such a supportive place as this.

    </soapbox> :blushing:
  • KrystiR
    KrystiR Posts: 16
    Some things are hard enought without the issue of having some guilt you for whatever you do. Tell her to focus on herself, you got this. :)
    best of luck to you!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    People find somethign that works for them and they get so excited they want everyone to have that kind of success. It is understandable. But we are not cookie cutter people and what works for one does not work for another. It is when we can cherish and applaud our differences that we have really grown.
    I'd like to recommend that you get the book "Eat what you love, love what you eat" for your is great alone or to help with any plan and really helps explain how success is found in listening to our own bodies and how everyone is different.
    Good luck on your journey and try not to let others influence what you know is right for you.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    lol, it does not matter how we reach our destination be it weight loss or weight gain, but the fact that we enjoy the road and make our own paths and our own informed decisions. Great post and I loved reading it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm actually on the Atkins "diet" right now and I think a lot of people have misconceptions about it. You eat a lot of vegetables, some fruits, get quite a bit of fiber and eat mostly whole foods. The processed foods have too much salt and are all carbs, anyway! It's not a bunch of people eating bacon, red meat and cheddar cheese. I just watch the carbs I eat, they mostly come from nuts, flax meal and the fruits and veggies, and I completely avoid the empty ones (white flour, white rice, etc.)

    I've found that I can't eat less and lose weight and I don't have enough time to put in the amount of exercise I would need to right now to lose it that way. I'm working on it, though!

    All of that said, your "friend" is WAY out of line. Atkins is a lifestyle choice for her but it's not her place to push it on anyone else. I'd reconsider your friendship, because what she's doing doesn't sound like the things a friend would do. She sounds more like she wants to be your "mom" and control your life. You might try distancing yourself from her a little and definitely don't tell her what you're eating. I'd avoid the subject completely and if she brings it up you might tell her "that subject is a sore point between us, I'd rather not discuss it".
  • dixiechicdana
    I am sure they mean well but you will just have to tell them it is your journey and they aren't invited. Dieting is bad. Just set your calorie goals and stay under them. I don't deprive myself of anything I want to eat. Sure some things aren't as good for us but if you are using more calories than you take in, you lose weight. have a great day!!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Secondly, may I be a little defensive? I'm currently doing Atkins. And it's pretty insulting when people demean my efforts to get healthier by calling it "just a fad" or "a diet, not a lifestyle change". I know there are studies and whatnot that people can quote at me, and frankly, I won't read them. Atkins makes sense for me. It targets my weight loss issues and helps me work through them to get to a healthy "SUSTAINABLE" lifestyle. In case you haven't actually been to the Atkins site or read the books, the third phase of the diet is called the "maintenance" phase, and it is indefinite and allows you to add back in whole grains, potatoes, etc. I also take offense to the idea that my lunch of 6 oz of white chicken breast, 1/2 an avocado, and a scoop of sour cream on a giant bed of greens is going to cause me to have a heart attack. I'll eat like this until I feel that my body wants me to add in fruits, nuts, and legumes. And I'll eat like that until I'm ready to responsibly eat whole grains, pasta, and potatoes.

    I'm not calling anyone out specifically. And I'm sure no one meant to offend. But please think before posting comments like that. I don't have my diary public because I don't want to be judged for how I'm choosing to get healthy. And I think that's sad in such a supportive place as this.

    </soapbox> :blushing:

    Amen, Sista!

    Today's lunch is one egg made into egg salad, lots of greens with cabbage, radishes and carrots, some green beans and a little left over corned beef from last night's dinner (which was yum!) Heart attack? I think not!
  • reinventingandrea
    Thanks for clarifying...after I went back and re-read I understood lol. We're here to support you <3
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    You had mint Oreos in your desk for a month and gave them away? GOOD FOR YOU! (and how did you do that?)

    You know what's right for your body and your lifestyle, and you're changing it. This includes treating yourself once in a while without beating yourself up about it.

    You didn't fall off the wagon -- you treated yourself. And you're back on track!

    Good for you for not listening to your friend!

    Another "helpful" person
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    she kept telling me how her diet was better, she'd lose faster, I was going to kill myself with the sugars and carbs

    Sounds like alot of the people on here with the whole im doing it better than you attitude.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    You had mint Oreos in your desk for a month and gave them away? GOOD FOR YOU! (and how did you do that?)

    Very very carefully LOL I just wasn't in the mood for them, found a better chocolate treat(Nature Valley's Granola thin with dark chocolate) lol :)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I'll have to try the Nature's Valley -- thanks for the tip. (Although once I start on the sweets, I don't typically stop. I don't have your will power!)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    You could have just smiled, said "I'm really glad you've found something that worked for you. . . . . "