Seriously I'm that big???

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've always known I'm bigger then my friends but usually I think of it as a size or two. This weekend I was out with a friend who has recently lost weight(she looks great!) and she informed me she is now 151lbs. OH MY GOD I weigh almost 100 lbs (actually exactly 100lbs from where I started)more then her???? This was a shocker, it's not that I don't know I'm big I just didn't think I was THAT big!
IT makes me so sad to relaize she lost 40lbs and now is at a weight I don't even dream of hitting, yet when I've lost 40lbs I'll still be over 200lbs!!!!
HOw did I never see how big I was? Heck I thought I'd be looking good if I'm down under 200lbs by my wedding, how did I kid myself?


  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    Try not to be too hard on yourself! I always have felt the same way and looking at pics I don't think I look as much as I weigh even compared to my much thinner friends. Everyone carries weight differently also. Focus on the progress that YOU are going to make! Keep your head up, you can do it!!:bigsmile:
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    Dont' be so hard on yourself, sweetie! Weight looks different on everyone!! You're a beautiful lady & I'm sure you rock whatever weight you are now AND in the future!! :)
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I've felt this way before, too. It's hard to reach an accurate self-realization. But it's possible.

    Do not feel discouraged, however. Everyone wear their weight a little differently.

    Great job on your loss so far, keep it up and enjoy the journey! It's a beautiful one :)

  • Lsng4good
    Lsng4good Posts: 86 Member
    Don't get discouraged!!!! View this as encouragement and a reason to push yourself even harder to accomplish your goals. Please don't compare yourself to her, you aren't her; you're unique and so your struggles and strengths are different from hers. Keep your chin up!
  • sweetlilgiggles
    sweetlilgiggles Posts: 23 Member
    Do NOT let yourself tell you that!!!!! I started out over 300 pounds, and let me tell you, I also never thought I was 'that big'. Do you know why exactly that is? It's because I never really SAW myself. Yeah, sure...I saw myself in the mirror every day, but it was when I started looking at pictures of myself next to my friends that I realized JUST how big I was.

    One thing you need to tell yourself is that yes, you may be 'big', but you are beautiful! Seriously, start looking at yourself and pick out your best features, and you'll start to see that damn, you're gorgeous ;) So seriously, do NOT let yourself be so harsh!
  • justinf67
    justinf67 Posts: 10
    Gaining weight doesnt happen overnight. Losing weight doesnt either. It takes a commitment to changing how u eat and being more active. The weight will come off. Set little goals that are attainable and have a healthy reward for yourself at the end of it. This will help keep u motivated. If you look at the amount as a whole, it adds stress and makes it easy to rationalize that u will never get there...But, u will through hard work and dedication. Stick to it and u will be surprised at the changes your body makes and the improvements to your life as a whole.
  • amyd03
    amyd03 Posts: 129 Member
    I think we all have been in your shoes at some point in our life. It hurts like crap when it finally hits us. Just be proud of what you have lost when your weeding gets here. It really isn't good to compare our bodies to other people. We all lose it differently.
  • jennyb612
    jennyb612 Posts: 83
    You are such a beautiful girl! Enjoy the progress that you have already had and keep doing what you're doing. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage - keep focusing on the positive!! XOXO
  • tj5000
    tj5000 Posts: 69 Member
    It;s so easy to believe that we are not as big as other people see us. I have felt exactly the same.
    You will be looking good each day and week that you lose the weight, I started at a similiar weight o you and having lost 14 lbs so far, I feel so much better inside and out. I know I must be looking better as my clothes fit better and I can fit into some jeans I bought in January. You should notice these changes too.
    Keep going! Motivation is the key, no matter how much you lose by the time you get married you will definitley feel better than you do now. Don't be disheartened.
    IT WILL be soooo worth it!!
    Good Luck!
  • lucasdany
    lucasdany Posts: 63 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself! You made decision already to make a change and that is really great. Small goals will make you feel like you can achieve anything, start with getting out of the 200 and then take it from there. I bet you are going to be unstopable at that point. Its a miracle how we can get motivated by little success'. I often asked myself that same question, you wonder how you could have let it get this bad..... the answer is sometimes pretty clear and sometimes it takes us a while to own what we did to our own bodies. I know you can do this, you just need to tell yourself enough is enough " I want me back!"

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Let me start with YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS!!!!! I was 262lbs when I started and I am now 157lbs, I was right where you are in thought. I never thought I could do this but I had my mind set that this is going to happen and their was nothing that was going to stop me. You will get their it took me almost a year and lots of learning along the way but YOU CAN do it. Keep your head up because you are beautiful and when you believe it everyone else will too no matter your size. I also wanted to say that yes I was the biggest of my friends and now I am the smallest they cannot stand it, they let themselves go over the years and my weight loss has encouraged them to get back up and eat right and exercise. Yah!!!,
  • happygirl2972
    happygirl2972 Posts: 22 Member
    The one thing to remember is weight is just a number. Everyone carries their weight differently and it sits on everyone different. You put 5 people in a room that all weigh exactly the same and they all look differerent. Just focus on your goals, how you feel, and what makes you happy when you look in the mirror... Dont fret about the rest. Have a great day!
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I started this journey at a whopping 183. I'm 5'4" so I don't carry that weight well at all. I remarried in 2007 at a weight I felt really good at. 150ish. I knew I had gained a few "happy" pounds. Didn't realize how much until I looked at my children's baby books. My highest pregnancy weight was 185. I was 3 pounds away from that and NOT pregnant. I looked at pictures of myself and realized I was much bigger then I would admit to myself. Change is hard so we lie to ourselves so we don't have to take that first step to fix it. Don't compare your weight loss to anyone else's. Be proud that you have made the choice to make a life change and run with it. I tease my BFF all the time that were I 6 inches taller, I'd be soooo much skinner then her. We do this diet thing together, which helps. Good luck to you on your journey!!!:happy:
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I know what you mean.... I packed on so much weight in the last year and I never thought I was that big... until I saw some pictures of myself and saw the difference. Even now that I am losing, I still look in the mirror expecting to see the old me...

    Keep working at it and before you know it, everyone else will be commenting at how amazing a transformation you made... just be patient and don't let yourself get down :)
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    Gaining weight doesnt happen overnight. Losing weight doesnt either. It takes a commitment to changing how u eat and being more active. The weight will come off. Set little goals that are attainable and have a healthy reward for yourself at the end of it. This will help keep u motivated. If you look at the amount as a whole, it adds stress and makes it easy to rationalize that u will never get there...But, u will through hard work and dedication. Stick to it and u will be surprised at the changes your body makes and the improvements to your life as a whole.

    I completely agree with everyone on here, but especially this reply! Keep up the hard work, and you will get there!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Congratulations on waking up!! It's a tough reality check, no doubt, but such a necessary one if you are ever going to change.

    You've come to the right place for support! Welcome!!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    WOW Thank you so much everyone for the support! I'm sitting here almost in tears reading all of it :-)
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Girl, I know but remember that that number on the scale is not as important as the size. Make sure that you are working out and doing toning and strength training exercises to make your body look smaller. I was down to 187 at my lowest in 2008 and didn't think there was much difference but looking back at those pictures now...I can tell! You will be fine and you will look great! Just keep at it! :bigsmile:
  • You probably carry your weight very well. I know for myself that when I am around 190 I start looking pretty good. I know that is still 41 pounds over my goal weight but I CANNOT wait to get to that 190 because I look at pictures of myself at that weight and think "I actually look good". I am still striving for 149 but just appreciate all the little steps because each ever small step is on step closer to your giant goal. YOU CAN DO THIS and you WILL be beautiful at your wedding!!! I am looking at your picture right now and you are already beautiful!!!!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    You're in good company. It was a "fat picture" of myself that shocked me into reality. I thought I looked pretty decent even though I knew I was overweight. Wow -- nothing like a photo to bring one back to reality.

    And now, when I meet new clients, it's an attitude that I encounter every day. The weight comes on so slowly that most of us think we're looking pretty good (even though we're packing a "few" extra pounds). If it had happened overnight, then we'd likely have a different response. When I first learned that I wasn't overweight but OBESE, I was in total denial. But once I accepted reality, I could have a sense of humor and actually celebrate when I was only "overweight." Yep -- we actually had a party! LOL

    But we are where we are, when we start. I always remind my clients that it doesn't matter where we're starting at but how we do from this point on. So forge ahead girl, and you'll be on the road toward transforming yourself in no time. :):flowerforyou:
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