p90x - really?



  • mini_girl7
    mini_girl7 Posts: 32 Member
    Never done the P90 thing -- but, you're right, and my husband always says it when I'm complaining about not being in shape -- "Round is a shape!" :wink:
  • Roughgalaxy
    Roughgalaxy Posts: 219 Member
    While I liked the p90x program, I found that I just couldn't afford the gear to go with it. After that I gave Insanity a try and liked it much more. Burned more calories and all you need is a mat and a good pair of shoes... oh... and a towel for the buckets of sweat.

    When I first started either they kicked my butt, I just did what I could, took breaks when I needed to and pushed through it. Don't feel bad if you need to take a breather and DO NOT try to keep up with them. Also, if you want to stick with P90X, try to follow their calendar which can be found in pdf format on the beach body website. It will set out, month by month, a gradually more intense series of workouts so you can ease into it... I use the word "ease" lightly.
  • eb2012
    eb2012 Posts: 9
    Oh wow did not know this. I will look for P90
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Hey man I just wanted to give you a "Never Give UP!" I am on my last week of P90X and I feel awesome. I was in the same boat as you in the beginning though. I couldn't eve do one pull up and now I can do five easy! Plyometrics is still a challenge but I can get through the whole workout without any extra breaks.

    All you have to do is honestly what Tony says, do what you can and modify until you get better. Don't get bent outta shape if you can barely do a few pushups or only curl 15lbs or whatever. The MOST important thing is to stick with it because it really does work.

    Don't give up man, just stay consistent and you will get there.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    My husband could not do all of Plyo either when we started...but we kept going and are on Phase 3 now! Don't give up! Do what you can, modify, and just keep going! You will get better at it I promise! We both had things we had trouble with, and still can't do everything. But we are still improving everytime we do the workouts!
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    My husband & I (def. out of shape) started P90X as well and we were SOOO sore the first week we almost gave up too. But, we are in Phase 2 week 2 right now and moving right along! It never gets "easier" per se but you will notice how your muscles start to figure out how to do things (like more pushups, lunges, pullups etc). I have weakling arms and have never been able to do pull-ups even in my best shape back in high school. So I do them assissted with the chair and notice I am getting much better. Same for pushups. Just keep at it! And like Tony famously says, "Do your best and forget the rest!"
  • Just_HC
    Just_HC Posts: 1
    Oh this made me smile. When I started P90X I put in Plyo on day 2 and only made it 25 minutes. I thought I was going to die. JUST KEEP PUSHING PLAY! I started week 8 this week and as I was doing Plyo last night my daughter said "Hey Mom, remember when you could only do 20 minutes of this?". It still kicks my butt but I can make it thru the entire workout now and still feel like going when I'm done. It gets better! Hang in there!