
bevbouras Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all!
I have been working out at least every day for the past month and 1/2. I work 35-40 minutes level 2 on hill treadmill, and I do weight
strength training on legs, abs, arms. 12 reps 5 x each 3 machines. I have not lost but gained a pound!! I am always at or below my caloric intake of 1200. When I am below it says to consume more calories for metabolism. I am 5 ft 7 inch and weigh 160 lbs.

I have cut out alot of the junk food in the evening. If i have a snack at nite I have cheerios with milk.

When I work out, I push myself a little each time, adding 5 minutes to the treadmill, or adding weights each week to
my strengthing.

Any help/advice as to why no weight loss would be soooo helpful!



  • monjo80
    monjo80 Posts: 5
    omg, i know what ur talking about and can completely feel ur pain :(. I have been stuck and plateaued at 165 for 2 freaking yrs.
    I have been regularly working out since past 2 and half yrs and moreso consistent since atleast a year .
    I watch what i eat (the 1200 goal) and work out like crazy with the cardios, the interval training, the strength training but no weight loss, infact i saw 3 lbs heavier on the scale couple weeks ago which have demotivated me so much :(

    But hang tight, i am sure we will get past this phase sooner or later
  • sm26davis
    sm26davis Posts: 52
    Do you eat your calories burned or close to it? I had the same problem. I was busting my butt burning tons of calories and the scale wasn't going anywhere. I have been trying to eat more and I have found to have lost 2 lbs in one week! And also muscle weighs more then fat, keep that in mind to.
  • I'm no expert, but I believe that when you burn calories through exercise, say you burnt 600, you should eat back about half of those calories (I hope that is worded okay!). So when you exercise, it probably would be best for you to eat above your 1200 calorie limit. I would also try switching up your routine sometimes; when your body gets too used to the routine, you will get less results. So maybe throw in some new moves or change the order? My boyfriend's cousin is in a Zumba class, and she is already seeing major results, so if that is an option it might be a nice change! And cheerios definitely sounds like a great snack, I just wouldn't eat it too late at night. Personally I try not to eat anything past 9:00, except on special occasions. I hope this helps!
  • orossi
    orossi Posts: 1
    I feel you! It took close to 3 months for the scale to move in the RIGHT direction for me. Don't give up! Even when the scale said i was going in the wrong direction, I kept at it thanks to my 2 encouraging pals. I was feeling better, my clothes fit better and i could see the health benefits in stamina and flexibility, so I stopped weighing myself. Just last week I got my miracle, and the scale has been rolling back! Make sure there are no health issues. I get regular check ups and thanks to caring medical supervision i'm getting all the help i need. Prayer is what gets me over the hump when nothing else will do: I pray for the motivation to keep it up, 'cause the alternative is not an option!
  • thanks so much to all of you for your stories and encouragement!!!!! I do have hypothryroid that is monitored and am
    on meds for. I had hysterectomy 5 years ago, and gallbladder out 4 yrs ago. In 2008 I had foot surgery and
    really did a number on me, as I was off my foot for 8 weeks. My mom passed away in 2009 and 6 months later
    dad had heart surgery and suffered 2 strokes. Have been dealing with his health issues since then. He is
    having a rough time as of last 2 weeks. But I continue to go to gym at least every other day. I do want to switch up
    to the eucliptis (sp) as soon as I can do at least an hour on treadmill level 2 on hill setting. I am at 35 min now.
    As for my eating, it often says under 1200, but I skip lunch do to running to hospital so, its hard to get lunch in.

    I am encouraged though, as when I did my fitness test, I couldnt do 5 minutes without getting out of breath.
    I do have a heart monitor watch and am trying to stay in my zone for at least 20 minutes. I have never been one
    to sweat, ever, but did on the treadmill the other day LOL. I also do enjoy the strength training as well. I try to do that
    before the treadmill.

    Thanks so much again!!!
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