Hi and a LOT of weight to lose!

PhoebeWhoebe Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Bad back, hypertension and bordering on diabetes. Ended up 1000 plus calories in the hole the first day!!! Exercising is a challenge as I have no ligament in my right ankle. Will try better tomorrow, I like how logging the food thing works, QUITE The eye opener!!!



  • it really is crazy! it makes you so acountable... keep it going though even if you have a bad day still log it, it makes you think about if its worth it or not:happy:
    im just getting started too. we can motivate eachother! keep trying!!!
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome! There are lots of people on here that can probably offer you advise on how to exercise with your medical issues
  • This site really is an eye opener, especially if you are mindlessly eating or not taking note of the meals you are consuming throughout the day. I used to use another site to log in my foods, but the nice thing about this place is the community atmosphere and friends you make who push you, challenge you, and make you feel guilty for cheating or skipping a day :)

    Ill add you as a friend and encourage you when I can! :) Good luck to you!!
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    well at least your here and not giving up, after a month or so it will start getting a bit easier. good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)
  • The important thing is that you are trying to change! You may have a bad day, but you just learn from it and improve your habits. I joined MFP a few days ago and I love the community and the encouragement!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Welcome! MFP has be so motivating to me.

    You can always do seated boxing. One of the guys on The Biggest Loser lost a huge chunk of weight doing mostly that(or it seemed so anyway). Punching can burn some major calories even when sitting. You can start out there and then later do it standing then do it and rotate getting into a squat in there.

    You can do it even with just changing the diet first. :)
  • vfinn
    vfinn Posts: 16
    hi!!! im new
  • Thanks all, wow, that was fast!!! I really do need to lose weight to avoid back surgery, have lumbar support belt on my back now as of today, chiro cannot help me anymore excepting adjustments and providing with me exercises to do. (was scared of chiropractors before). Will see my doctor in a couple of days with a view to referral to see an orthopedic surgeon but my chiro says nobody will touch me before I lose weight and try conservative therapy. And I don't want surgery but need to appease my employer as I had a couple of sick days due to my back a few months ago and now again. Plus my asthma is getting worse, don't know how I let it get so far........................Thanks again for all your comments. : )
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member

    I've been in those exact shoes... I was clinically diabetic, with a herniated disc in my L2 Vertebrae. I weighed over 320 lbs (am now 235 and no sign of diabetes)

    If you want support... add me, I'll be glad to try helping to motivate you.
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    Good luck! I hope you get some good suggestions. I have a spinal cord injury at T12/L1 and degenerative disc disease with disc compressions and herniations in all spinal levels (the biggest compression is a 5 disc compression in the lumbar spine, but I have about 2/3s of my vertebrae with severely compressed and/or herniated discs). I haven't found a single exercise I can do since all movement involves the back and I have a good bit of nerve damage. I had spinal surgery twice at the high end of 300lbs so yes, people will touch you when you've got a lot to lose. If its a necessary surgery then a surgeon will make it happen, both of mine were to prevent paralysis. None of my disc compressions have been worked however, just at the cord injury site.
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