College Students

hbuffington Posts: 4
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone!

I am looking for female college students out there who are looking to lose 5-25 lbs. I am a 20yr old female in college trying to balance healthy eating, working out, work, and school.... I would really like to make a few weight loss buddies who can help me along the way because my motivation is weak and many of friends only eat out so they are constantly making me go with them. I need to find someone who is in my same boat and can be a positive support!



  • You can do it! I am a college grad student, and it is definitely tough sometimes to stick to eating healthy with how busy school gets sometimes. But it is possible! My goal weight loss is about 15 pounds, and I'm about halfway there. MFP has been extremely helpful in sticking to a diet. Good luck! Feel free to friend me :)
  • mcmcat13
    mcmcat13 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I am in graduate school right now and have recently lost 20 pounds and have 30-40 more pounds to go. I understand how hard it is to balance school, work, etc. When I first started college I weighed 130lbs and gained over 70 pounds over the past 7 years....scary. So I am definitely looking for motivation as well! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member

    I am also a 20 year old college student! Feel free to add me or most of the other people I'm friends with.. we've got a nice network going :) Good luck on your journey! You've definitely come to the right place. I love it.
  • I happen to be in a similar situation! I'm a full time university student and rarely have time to exercise and always seem to opt for eating fast food or eating whatever is in the cupboard (typically junk food). I've been using this site for over 2 months and have seen some results, but I could definitely be putting in more effort and time into getting more fit! It's tough work, but we can all do it! Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe I can be of some support!
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    you can add me if you like. I am a full time student. I am a mama to 3 great kiddos and married. I am a SAHM so I can got o school full time. I am looking to lose more than 20 pounds.

    It is difficult to take care of my family, do my school work, keep the house in order, and eat right. Good luck to you!
  • hi i'm in a similar situation, i'm just starting my junior year of college this spring term, am 23 years old, and trying to lose another 10 lbs for a total loss of 15 lbs by june. most of my friends are in their mid twenties and love to go out to the bars, and eat out alot. i work full time and juggle school and now added working out and dieting. i joined this 3 weeks ago and its helped alot, but i could deifinately use more friends that will motivate me to stay on track, and not cheat :smile: feel free to add me
  • Hello! I'm a 21-year-old college student. I have been losing weight gradually over a few years (heaviest was 180, I'm now 134), but only recently started to buckle down for the last 19 pounds. I have lost 5 of those so far. I'd love to be of any assistance with support/questions/whatever. It feels sort of different when you don't have some huge weight loss goal, but at the same time the pounds come off slower toward the end. It's been really hard, so I totally understand!
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