New and scared

Hi everyone! I am new to this site so Im still feeling my way around it and figuring it out. I literally just made my account 2 minutes ago. I am a 28 y/o female who used to be slim. Over the past 5 years, I have gained 50 lbs. I have battled depression and I have a job where i sit at a desk 9 hours a day. My weakness is food (go figure). When I am bored, I eat. When I am sad, I eat. I pretty much just eat. I am now 180 lbs and very unhappy. I have tried many diets, though I have never really given them my all. It took me up until this point to realize that I need to DO IT. I need to stop making excuses and show myself that I am worth this. I will admit though, I am scared. I am scared of failure and I am terrified that I will give up on this too. What I do know is that I WANT to do this... but I need more support.


  • kimmberry
    kimmberry Posts: 14
    We are all here for you!! I have been in the same boat starting diets and workouts and never REALLY giving it my all. MFP is awesome though and has a great support system! Just make sure you come and sign in EVERYDAY!! LOG LOG LOG all of your food and exercise no matter what! :D

    Great Luck to you!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    The biggest thing to remember is there will be ups and downs - some weeks you won't lose anything, maybe you'll gain; some days you may overeat, but as long as you keep coming back YOU CAN DO THIS. You have to want to do it for you, find things to love about your lifestyle change, and once you start seeing the results of your hard work you'll want to keep going!!
  • ashlyae
    ashlyae Posts: 4
    I would have to say that if you know you want to do this then the hardest part is telling yourself no when you want to eat because your bored. Personally entering everything into my counter is a good way to keep me from mindlessly snacking but that isn't always all you need. Don't forget to ask yourself a)is this something I should be eating and b) am I REALLY hungry for any snacks you have.

    i believe this is a mental game so stick to it! Good luck :)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I also suffer from depression. Once you see how much better you feel with eating well and exercising, you will be hooked! feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
  • Greyhawkk
    Greyhawkk Posts: 34
    Believe in yourself and u will be fine !
  • Ccw675
    Ccw675 Posts: 6
    You're going through the same thing MANY of us have gone through. There is the group of people who were always heavy, and there is the group of people who were once thin and have gained. I always considered myself larger than average, but I look back and I was thin! LOL
    I actually keep that in mind when I look in the mirror--5 years from now I don't want to think THIS was thin!
    Hang in there! You can do it. I've only been on here less than a week, but it is a really great site, community and app! I really only did it for the app, but the community is really cool too!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Hi and welcome to the site. Don't feel scared, you can do this and we will all be here to help you along, good luck on your new lifestyle x
  • Bostongirl40
    Bostongirl40 Posts: 23 Member
    like you I know I want to do this but I need support so Welcome et btw I justed register to there is always a beginning to everything I know we can do it !!
  • stephdesiree
    Thats exactly how I have been feeling! I looked at pictures from last year (when I thought I was huge) and think "man, I looked good!"... Im tired of saying "I am now the heaviest I have ever been." It has got to change!

    Thanks for all of the encouraging words!!! You guys are awesome!
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Hello there. Being scared is a way I let myself feel for way too long!

    You CAN do this...

    You've just started your first step... and MFP really helps and really works!

    Congratulations on the first day of the rest of your life!!!

    We are all here to support you!
  • skinnieginnie84
    we're all in the same boat... you'll get there!!! im new also just joined today with you. good luck and hang in there!!!!
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You are making a first step and that is a new high point of many to come. This is something that will follow you all your life. You will have highs and lows but getting back on the proverbial horse and sticking to healthy eating and learning different coping mechanisms will serve you well.
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    We are all there with one likes to fail but it happens and you know pick yourself up, brush off the dust and move on. As long as you can fill your lungs with air, you can keep moving. We all have insecurities but admitting them and facing them makes us stronger and better. You've already made admissions in your post, you've already picked yourself up, you've made a decision to move in the right direction. I'm proud of you!! Now lets make this journey together!!! No one will fault you for weak moments, yes, we have those too, afterall, we're human!!! I hope I see a lot of you around here!! Add me!!