mom with question

Hey, I'm a mom of a 15 month old daughter who is really active.. I am lacking in the exercise area though, and I get bored easily with things. We go on walks every once in a while if the weather is nice, and I was going on bike rides earlier this summer but got out of that too. I work nights as a nurse so when I work I need to sleep that day and the day after working, so I never feel like working out. I bought a 10 minute workout video and have done it once, it kicked my butt, and it's a little hard to follow because they don't walk you through the motions first.. I am just wondering if anybody else is in the same boat as me and when others work out? What types of workouts are there when you have a little one at home and not a lot of time necessarily. I've thought of working out after my husband and daughter go to sleep, but by that time I'm tired to and want to go to bed. :ohwell:


  • nicurn_05
    nicurn_05 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, I'm a mom of a 15 month old daughter who is really active.. I am lacking in the exercise area though, and I get bored easily with things. We go on walks every once in a while if the weather is nice, and I was going on bike rides earlier this summer but got out of that too. I work nights as a nurse so when I work I need to sleep that day and the day after working, so I never feel like working out. I bought a 10 minute workout video and have done it once, it kicked my butt, and it's a little hard to follow because they don't walk you through the motions first.. I am just wondering if anybody else is in the same boat as me and when others work out? What types of workouts are there when you have a little one at home and not a lot of time necessarily. I've thought of working out after my husband and daughter go to sleep, but by that time I'm tired to and want to go to bed. :ohwell:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    with a 10 minute video there isnt much time to go over the exercises. :wink:

    Give it some time to get used to the exercises. dont be discouraged at what you cant do, revel in the things you can. I know you will be amazed after 1 week when you see an improvement.

    Now, I shall listen to my own words and try the unopened video I purchased 5 years ago!!

    Good Luck!

    any exercise is better than no exercise!:flowerforyou:
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    put on some rockin' music and make sure you dance or move in some way as vigorously as you can moving as many body parts as you can for at least 30 minutes. It's fun and you may find your little one mimicking you and making you laugh.

    good luck!

    oh yeah, and the music needs to be loud!

  • lsalazarii
    lsalazarii Posts: 144 Member
    I use the Leslie Sansone walk videos.... she says "even a mile is powerful" which takes about 15 minutes... with a 15 month old, I'm sure you're moving quite a bit. Try the link You can also find the videos in Wal-Mart or Target. Good Luck!!!
  • rv8396
    rv8396 Posts: 14
    Try the wiggles. It keeps my girls entertained and you can dance along and get in a apretty good 30 minutes of exercise. The kids think its hilarious to watch mommy do the mokey. :happy: (Watch out, you'll be singing their songs at work.)
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Now, I shall listen to my own words and try the unopened video I purchased 5 years ago!!

    I laugh because I have some still wrapped from around that time as well.......ahhh maybe longer....I keep forgetting about them, they probably are not ones I'd be doing I may have to find them a new home.:drinker:
  • alyssa150
    alyssa150 Posts: 26 Member
    The Lesle Sansone walk video are the best if you are short on time. She has many different walk dvd also, i have the 5-day fit walk- a workout for 5 days of the week. I have used it so long my two year tries to do the it with me and she is pretty good too.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I have a 15 month old son, and my workout time is my private time. It's the hour or so I get each day to go think my own thoughts, work on myself, and just be...ALONE for a while. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have you asked your husband if he might watch your daughter for an hour or so, so you can go for a walk, or run, or go to the gym? It's good to let them have some time alone with each other. My son and husband's bond has grown so much since I've started working out every day. As a SAHM, I tend to get really possessive of my son, so it's good for me to step out of "mommy mode" for a little while. It keeps me in reality.
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    I have an awesome workout, that teaches you all the steps and gives results. This workout is part of the "Turbo Jam" set. It is the twenty minute workout and I lost ten pounds using it. The first part is called "learn and Burn" which teaches you the steps and then after you have learned the steps you can move on to the twenty minute workout.

    I find that the instructor is not overly perky so you feel no need to hate her. LOL and like I said I got results.

    Good Luck

  • nicurn_05
    nicurn_05 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the advice, that Turbo Jam sounds interesting, I'll have to look into it. I really have to get in gear because I just found out that my old scale was 5 pounds off...THE WRONG WAY! So I've been thinking that I weighed less than I do! I just bought a digital scale now and it measures body fat too, which is not a good number for me, so I'm getting more motivated to lose the weight.