
So I've been spinning or doing an hour of cardio after work, which means I don't get back home til 8-8.30 ish and have been buying and eating fresh soups to eat after this (then I can just throw it in the microwave) but I'm sure post-workout, there's better things to eat in the evenings. Any suggestions?


  • shumatet1982
    I would preferr some chicken or eggs.
  • lesscat
    lesscat Posts: 11 Member
    Protein (helps muscles after exercise) - chicken salad, a piece of fish with some steamed vegetables, a stir fry?
  • victoriawil
    victoriawil Posts: 21 Member
    I think eggs sounds good, because it's cheap and pretty quick to knock up some scrambled eggs on wholemeal bread maybe? Or perhaps omelettes? Stir fry packs are handy but don't really last that long in the fridge!

    I also buy those packs of pre-cooked chicken breast - but am unconvinced about their nutritional value, but they're so easy...
  • emfalko91
    THE BEST BEST BEST thing to have after a workout as recovery is CHOCOLATE MILK!.....fat free or skim milk with chocolate syrup, or i just buy the already made choclate milk by the 2% not only will you feel full but the lactose in it helps with cramping and there is enough protein to replenish muscles