Its my body and I want it NOW!!!

amberlynnkitty Posts: 8 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've always been the type of person that thrives on instant resaults. I believe this is why I became such a good eater. You eat the food and you're instantly satisfied.

Exercise on the other hand is slow and not so instant. I get discouraged when I work hard and nothing happens.

I can't be the only one. What are some ways you cope with not seeing anything happen instantly?


  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    HONEYYYYY! im in ur boat right now, Stick with me and we will cope together! Some words of advice is DONT get discouraged and feel like every exercise you do it one step closer to getting those flat abs "THEY" told you about, and by THEY i mean the media that sold you on that exersice. What exercise do you do, Im doing Turbo Jam on and off and just recently started a mile walk/jog around my neighborhood! Ill be REAL serious when i am done my vacation cruise on 4/11/11 :smooched:
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi, ive been walking, running and cycling trying 2 vary it, and i have noticed a big difference just at shape chg and cellulite dissappearing, try varying ur exercise maybe or adding something new:flowerforyou:
  • Just remember.... you didn't put the weight on overnight, it will not come off overnight, at least not in a healthy way.

    If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to not only exercise, but also change the way you eat. Stay away from pre-packaged/processed/fast foods. Stay with whole grains, fresh fruits/veggies, dairy. Drink LOTS of water and definitely watch your sodium. Turn on sodium in your diary. You'll be amazed at what you're actually eating. I sure was.

    You can do this. Try to be patient.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I am getting quite frustrsted that I am not losing weight weekly. I do measure myself though and the inches are coming off. I also have scales with a fat monitor which is also going down. It seems a common factor on here that weight doesnt always move quickly. I do quite a lot of weights so although the scales arent moving; I am toning up.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    The one thing I always tell myself is: "I don't want to get any bigger than I am right now. If I keep exercising and dieting, I will NOT get bigger, only stay the same or become smaller." And that is completely fine with me!

    You just have to remember that it takes longer to lose the weight than it was to gain it. Don't be discouraged! Every one is here for a reason, and being here in the first place shows that you want to commit and do the right things, which is excellent!
  • JMJohn
    JMJohn Posts: 3 Member
    Instead of focusing on what the scale says or whether my clothes fit the way I want them to yet, I try to concentrate on the improvements I've made in my exercise routines. Right now, I'm doing Insanity and it's really hard to get through it. But every week I am able to push myself even harder, and it has helped me to stay motivated. Hope this helps you too!
  • allykat111
    allykat111 Posts: 3 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I have been anal with my diet and exercise for 5 weeks now and you know what i get as a reward......1kg whoopppeee. I have decided i am not going to starve myself but rather keep with the fresh ingredients but increase my exercise, im managing on pt session a week plus 2-3 different classes at the gym. mixing it up i have been told is the go, weights one day, cardio another, maybe some yago and stretching for another night. when i cant get to the gym my stationary bike haunts me in the the loungeroom to get off my *kitten* and ride for 20! 5 more weeks and if i have no results i give up, hope to god i win the lotto and just surgically get the fat sucked out my *kitten* lol 'jokes'
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    Settle down girl!! LOL This all takes time. If you'd like extra support feel free to add me!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Take your focus away from the scale, focus on the good choices you are making and be proud of those. Someone else suggested being mindful of exercise improvements, that is great advice. At the end of the day think of all the great choices you made . . . perhaps you ate more veggies than you have in a long time, or you made your water drinking goal. Soon all of these little habits will become like second nature and things will start happening. I worked hard with a trainer for about 6 months (6 MONTHS) and saw very little fluctuation with my scale, then when all my nutrition started to fall in line things started happening. Hang in there, you are right that it won't happen overnight, but it will happen!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You see other things happen first,like you get stronger,can go longer,and have more energy.When I first started I could barley walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph now I can do 6.0 mph no problem.I also have way more energy sleep better all sorts of things I noticed before I noticed my body changing.
  • amberlynnkitty
    amberlynnkitty Posts: 8 Member
    These are all great! Thank you. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for the greater good. My future depends on it! Thank you all for your words of encouragement. :)
  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    I'm with you - I need to see results and see results FAST otherwise I lose interest.

    What's worked for me (a mindset change) was re-defining "fast".

    When it comes to weight loss, "fast" is more than 6 pounds a month.

    When it comes to cardio, "fast" is the same output at the next level of intensity in a month (ie 3 MPH @ level 4 this month, 3 MPH @ level 5 next month).

    Change your window for results and it's easier to stay motivated.

    I'm now at the point that my motivation comes from watching the body fat percentage drop; and I give myself 2 weeks to have the number go down (with a once-a-week weigh in).
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