14lbs by Easter!

stred321 Posts: 48
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Its Easter in just over four weeks and I would love to lose a stone before the long weekend...I am running approx four miles a day and am starting 30 Day Shred as soon as the postie delivers it!! Would anyone like to join me??


  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    4 miles a day? Wow! When i do run i normally aim for about 2. I would like to try this with you! i'm afraid I have a serious lack of motivation to do exercise at the moment though. My gym membership just ran out and I have nobody to exercise with, and it sucks doing it on your own. Maybe this goal will help!
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    Am trying!! I used to run a lot but have slacked off over the winter hence the weight gain!! ( plus new boyfriend :blushing: )

    Did five at the weekend and four monday- had yesterday off and am going to do four again today!! My bottom wobbling behind me usuallky motivates me!!!!!

    I like running alone- gives me time to think!!
  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    Well i think that's pretty impressive! I went this morning and thought about your comment about you bottom wobbling behind you and the though of mine doing the same was my motivation today. I did 2 and a half instead of my usual 2, although I have to admit a lot of it was power walking!
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    Go FreyaDH!!! Helps doesnt it??? I started at two miles and remember trying to do 2.5 and thinking I would never make it! Six months later I ran a Half Marathon :happy:

    Think I am going to go for a 5er this weekend as I keep teasing myself with 4.85!!! Got to get over that hump!!! :sad:

  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    yes! it was good motivation and on my way back i had to run past KFC and a pizza place and that motivated me even more :)

    Good luck with the 5 miles! Let me know how you get on.
    I will aim for 3 next time and try and cut down on the power walking and actually do more running. x
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