


  • FrodoB
    FrodoB Posts: 19
    You need to be very careful when it comes to kettlebells. If you don't have the proper form you can really hurt yourself. I LOVE Kettlebells. However, I recently learned which trainers to use and which ones not to. I love Bob and Jillian. However, they are NOT RKC certified in kettlebell training. I own Jillian's kettlebell dvd and she does a lot of the moves very wrong. I actually hurt my back doing her dvd.
    I know it is cheap, but I would rather pay for proper instruction then get hurt all the time. I would check out Lauren Brooks, Andrea Ducane, and look up information on I know their dvds aren't as "flashy" as Jillian's dvd, but it shows proper form and it will kick your butt. You will be amazed with the difference when you are actually doing it right.
    Hope this helps

    I've heard nothing good about Jillian Michaels kettlebell video. From the article linked below:

    "Her technique is appalling," Cheng told me. "What she says in the video and what she demonstrates are two different things. She doesn't break things down into manageable pieces that prompt people to get the correct form, so instead she is enabling bad form… I would not recommend this from a safety perspective."
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Finally!! Just found this thread and was reading through and getting very worried! So glad you mentioned the RKC. Where I live we are fortunate enough to have a gym stocked with nothing but rkc and hkc trainers. I started taking kb classes in August, and my weight was 296. I'm now at 275. Would have lost weight faster but I wasn't watching my diet (hence the membership now to MFP). My mom picked up one of the dvd's from walmart, I watched it and told her to chunk it, the form was terrible and is just asking for someone to get hurt Just read the thread where Jillian Michaels said to lol snatch "up to 8 pounds". The only reason you wouldn't be able to go higher than 8 pounds doing a snatch is if your'e doing it wrong. I use a 20 pound bell and that's, well, lol light. My sister in law uses as 36 pound bell. Her husband flings around a 70 pound bell like it's a woofel ball. Ladies (and gents) please check out Dragondoor. The gentleman (Pavel Tsatsouline) who is probably single handedly responsible for introducing kb's to the states has tons of instructional dvd's and books that will show you correct and proper form. Andrea DuCane, Iron Core, .... those are all rkc certified They will show you the PROPER form and technique. . I ordered the Goddess video recently, and looking forward to the torture at home. :) BTW: You can also get the kettlebell for Dummies book which in the index I believe has a list of rkc certified gyms in the US.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    i log my kettlebell workouts at "circuit training"
  • WendyB1
    WendyB1 Posts: 7