Wanted : Accountability Partners

:flowerforyou: Hi all,
Well I am turning 32 in May and I am hoping to be down at least one pant size but shooting for more by then . I began working out to Turbo Fire this past Monday and I am using the site to keep my calories within range but I am looking for some accountability partners looking to drop weight by summer and that are willing to check in frequently sharing goals, ideas, encouragment, and best of all victories! Hope to hear from you soon!!!


  • LuvLeigh42
    LuvLeigh42 Posts: 47 Member
    what is this turbo fire... is it on cable or something?
  • jeananndawson
    Would love to be your friend!! I also started Turbo Fire last Monday. What do you think of it so far?:happy:
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    Im in :) Add me
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Down one pant size by May is totally doable. I'm not doing turbo fire, but I am committed to regular exercising. Hoping to drop another 15-20 pounds by the time I go to a family reunion at the end of June. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I'd love to be your friend! I need all the accountability I can get! ::) I would like to be down by summer as well...at least a size or so.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I'm a really great at 'yay-ing' people on! Friend me. ;)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    You should all join the ongoing water cooler thread! It's basically all that you're describing. An ongoing thread- only a few women right now but anyone and everyone's welcome. Just checking in with eachother daily, sharing goals, talking about your day. it's quite nice :o)

  • getnfitn2011
    Alright now we have a group!!!! So glad to hear from ya'll!!

    LeighAnn- turbo fire is a dvd program you can buy to work out at home. They have a more basic one called turbo jam and I have done that one for years...I love it. Its kinda like dance and kickboxing together with fun music..very fast paced!

    Jeanann- I LOVE this program, I was intimidated thinking I wouldn't be able to keep up...and I can't lol but I know I will soon!! How about you? What do you think about it?

    Vicki- glad to have ya!

    Gatorflyer- I agree its doable!! I am trying not to set unrealistic goals. I have done that in the past and it really ends up working against me!

    So I guess next question for the group is what can we do to stay accountable?? Maybe post goals?? Measurements? I am not a big fan of the scale just because it can be deceiving with muscle weighing more than fat and all that but I weigh once a month...if ya'll want to post weekly weigh in's though thats cool. =) I am intrested in hearing any ideas ya'll might have this is our place for encouragment and motivation,....so what do you guys think?
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,068 Member
    I'd love to join you, too. I am currently doing Turbo Jam http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/177969-turbo-team-xx and am also trying the "Conservative Couch to 5k"
    I am doing Week 3 of that. (It is a slower Couch to 5k -- takes 7 months and the first month is just walking (and not every day). There is a thread here for that, too, but it is not very active.

    Anyway, I'd love to participate and be an Accountability Partner.

    I would like weekly weigh in, but I am cool with whatever y'all want to do. I would love to get into smaller clothes!

    Thank you,
  • getnfitn2011
    Good morning all!!!

    Welcome Linda!!!

    This site is just so fantastic!!!! I can not believe how much it actually motivates me to stay the course!!! I was thinking about how to stay accountable and I decided that honesty is the best way to go since keeping things under wrapps is one of the reasons my behind needs its own zip code now!!! I weigh 208....as I stated earlier I don't like the scale but dealing with whatever the scale says is part of the deal. I need to learn to not let things like a gain when IKNOW I did well derail me.... thats what happened a couple weeks ago. The scale showed I had gained 4 pounds and I totally bailed used it as an excuse to go hog wild...emphasis on the hog!!! That gain had me up to 210...so sometime between then and now I lost two pounds so I am actually happy I decided to step on the dreaded device!!! What I meant about honesty being a way to stay accountable is that I think just putting out there I really want to binge or veg and not work out or any of the other negative mind games might disarm it and leave it powerless to get us off track.
    There is SO much support here and I know just typing I want a candy bar right now will generate a dozen NOOOO DONT DO IT! Thats awesome. I also think stating goals is a great way to stay the course....those are just ideas and I am hoping to hear from ya'll!!! Anyway, I better hop off for now...hope to hear back from ya'll as the day goes one! =)
  • lis_4582
    lis_4582 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I need all the help I can get...

    And I'm an excellent cheer-er-on-er. =) Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!!
  • mileneD
    mileneD Posts: 104 Member
    I wanna join! I hope to stay motivated and motivate others as well. I just joined a few days ago but so far, I'm doin great! Mostly alternating between the elliptical trainer and the treadmill. I'm just gonna keep on puttin one foot in front of the other and keep on tryin. Hope everyone's havin a great day =)
  • VanCK
    VanCK Posts: 11
    Love, Love, Love me some accountablity partners! I'm in if you'll have me!:tongue:

    Do we have a weigh or measurement day? What's our first goal?
  • getnfitn2011
    Lis,Milene, and VanCK...WELCOME!!!!!
    So thrilled to have you guys here!!! To answer the questions of if we are weighing and measuring I would have to ...umm don't know?! lol How about this sound off if you want to weigh and measure weekly and what day and we will tally it up and hopefuly have a plan by tonight!!!!

    For my vote..I say yeah why not lets weight and measure weekly.. I am trying to overcome my fear of the scale so here we go. I vote for Friday because I think it might help carry us through the weekends...to me Mondays are hard enough as it is lol. I am totally felxable and this is not about any one person anyway this is about us as a group supporting and holding eachother accountable!! So to recap I say measure and weight every friday and post goals for the week on Monday mornings and daily checkin's to share how we are doing and to lift eachother up!! Anyone has diffrent or better ideas share em' I am anxious to hear what ya'll think!!!
    till then be blessed gang!

  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I'm in :) Feel free to add me as well.
  • VanCK
    VanCK Posts: 11
    I love the idea of setting a goal on Monday..it could be for the scale, food, water, whatever. Then checking in to see if we made our goal on Friday and maybe make a new weekend goal on Friday to check in on Monday. That way if your a scale girl you can weigh if your not you can still set a goal to be held accountable for.
    Friday's are super busy so I may do my check-in on Thursday (That's my Friday).

    Just an idea let me know what you think:flowerforyou:
  • getnfitn2011
    Oooooo thats a good idea....I change my vote to what Van said lol!!! I am a stay at home mom of four...i do homeschool and have a home based buisness but thats all from home which is where my scale is....so I am pretty easy...Van's idea makes since though!!!
  • junderwood1964
    I'm in ... Add me
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I think we should all set daily goals for ourselves and talk about them on here. Apart from that how you're feeling that day, things that are affecting your progress positiverly and negatively. I don't know about you guys but I stick longer with the groups where you're getting to know eachother a little, checking in regularly. I don't like to join the 'challenges' - they don't motivate me personally. I need to learn to be motivated by myself! After all I got overweight by not motivating myself to eat right and exercise, right?

    My personal goals for this week: drink minumum 64 oz of water a day- preferably more. Exercise every other day MINIMUM! Strive to get away from slim-fast! Get better about my sodium intake.

    I started out my dieting about a month ago by giving the slim-fast 321 plan a try, I figured it was a good way to see quick 4 or 5 lb results and still enjoy what I'm eating (I actually really like their snack and meal bars and shakes!) But now that I've gotten that first 5 off I'm trying to get to the next step- overhaul the way I eat so that I can eat like a normal person and stay within my daily calorie etc goals that MFP gives me. So far so good! I'm still having the slim-fast for breakfast- I don't get hungry in the mornings until I'm already at work. Trying to get into the habit of breakfast within the first hour of waking to jump-start my metabolism. Aside from my slim-fast mini addiction I'm doing good- eating 5-6 times a day. Usually two small a.m. snacks (fruit or veggie) a balanced-ish lunch, another snack in the afternoon, great dinners and something after dinner to trick myself into thinking i'm having a treat (like a sugar free pudding or diet ice cream dessert).

    Currently not stepping on the scale more than twice a month- I don't want to focus on that number. The way my body distrubutes weight has always been deceiving. It spread it out so I didn't look 174lbs... so, I'm measuring weekly instead and focusing on how I feel physically and how my clothes fit.

    Yesterday I used my gazelle machine pretty vigorously for a half hour and today I did my MTV power yoga video and got a nice sweat on :o)

    Daily goal met.

    Anyone else want to check in?
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Sounds great!

    I had an ah-ha moment tonight, so I'm ready to tackle this weight loss/fitness thing head on. I mean....there are no excuses now, it's show time!

    So yeah, feel free to add me because I'm definitely on a hardcore path to reach my goals, I'll give you tons of support if you want, and I'd love to have accountability partners as well!!