Size 8 vs. Size 0

pearl23 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I dont understand everyone i knows have been dieting around me my sister went from a size 10 to a size 0 (which i think is ridiculosly too skinny) and i went from a 14 to a size 8, this was my goal size b/c i am 5-9 and i like this size not too skinny too big perfect to my liking a happy medium but no one ever notices all i hear is your sister looks great am i being selfish? but ive lost weight too, dont want to sound like a cry baby which i know i totally am just by the way this message is comming out, but i dont care because ive tried really hard. so my question to all of you is why is it not recognized when you lose to a healthy weight? why is it only considered weight lost if i was a size 0? do we all have to be a size 0 or 2 too look great ? i dont think so but its sad that so many people do. and congratulations to all of you.


  • I dont understand everyone i knows have been dieting around me my sister went from a size 10 to a size 0 (which i think is ridiculosly too skinny) and i went from a 14 to a size 8, this was my goal size b/c i am 5-9 and i like this size not too skinny too big perfect to my liking a happy medium but no one ever notices all i hear is your sister looks great am i being selfish? but ive lost weight too, dont want to sound like a cry baby which i know i totally am just by the way this message is comming out, but i dont care because ive tried really hard. so my question to all of you is why is it not recognized when you lose to a healthy weight? why is it only considered weight lost if i was a size 0? do we all have to be a size 0 or 2 too look great ? i dont think so but its sad that so many people do. and congratulations to all of you.
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    I feel we should feel healthy first of all.
    For me personally, I think, size 6 is good; snd size 4 is more than enough. You don't wanna look malnutritioned :wink:
    Kidding! depends person to person, I guess.
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member


    it is sad, I agree.

    WE will congratulate you for doing the RIGHT AND HEALTHY thing.

    The only time I got a lot of compliments on how "great" i looked was when I weighed about 119 and I'm 5'7.

    no, not a size 0, but a size 4, and I was ok with how I looked, but still felt a little too skinny and I know I must have been because my periods were all messed up and I couldn't get pregnant until I put on 10 lbs . I think I look and feel better when I weigh 125-130, but you're right. not as many "oh my goshes!" from friends/family as when you're a stick.

    it's stinky.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I noticed on your profile that you've lost 5lbs - if that is what you've lost, it's hard to notice a loss of 5lbs. People probably think you look great, but don't really notice a loss that small. Maybe your sister's loss was more significant, proportionally? Just a thought...

    And work that size 8 girl! I'm also an 8 (and 5'8"), and feel great at this weight!
  • I Started My Fitness Pal after i lost my first 10 pounds
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member
    I ran into this a little while ago myself. I know it hurts, but the thing to keep in mind is that a size 0 is almost impossible to maintain, and is not the best for your body (generally speaking, I know some people are naturally that size.) There's even research that says it's better to be slightly overweight than slightly underweight. Your sister might be a size 0, but she also might fall over in a stiff breeze. :laugh: Don't try to compare yourself--know you are doing this the right way and for the right reasons--for you and your health!

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    We all have a bit of a warped sense of reality. One of my close friends still comments on how certain girls are "cute"...I think mainly because they are just tiny. It makes me feel bad because I'm a size 10/12 and she's a 4/6, so I feel like it inadvertently is a dig at me. BUT, that's just my own insecurity talking. It's hard to tell what's real and what's fake with all the photoshop work done on photos now. I've even tinkered with some of my photos, just to see what I'd look like. But that's not real. I have to accept what I see and be happy with my own fitness level and the challenges I overcome.

    You're doing great...just stay grounded and remember what's real. :bigsmile:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    We all have a bit of a warped sense of reality. One of my close friends still comments on how certain girls are "cute"...I think mainly because they are just tiny. It makes me feel bad because I'm a size 10/12 and she's a 4/6, so I feel like it inadvertently is a dig at me. BUT, that's just my own insecurity talking. It's hard to tell what's real and what's fake with all the photoshop work done on photos now. I've even tinkered with some of my photos, just to see what I'd look like. But that's not real. I have to accept what I see and be happy with my own fitness level and the challenges I overcome.

    You're doing great...just stay grounded and remember what's real. :bigsmile:

    Have you ever seen when magazines/tabloids run photos of celebrites and models that are not re-touched? In real life even THEY don't look like they do on the magazine covers!

    And I've never understood why people equate "thin" with attractive - as if to be thin is automatically beautiful!?!?!?
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I Started My Fitness Pal after i lost my first 10 pounds

    Oh... Hmmm... People might be telling you how great your sister did, while they tell HER how great you've done on your diet!
  • eyescatchfire
    eyescatchfire Posts: 257 Member

    Have you ever seen when magazines/tabloids run photos of celebrites and models that are not re-touched? In real life even THEY don't look like they do on the magazine covers!

    And I've never understood why people equate "thin" with attractive - as if to be thin is automatically beautiful!?!?!?

    Here is a great video about that--really helped me keep it all in perspective. :)
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    First of all, congrats on the drop! It's important to recognize your achievements without comparing them to other's achievements.

    As for the whole stick thing....Sure, it's easier to notice! But I have this firm belief that i look amazing at any size because I love myself and treat my body well. When you love and congratualte yourself, it creates that glow and makes you stand taller and walk with confidence. That, above any "size" will show first!

    If you're feeling like your sis is getting all the attention, you're too focused on her and need to bring your attention back to you. It's obvious it affects you, and that's not healthy, sweetie!

    Chin up, love yourself, and don't let the outside opinions be the ones that fuel you. Your heart and your drive are what will get you through life, not strangers opinons!

  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    Congratulations on going from 14 to 8, that's a great accomplishment. I think that every one's comfortable size is different. Mine is a size 8 as well. My sister is also a size 0, but she has been that small all her life, and has always had a problem putting on weight. I don't know about your sister, but mine will tell you that she is not healthy. Our society has some work to do when it comes to perception of what we should be.

    Healthy is best...stick to it. :drinker:
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I think when people see someone who has gone down to an "unreal" size doesn't know really what to say. Instead of saying "you lost a little too much" they say "you look great". I used to be a size 0 and when I see pics of myself, I think I look sick. Don't get me wrong, that size is right for some people. You just keep on doin' what you're doin' :wink: Just feel good about how far you've come and don't worry about the number printed on the tag inside your clothes :flowerforyou:
  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    First thing is went from a size 14 to a size 8!!!! YaY for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an accomplishment. Are you happy with that accompishment? If you are, than what other people think should not be an issue. I am a size 18, my brother is a stick. I was a size 22 6 months ago, and the only person to notice was my mother. Not my husband, not my co-workers, not my friends. But I have worked hard, and I am proud, and I of course am not done. But my point is this. Don't let ANYONE make you feel like what you have done is not enough, just because your sister is more "noticed" You have worked very hard, and you enjoy it show off that beautiful size 8. Remember you have a wonderful support system here. There is always someone here to help or just listen. You deserve to be happy, CONGRATS!!!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Here is my humble opinion.
    I think that women are different sizes because that's how they are made and we all have different preferences. Personaly I don't find a size 0 attractive and I have a very large frame so I would look very sick just attempting to get there. I think that Marilyn Monrow or Queen Lativa have very nice bodys and in the middle ages, it was considert beautiful to have lots of curves. Just because Hellywood thinks its the way we should look dosen't make it so. I know plenty of women that are lighter then me but have plenty more health problems.
    In a way I can understand your frustration, but is your sister healthy? Does she feel good? Will she be able to keep her weight at that level? And how are you feeling? It all comes down to how you feel and if YOU are satisfied with how you look. I know what the media tells us, how much longer are we going to support them telling US what to find attractive? I personaly like Penelope (sp?) on Kriminal Minds, maybe I'm just a century or so to late:grumble:
    I hope I didn't step on anybodies toes:bigsmile: I didn't mean too, that's just how I feel....
  • My family is like that. My sister has always been super super skinny. She has been vacationing alot this past year and is up to a size 6. My mother called me all concerned that my sister is starting to let herself go. Her exact words were "I never thought she would get so fat" OMG my sis is 5'5" and not fat at all. I am barely a 10. I can't help feel like she must think I am totally disgusting. Personally an 8 would be wonderful.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    First thing is went from a size 14 to a size 8!!!! YaY for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an accomplishment. Are you happy with that accompishment? If you are, than what other people think should not be an issue. I am a size 18, my brother is a stick. I was a size 22 6 months ago, and the only person to notice was my mother. Not my husband, not my co-workers, not my friends. But I have worked hard, and I am proud, and I of course am not done. But my point is this. Don't let ANYONE make you feel like what you have done is not enough, just because your sister is more "noticed" You have worked very hard, and you enjoy it show off that beautiful size 8. Remember you have a wonderful support system here. There is always someone here to help or just listen. You deserve to be happy, CONGRATS!!!

  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I would feel the same way you do if that were my situation. You don't sound like a crybaby. You made a HUGE accomplishment as well. I really don't have your situation, but I do have a super skinny sister. :tongue: Not to say your situation is light. I just hope you don't lose your confidence and you did a WONDERFUL job, you should feel like you did too!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    My thighs aren't a size 8!

    I started at a size 26, have lost 71 pounds, and have only gone down to a size 20 :grumble: Size 8? Shoot, I'll never be that!

    Congrats! And, don't let your happiness and inner peace EVER be dependent upon other's opinions.
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