Looking for some motivation people!

I just started really doing the my fitness pal, I'm so sick of not liking what I see in the mirror and nothing fitting, and just having a bad body image overall. I am in need of some motivation, since I'm having a hard time adding "being healthy" to my long list between, college, work, keeping some kind of social life, etc. I'm open to making some good friends so add me! :wink:


  • yenohamk
    yenohamk Posts: 117
    Sending a request... =)
  • IanGiles
    IanGiles Posts: 54
    Have sent an add... I have found my motivation, the treadmill is no longer a clothes horse and I did my 1st 5k today.

  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi im emma welcome:flowerforyou:
  • MNCPRGuy
    MNCPRGuy Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me. You'll love this place.
  • jeyoung03
    jeyoung03 Posts: 83
    That is one of the goals I would like to achieve by the end of summer is to run my first 5K. I was a soccer player for about 15 years of my life, and now that I haven't played in competitive mode, I'm wondering how I ever used to just run. Whats the key to starting???
  • IanGiles
    IanGiles Posts: 54
    That is one of the goals I would like to achieve by the end of summer is to run my first 5K. I was a soccer player for about 15 years of my life, and now that I haven't played in competitive mode, I'm wondering how I ever used to just run. Whats the key to starting???

    Putting your trainers on!!!
  • bblonskidesigns
    me too! sending you a friend request...let's keep each other motivated :)
  • IanGiles
    IanGiles Posts: 54
    That is one of the goals I would like to achieve by the end of summer is to run my first 5K. I was a soccer player for about 15 years of my life, and now that I haven't played in competitive mode, I'm wondering how I ever used to just run. Whats the key to starting???

    I started with a 15min walk and built it up from there really. I've done 2mins walking at 6kmh and then 2mins running at 8kmh and built it up...
  • sarabeth00219
    hey, i feel exactly the same way as i am also working and college. Thats why im starting the Insanity Challange. I hear its really hard but the results are worth it. Lets Keep each other motivated to reach our goal.! :) ill send you a request
  • kellyb02
    kellyb02 Posts: 6
    Welcome!! Request sent!