small survey for working moms

Fineraziel Posts: 140
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
One simple question :

When do you work out ??? (morning, lunch time, late afternoon, or evening when the kids are in bed ?)

Thank you! :)

(I am still wondering what can I do, having a full-time job and two very young kids...)


  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    I go every morning at 4:30am. I'm up by 4:00am and at the gym by @ 4:20am. I've tried every schedule and have found this fits the best because it doesn't eat into any of my time with the kids/family. If I went after work or after dinner then I'd lose out on that little time I'd get with my kids since I'm at work all day. So this definitely keeps me sane and I don't feel guilty about taking that time for myself since the kids are sleeping anyway.

    If I was a single Mom I'd probably just work out at home instead. But since I have a hubby, I can go to the gym while the kids are asleep.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    mon and tuesday evenings, rest of the week late morning and 30 minutes in evening:flowerforyou:
  • First thing in the morning. Before anybody else gets up and I can do it without distraction.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I get up a 5a and workout at home before everyone else gets up. Me time!!
  • kelly515
    kelly515 Posts: 1
    I work out in the morning. I hate mornings too. But - if you are like me, after work there is something going on with the family. Homework, quality time, sports - if I don't go and get it over with then I will end up finding other things and an excuse! I get up and work out every morning at 6am. I have just enough time to come home, shower and get the kid ready for school before heading out to work.

    I also take a Zumba class on Saturday mornings.
  • chippywelsh
    chippywelsh Posts: 23 Member

    I work full time and find it a struggle so I do small amounts as often as I can - seems silly but even a couple of minutes done 3 times a day helps. I bought some gym equipment as I just couldn't get to the gym often enough. The most useful by far has been a cross trainer - York x201 bought via ebay. It has a weightloss programme and doing 5 minutes gets me red in the face so I know it's doing something! Just doing 5 or 10 mins at a time at home also means I don't have to put all the proper gym gear on - sometimes I'm in my pyjamas and slippers! I have built up to 15 mins some evenings which is fairly easy to fit in and I can really feel I've done something. I was also given a watch/pedometre and it motivates me to walk more as even just short walks, parking further from meeting venues, going to the local shop etc show calories burned and distance done. Hope this helps : )
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Lunchtime, if I can, as I work at a University I can use the pool and exercise classes (though there aren't many lunchtime ones) or just go for a brisk walk around the campus. I find evenings more difficult, fitting in kids' dinner and/or getting my OH to babysit.
    We also go swimming as a family at the weekend.
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I work out from 4-5am. I have done this for years. It was hard at first, but you get used to it. If I don't do it then, it doesn't get done.
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    I ride my elliptical trainer and do floor exercises after work, dinner, dishes, and laundry is ran. It keeps me from eating before I go to bed. My kids are teenagers now so that's not so much a problem now. As long as they get dinner they are happy!!
  • aschultz9
    aschultz9 Posts: 89
    Early AM, I get up before anyone else. I have been doing this for a long time and find if I skip my AM workout I just don't feel good all day.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    Lunch time and after work before time to pick up my daughter.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    Usually when the kids are settled down with their snacks before bed.This is their tv time. I will head down to the treadmill in the basement. Sometimes they come down with me and watch their shows down there, other times they hang out upstairs with my husband.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    This week I've started to get up @ 6am to power walk / jog on the treadmill for 20-30 mins - because I bought it in January and realised that I wasn't getting as much use out of it.

    I also work out in the evenings - Turbo Jam (Love it...!) & No More Trouble Zones (don't like it, but need it...!) on alternate days.

    My aim is to work out 6 evenings a week, but I usually only end up managing 4 nighs because of school work or life...
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I don't really work out. But I do go for a walk every lunchbreak, sometimes with a colleague, but I prefer to go alone, iPod in and I'll burn 200 cals in 40 mins (with my colleague it's about half that). In the weekends I try to go for a good walk as well (or a slow long one in the park, if the kids are with me)
    Other than that I do an hour's pilates one evening a week. We have a stepper at home, but so far I've only used it once!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I do strength training/circcuit training in the morning for 30-45 minutes , before the kids get up (or sometimes after I drop them off at school...depending on my schedule), and then I do cardio for 30 minutes after they go to bed.
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I workout when I get home from work M-W, and Friday, Thurdays is my day of rest right now. On the weekend I workout in the mornings. My kids are older, boys 14 & 11. Sometime I was able to get them to workout with me. Now that I have stepped it up they just look at me like I have two heads.
  • kimd1974
    kimd1974 Posts: 113
    On my way home from work. 4:30-5:30 is my time.
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    I'm with most of these ladies. Early am before anyone else is up. Some mornings it is difficult to talk myself into getting out of bed, but if I don't get up I end up regretting it the rest of the day. Sometimes I can work in something extra in the afternoons, but I can't count on that happening. Once I get home from work it's time for dinner, homework & extracurriculars. I have 2 girls in elementary school. Both are in Girl Scouts (I am the leader). One has piano & volleyball once a week each. The other has guitar once & soccer twice a week. And I'm single. So it can definately be done, but you do have to plan for it.
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm quite lucky as there has been a new sports facility opened in my area, my children attend, football training, tae kwon do classes and gymanstics club so when they are doing that, I can nip into the gym. Also, they allow kids to join for £5 per month which includes all the leisure and swimming facilities in our region! Theres a class on every night at 5pm which they can attend, I can't always make this time though.

    Now that the better weather is in, I have been getting out walking / running with the kids on a safe route, my 8 year old daughter likes to run so she often joins me or uses her rollerblades and my son joins us on his bike! I feel this is teaching them well also :)

    Good luck! xxx
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I get the majority of my exercise by walking, I walk to work and back every day, walk the dogs regularly up big hills etc and I also try to go to the gym at least once a week. It works for me :)

    My children aren't so little anymore though, they are 13 and 17 so even if I want to pop out to the gym for an hour or two they don't bat an eyelid.
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