
RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
Went to a seminar last night. Called Stores On Line. It was one of those "free seminars". "Deal of a lifretime". I knew it was a scam, but it offfered a free MP3 player to attend and free dinner. Jan and I just called it a cheap "Date Night." If you want to know more about it, just Google "StoresOnline Scam". You'l get thousands of hits. Make up you own mind.

It's a hard sell. I had a real problem with it. Don't know how they find their target audience. Seemed to be a pretty diverse cross section of America. Here's why I am writing this. Not because it is an obvious scam. Not because of the older people attending. They should know better. Not because of the people looking for another "get rich quick" scheme. Life is a school.

I am most upset about the woman sitting next to me. Obviously very poor; sitting with her mother. The speaker was like an evangelical preacher and they were buying into it. What bothered me was when I overheard the daughter describing a recipe she was going to make when her food stamps came in. Then I heard her say that she was thankful that her welfare check had arrived, because now she had enough money to afford the $139 all day seminar that Stores on Line was selling. Of course the young woman should know better, but , surely Mom should have enough life experience to know that if something looks to good to be true, it probably is.

Anyways, not mad at Mom or Daughter; disgusted with any entity that might prey upon those people that really have no business (or disposable cash) to be involved.

I saw the people at this seminar circling the room like vultures. Finding any way for people to come up with the cash last night -- credit cards, checks, cash, payment plans. Isn't it obvious that a person that can't come up with $139, shouldn't be given a "Payment Plan".

Salad was low calorie though.

Buyer beware.


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Food Stamps is the name of my ski boat. It's an inside joke among my friends and I.
  • Itsmetimi
    Itsmetimi Posts: 8 Member
    All I can say is "Wow".
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    She's using our government's money to pay for this scam...

    It's good to know our taxes are going to a good cause. :huh:

    I honestly hope her children don't have to go without anything this month because she was gullible.