Lack of family support...



  • missygail
    missygail Posts: 30 Member
    Both my brothers used to be very fit, and now it seems like they get angry that I'm working out. They ask me "how long is it going to last now" and criticize my salad for not having enough protein whilst their munching on Pizza. I've lost 10lbs and they have yet to comment on my weight loss. It's weird really, whenever they ask what I've done and for.ex I told them, I ran 5k in 25min the other morning, my other brother goes "hey I'll race u any day, and besides i bet u ran on a treadmill right? That doesn't count, treadmills are for p*****"
    Right, thanks for the support!

    I know what all of you mean but I have gotten to the stage of life where I feel free to tell the negative types to mind their own business and will ask "what the F is it to you, anyway?" :explode:

    My little brother doesn't think he's being negative. He's been to so many Tony Robbin's seminars (some at $6K) and has been completely brainwashed on how to think, and how to reply to those who disagree. He won't accept that there's any other way than his, and won't accept that what he's paid thousands of dollars for a little pop-psychology, some recycled behaviorism and genius marketing. A big part of Tony's program is making sure those who were dumb enough to pay for this seminar come to the next one, and the next one, and so on. Both of my brothers have way more confidence and self-importance than me, more than is healthy, I think. I don't want to be ANYTHING like them. Ever. Except for health wise. Why can't it be simple? I get way more motivation from the girls who make my coffee.

    I don't think your brothers suffer from self-confidence so much as it sounds like they have an over-inflated ego or egomaniac. Or even perhaps a Godlike complex!! They think (merely in their heads) that they are the gods gift to everything under the sun. This is the impression that Tony Robbins has always given me when I see him on television, total egomaniac. I guess he just passes it along to his cult of followers.

    You seem very grounded in reality and your own earthly limitations, whatever confidence you build up I do not believe you will end up as an egomaniac drinking the same kool-aid as your brothers.

    Just think of it this way, your brothers are sheep being led by the nose by Mr. Robbins. Cult like followers at the altar of Mr. Robbins. I think you are much stronger than that, you don't have to follow anyone merely do what your heart and head tell you.

    Family is never simple. I wish I could get my parents involved in this weightloss adventure with me. My mom is diabetic and my father has a pacemaker / defibrillator in his chest and is bordering on 300lbs. I bought a recumbent bike and have offered it up to my father to use any time he wants. Mom is iron deficient I made a salad full of leafy greens, which included spinach (high in iron) and what does she do? She makes her own salad with just regular lettuce and cherry tomatoes, which had nothing high in iron about it.... and she complains that the doctor is making her take iron supplements. *sigh* family!!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I so understand. My daught is very supportive. I was able to wear 2of her shirts. I was trying them on and showing my husband. Any he had no reaction. Very heart breaking. The next day, i was taking a shower and came out to tell him that I LOVE YOU!
    I am doing this for myself, to live a healthy life. I would like it if you would support me.. it worked. He is talking about going for walks with me. Its a start. My son wants me to start running with him.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    If your brother wants to spend his time and money listening to Tony Robbins and going to seminars, so what? What does that have to do with YOU or your goals? If that is his path, that he has chosen for himself, then accept it and move on. If he has his way of thing things and they work for him, then why should it bother you? Why should it affect you and the way you want to do things?

    I'm not trying to be harsh here, but to me it sounds like you're doing yourself a disservice by letting other people, even if they are family, affect your mindset when it comes to achieving your goals.

    I don't mind people wasting thousands of dollars on recycled pop-psychology, even my brother. It's just the condescending tone of trying to "teach" me something he doesn't even understand himself. I'm not trying to be harsh either, but you kinda sound just like him. Lol.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Maybe it works for other people to "do it for yourself" but I'm just not that shallow.
    Doing this for yourself is anything but shallow and doing it the right way makes it last, not get there for a year and then regain or a month of even 10. Its about taking off the fat and keeping it off I started a mens support group for much the same reason to get the men more support, and proper, sound, real advice. I do not know if you will understand where I am coming from or it you think its vain of me but I do it for me first and foremost because the greatest gift I can give my family (wife and son) is a healthy me.
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    You know I feel you! You just posted a link to this thread on my thread about the same ****! I have no idea what to do. The consensus on my thread seems to be to talk to my sister, but we don't have a normal sister/sister relationship. She judges the ever-loving hell out of me on all fronts and I would never get anywhere with her, or someone like her. I don't know what else to say here but that I giggled at your brothers priorities, because they are likely totally accurate, and well, they're so unlike your own. Who knows. I guess we just keep truckin' down our own path, even if that means going "solo" as far as family goes. Good luck to you. I'm adding you.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    you said a mouthful there, just keep on trucking who gives a rats behind about what they think or do if they are that counterproductive to your goals. I have recently run into a few who want me to stop where I am and not go any further with my goals as I have hit just under 20% bodyfat now and am going for a 6 pack. My original goal was 174 ish pounds but decided to go even further when I hit that goal. I am doing it the healthy way though.