Hey all... I am Alicia and have a TON of weight to lose!!!



  • Thank you everyone for all your wonderful support. I am just trying to figure out how to use this my fitness pal and get my head around it! I look forward to knowing there are so many ready and willing to lend a hand of support!
  • Hi, I am so sorry for your loss, Welcome to this wonderful group. I know we can be a great support team to you.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Hi Alicia - MFP is a great tool and I hope you love it as much as I do! I'm so sorry about your little boy, and so admire your courage & determination! I'm sure it would be very easy to let your sorrow take over instead of taking the positive course which you seem to be on. Just don't allow yourself to get burned out; remember to give yourself a break sometimes. This weight loss thing doesn't work very well as an "all or nothing" sort of deal. :)

    You absolutely CAN do it-- I know, because I have!
  • Hi Alicia,

    Reading your story reminds me so much of myself. We loss a daughter at 24 weeks in 2007. At six months along I had already gained 15-20lbs to my already overweight frame. I was beyond depressed and all I thought would fix it was another baby, so we started to try again as soon as the doctor gave the ok. It was only 2 months later that I got pregnant with my son, so I never took off those 15-20lbs. In addition I gained another 40lbs during pregnancy. I developed Preeclampsia and had to be induced almost a month early. Thank God, my son was fine. So I now carry around an additional 60 lbs that I have struggled to take off, which has caused my pressures to stay high and caused problems with my kidneys. Trust me when I say, give your body time to heal. You want to give your baby the best possible chance, as well as yourself to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. Good luck to you!
  • max4pups
    max4pups Posts: 29 Member
    God Luck Alicia,
    will be praying for you in all areas!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good Luck Alicia , I am so sorry for the loss of your child . You are in the right place for the support on your diet though ! I will add you as a friend !
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Hello and welcome!!! I know how hard it is to have a loss like that and go through eating and eating as a means to coping. We lost a baby last Feb, which was so hard to take, since I was told I could no longer have children (I have 2) and he has none. As much as he loves me and is ok w/ having a hand in raising mine, it hit him hard. I never lost that weight I gained then and continued to eat more. Then, this January I decided enough is enough and through dumb luck found this fabulous site! I, too have made simple swaps to keep me sane! I no longer drink any soda (unless it's an alcoholic drink, cap'n' n' diet), never take food to the table, I always let it on the stove...less tempted for seconds that way! And, my fiancee' is an absolutely wonderful man who supports me in everything! He's also a cook, so he's got great ideas for me!

    Feel free to add me, love to give ya some support!
  • helen_baird
    helen_baird Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Alicia and welcome I only joined yesterday...and I think this is a great site ..so feel free to add me as a friend ..:smile:
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