I haven't lost any weight?? what am I doing wrong?

jude666 Posts: 231 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on and off MFP for a while, but since the beginning of the year i have been taking it really seriously. Logging my food, ensuring I don't go over my calories, i'm doing the most exercise I think i have ever done in my life!!!! I don't own scales at home so I borrowed my parents scales (I don't like weighing myself anyway so I leave it as long a possible). So, i jumped on the scales Monday night thinking i must see a difference, my clothes are baggier, my bum and tummy have definitely shrunk (as confirmed by my hubby).... to my astonishment (and me on the point of tears!) the scale hasn't moved. I am still EXACTLY the same weight that I was about a month ago. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?

i read a bit of advice and thought maybe i'm not eating enough, as I commute to and from work and I exercise a lot so perhaps i needed to increase my calories so i did, from 1200 to 1340. Still nothing.... what I can't explain is that some people at work have said i'm looking really well (one of my friends who didn't even know I was trying to be good said "ooooh you're looking so slim" SO HOW COME I HAVEN'T LOST ANY WEIGHT!! someone, please help me. I'm losing it here. I just want to lose a stone but I can't and its depressing the hell out of me. Yeah, i know i should ignore the scale and just look at how my clothes feel but I really need to see a difference on the scale for my own sanity!!!

Has anyone else experienced this? if so, what did you do to get out of it? I need something to kick start the weight loss. I'm going on a family holiday in June and I really really wanted to slim down a size for then. I've still got a couple of months so there is still time but if i keep going the way i'm going then what's the point :sad: :sad: :sad:

Please help..... :sad:


  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    You've gained muscle. Don't worry about the number. I know it's hard (I struggle with it, too) but if you're looking better, feeling better, and your clothes are fitting better than it would seem that you are getting... better! :) I think, especially as women, we are SO focused on the number!!!!

    Keep your chin up and then weight will eventually come down. Take a lot of pride in the changes you've been making with your body!
  • Jbledsoe42
    Jbledsoe42 Posts: 74 Member
    That's perfectly normal. The important things here is that you are seeing results.

    Simply you are replacing your fat with your muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat!

    Keep at it!
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Yes! except I actually gained 6lb yesterday after two weeks of after eating and exercising! I went from 9stone 10pounds to 10stne 6!! Read my post and see some ofthe answers to why this may be.

    You should measure yourself instead of weigh and muscle does weigh more than fat :smile:
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I havent lost for over a week, This is the second plateau in 6 weeks. I have decided to up my calories to see what happens. Try not to let the scales rule you (hard I know). After all you felt great until you got on them. Muscle weighs more than fat so with all the exercise it is probably why the scales havent moved.

    Google the Harris- Benedict formula and see how many calories it recommends for you

    Good luck
  • FordEXP
    FordEXP Posts: 22
    It could be a number of reasons. Don't worry about the scale, just keep doing what you are doing. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • scales are harsh. If your clothes are baggier and YOU see a difference, then there is a difference. Muscle is heavier than fat, maybe your toning but burning the fat? I'm not a trainer, but thats what I was always told. Also, i find if the scales are not on a SERIOUSLY flat surface, in the same exact spot each time.... it can affect the number. Such as... stone looking ceramic tiles... the number i get on that floor is so random. I hope you figure it out girly. I'd also weigh in the early AM. HTH's!!! Good Luck on your journey.. and dont be so worried about those stupid numbers... seeing and feeling a change is far more rewarding!!
  • your doing everything right trust me
    you might not be loosing weight but you are toning up hence why your clothes are baggier.
    muscle weighs more than weight so you are most likely just toning your body up instead of actually loosing the weight.
    you will eventually loose weight once your body has toned up.
    i was loosing weight for the first 3 weeks and then i had 2 weeks when i didnt loose anything which made me want to cry but when i measured my hips they had shrunk because i have toned up without realising.
    trust me you are doing everything right :) and its not always good to loose weight quickly or each week
    i hope i have helped x
  • Remember this. Scales lie. They don't show you that you've lost fat and gained muscle. A pound of fat is about the size of a softball but a pound of muscle is the size of a baseball. Muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less space. If you, your hubby, and your clothes are noticing a difference, you're doing something right! Keep up the great work and ignore the scale number. Try taking your measurements. They are a much better way to tell if you're shrinking.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Have you done measurements? Ive been the same way with only about a two pound loss since January but Ive lost 5.5 inches all around! Are you still doing the Shred?
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I feel your pain!!!

    First - try weighing yourself in the morning after your body has had all night to process/burn the food you've eaten all day.

    Second - how close are you to that time of the month? I generally gain 2-6 pounds... It's all water weight and comes off again quickly, but it does give me a "hiccup" on the scale.

    Third - I have no idea what your actual nutrition is. Are you drinking enough water (I noticed a BIG change once I started drinking 10-15 glasses vs. 8)? How is your sodium intake? Sugars? Everyone has a different "trigger," so you just gotta break it down one-by-one to find yours.

    All of that aside - GOOD FOR YOU FOR LOSING INCHES!!!! When I feel depressed about the scale, I start looking at the measurements. During one 90-day program, I only lost 18 pounds - BUT, I lost over 21 inches (and 10% body fat)!!! It's replacing the fatty fat with the leaner muscle that'll do it. One pound of fat weighs the same as one pound of muscle... It's just that the muscle takes up less space.

    You're doing a great job - and people are noticing. Don't give up!!!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I strongly encourage you to take measurements TODAY. Waist, hips, thigh, at least. Measurements mean SO much more than numbers on the scale; and when you compare them, and see them go down, you will get that same "victory" feeling as if the scale was going down.

    So many things can influence the # on the scale, that it really is an unreliable measure of progress. Measurements are much more accurate. :)
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    One of the best things I ever heard/learned was muscle weighs more than fat! If you've lost inches, but no weight it's probably b/c of muscles you've gained. :wink: Have also been told that muscle burns more fat even while you're sleeping. I'd hang on to those thoughts, give it another month...would almost put money on the weight falling off by then! Hang in there! Hope my thoughts helped!
  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    This is exactly what happened to me- I had a weigh in a the doctors in Jan and to my horror had gained nearly a stone!! I knew why- I was drinking every night which always equated to eating a big bag of crisps as well as a big dinner, I was baking a lot as I was out of work and I was doing NOTHING!!!

    So I stopped. I ate three meals a day, plus a snack, started running again, cut right down on the booze and a month later I jumped back on the scales.....2lb. 2lb!!!!! That was it!!!!!

    I know in my case I was running, but not regularly enough, I was also 'picking' before dinner, eating portions that were too big and going a bit too wild at weekends on wine and cake as I was being 'good' during the week...so I reigned myself back in and in my first three days I had lost 1lb ( you are welcome to look at my food diary).

    I am going for my first proper weigh in on Sat so wish me luck! I dont know if any of this applies to you but I know for me...I wasnt being as 'good' as I thought I was xxx
  • bump
  • altaymom
    altaymom Posts: 5
    I have no input as to why but I am located in the same stinking boat!!!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    if you really want to learn the hard science behind it pls read this; http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/196502-for-the-people-who-work-out-like-crazy-and-are-not-losing
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    If your goal is to be a smaller clothing size, the number on the scale doesn't matter... (I know it is hard to get over that part). Even though I am telling you this, I still get really frustrated with the NUMBERS on the scale. But, it sounds like your clothing size is dropping. It helps me when I focus on that number rather than the scale number. All of a sudden you will see a big change on the scale.....

    Your story echos what I have gone through. It is VERY frustrating, but all your work will pay off (it already is, even if the scale isn't cooperating right now)
    Don't give up!
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Get out the measuring tape. Stop weighing yourself. Freak out if the measuring tape numbers start going up.
  • khharms
    khharms Posts: 12
    I agree with everyone else: you are gaining muscle. Are you noticing you are stronger? I'm in the same boat, I've lost 7 lbs since Jan 1, and the scale hasn't moved, BUT I can totally feel my legs getting stronger, I can run longer distances, I can add heavier weights at the gym, etc.
    One thing to keep in mind: it takes 3500 calories to gain 1 pound. Start taking your measurements, and use clothes as your guide. Jeans are my favorite because I typically wear one size larger in jeans than in slacks or skirts.

    don't get frustrated, one day the scale will start moving, but don't give up!!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    What kind of calorie deficeit are you averaging?
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