Feeling fatigued

tr12781 Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a 30 year old male, 5'11", 170 lbs; my body fat percentage is 15-17%. My goal is to lower my body fat percentage to about 10-12%, which I think I would meet by losing 10-15 lbs of fat (I realize my total weight may not decrease if I am gaining muscle).

In order to achieve this, I'm eating around 2000 calories a day and exercising 6 days a week, once a day. My exercise routine each day includes an ab workout, light strength/resistance training, and burning about 500 calories doing cardio. My diet has been pretty healthy, as I've been following the guidelines on this site after inputting all of my information (carb/fat/protein ratios). All of this calculates to me losing 1 lb per week, which I thought should be a healthy rate for my body type.

My problem is that I've been feeling extremely fatigued - even lethargic, and really really hungry all day long. Previously, when I wasn't watching my calorie intake and only did my routine 3 days a week, I felt energized and strong. The last few nights, I've even woken up in the middle of the night feeling starved. My workouts have been miserable because of my energy level.

I feel like my body is telling me I'm doing something wrong, but everything I read has been saying differently. Is something wrong with my workout routine? Am I eating too few calories? I am just being a big baby? I would definitely appreciate any insight anyone may have on my situation.


  • Mrs2Mac
    Mrs2Mac Posts: 16 Member
    I'm looking forward to the answers you'll get because I've been dealing with the same problem. I haven't even found the energy to drag myself to the gym since I've started my healthy eating and following MFP's standards.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Ditto! I've felt so rubbish this last fortnight that I'm not exercising or watcing what I eat. I'm not just tired, I'm exhausted! I'll be interested to see wat others think. I've even had bloods taken to see if there's anything wrong. I feel dreadful!
  • Are you monitoring your protein intake closely? As much as you're working out you need to make sure you're getting plenty of protein. I recommend going over what MFP represents (a little bit). I went through the same feelings as you and realized with the reduced calorie intake and diet changes I was not getting enough protein. Now I supplement with a protein shake around my workout and also one before bed. You probably already know this, but if you're body isn't getting the protein it needs, it goes and gets it from your muscles...defeating the purpose of all your strength training.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    For a start you are doing too much resistance training - google it if you want but you should have a day off weights after each day you use them - minimum... cardio is okay within reason every day, but take a rest if you feel washed out... do you eat six meals a day, with complex carbs? This will help a lot!

    regards, David
  • What kinds of foods are you eating to maintain that 2000 calories diet? You can substitute some of those foods for high protien and high fiber foods and help feed your muscles. Also are you eating every 3 hours each day? That may help if not. In between meals you can try a high protien bar like a Clif Builders Bar or equivalent. It sounds like your eating enough calories to still lose weight while not starving yourself. I think there may be something to adjust with the kinds of foods. Also I suggest a multi-vitamin like Mega-men Sport from GNC. It really give me the kick in the *kitten* I need to get that massive burn. Feel free to add me and check my diary for my food types and whatnot. Also feel free to msg me for any more advice.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I created a mens group with fat loss and weekly challenges in mind geared towards the most time effective workouts that produce the best results, being lethargic or having a lack of overall energy can stem from either a lack of protein, overworking the body or a lack of carbs and good fats. I did not go through your diary but my advice is to make sure you are eating enough cals from exercise back to meet a net total that matches your daily requirements at the minimum, it sounds like you are not doing so.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Did you leave the ratios at their default? If so, chances are you are not getting enough protein. If you are trying to add muscle mass it's generally recommended that you eat 1 to 1.5 grams of protein for each kilogram of your current weight. That would be between 78 and 117 grams a day at your current weight.

    If your protein is good, what sort of carbs are you eating? Generally more complex carbs will stay with you longer. Simple carbs, like many pastas have, can lead to cravings for more carbs and hunger pangs.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    You need to open your diary or add me as a friend if you only let friends see your food diary.

    If you left the carb, protein, fat ratios at the default for MFP, you will definitely need more protein. Lots more! Shoot for .7 to 1 gram. 1.5 is probably a little high unless you are into very major body building.

    I would suggest focusing more on High Intensity Interval Training and Metabolic Resistance Training, as they will do a lot more to burn off fat than long duration steady state cardio. I am not much of a believer in long duration cardio any more. It will burn a lot of calories when you are actually working out, but not afterward. Both HIIT and MRT will burn fat long after you finish working out. The book to read on MRT is "Cardio Strength Training" by Robert dos Remedios. You can check out a bit of stuff on his website http://www.coachdos.com/ I am still learning about these exercise modalities, but my experience with them is they are quick, demanding, and effective.
  • tr12781
    tr12781 Posts: 2
    Hey everyone. Thanks so much for your takes on my situation and the advice.

    Based on your questions I went through my food diaries and I think I may have identified a problem with my diet. I had been eating more protein due to the reasons a few of you stated, but not really tracking how much more. It ends up I was eating tons of protein, but not nearly enough carbs.

    I've already started to shift my diet to include more good carbs (fruits, veggies, whole grain products) and can feel a difference. I still plan on keeping my protein intake higher than the recommended ratios, but just finding a better balance.

    I'll update in a couple more days to let everyone know what the effect is.
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    Great that you have found an answer!!!!! I hate being tired!!!!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member

    Just so you know -- with your goal of losing 5% body fat, that would be 8.5 pounds of fat, not 10-15.
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