MFP Runners Club-October 13



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have to put the plug in for Runner's World also. I followed the Smart Coach personalized program to prepare for a 20K in May. I was very prepared-not fast, but prepared. Currently, I am following a Hal Higdon program a running friend printed off-I'm pretty sure she didn't pay, and she just printed it a month or so ago. Anyway, I'm using the 10K program to prepare to run 6 as a part of a team relay for a local marathon. I'll let you know Sunday how it goes :wink:

    Good luck on the run!!! I'm sure you'll do great! Make sure to tell us how it goes!

    I know that Hal has some free plans, but he used to have a TON of them free before. I checked his website out a while ago and noticed he charges fees for a lot of stuff now! :grumble:

  • tekrueger
    I agree, runnersworld is great. I used to use Hal Higdon when his training plans were free, but now there's a charge!! I try not to run more than 3 days a week just because I've had injuries and find that running more really doesn't help my running. I like to cross train, biking, elliptical, and I use P90X for strength training. What are your long runs for your training now? For my first half marathon, I only did 10 miles for my longest run, but for my 2nd I ran up to 14. I felt better prepared the 2nd time (of course, I'd been running longer by that point also). I'm signing up for a half in May, can't wait!


    I really was training this summer at the start for long distance swims, then onto the two triathlons and working on the bike portions as I hadn't ridden a bike in twnety years (yicks! and there was a long hill on the sprint triathlon :( ) Running volume went from 5km 3 xs a week tin May to 1-4 xs 5 - 15 km (1x per wk the 15) in June and onward. I laid off the bike at the beginning of September and run from 5 km to 18 km typically 3-4xs a wk now. I've worked into longer distances over these 5 and a half months. I've started trying to work on speed as well with a 5 km done on a treadmill at 19.28 last week my fastest time by more than a minute!
    Fortunately I only have a problem w/ my left shoulder from swimming but that's it so far (fingers crossed).
    I am also doing swimming and strength training as well.
    I do need to get to plan going to be more efficient and get better results and get faster, too.

    What are your feelings about treadmills? I used them to get me to 10 km and I was told get off them, but thet are sure nice in ugly weather. What's your opinion?

    Thanks Jess and all.
  • newlywed07
    I do great at running for about two weeks and then I take a week off because I "get-too-busy" how do you keep running a priority throughout your crazy busy lives?
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I run before I do anything else! I am not kidding. I run at 5:30 am. Try getting too busy before 5:30 am.:laugh: