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Have to VENT/Encouragment PLEASE



  • zulunery
    zulunery Posts: 22
    Try sitting down with them and talking honestly with them. Let them know that you feel blessed that they are "thinking" about you and want to "feed" you but also let them know how dear this commitment is to you and ask them to help you along the way. I had the same issue with my hubby and mom. My mom constantly kept telling me I needed to eat until I finally had a heart to heart with her and now she just says things like; "If you're still hungry, there's food" and she'll actually even have stuff for me that I can eat, like salads, etc. Hang in there and if you can't get motivation/support from real life hang out here, we'll all support you!
  • tiffsallrunout
    tiffsallrunout Posts: 4 Member
    Well, your weight is about you and no one else. I think your husband is just trying to share and be polite. Maybe he feels guilty eating in front of you and figures he has a pass to do what he wants if he's asked you first. Saying know is up to you. Life throws options it's up to you to make the right choice. Be proud of yourself. That's what matters. Not what other people think or notice.
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 59 Member
    GRRRRRRR My husband is the SAME way! He not only does that but he will eat 3 bowls of ice cream and then tell me he lost 3 pounds!!! I can't STAND it. I think you are amazing and wonderful to be able to watch what you eat in the face of such temptation! GREAT JOB :-)

    I think our friends want us to eat unhealthy so that they don't feel so bad when THEY eat unhealthy. I think it may be a subconsious thing but still it's rather annoying!

    I'm glad at least we all have eachother on the site :-) Keep us the great work and the great will power!!!
  • griffirn
    griffirn Posts: 12

    I think you are doing great this is from someone who was around 250lbs in the summer of 2008 after college peaked out weight wise at a nice 190, now back to 230lbs after getting that full-time job LOL ;-(. When I was the avereage un-employed college student I was in the gym ALL DAY lol, but now I'm facing the beast all over again. I don't have any kids, just engaged so your progress is great. It's hard for me to find time with working out now so I give you credit with a child and living married life. I do agree I work out with my fiancee so that is a big help, but you also have to be selfish and just worry about yourslef because you can fall into the trap. As far as people noticing me when I lost it the first time I didn't get "WOWs" until I got down to about 205-210lbs which was 40lbs for me, because by that time i had to by small clothes which fit me better because they weren't big looking so if your wearing the same clothing that may be it. When you lose that next 20 you will have to buy new gear which will force eyes on your new figure so just hang in there!!! You have my support.
  • I am just taking a guess at this, but maybe your husband and your friend both know that they should also be following a healthier lifestyle and you actually doing it are making them feel guilty. Perhaps they see your progress and wish they were in your shoes. And maybe they feel if they can keep you from meeting your goals they will feel less guilty?! I'm not really sure what to make of all of this. I am lucky enough to have a supporting husband and wonderful friends that have joined me on this journey. Definitely don't give in. If you have lost close to 20 pounds, just keep doing what you are doing because that is amazing! I have been on this journey for about 3 months now and I have no intention of going back to my old ways. Stick to your guns, keep politely turning down the food that they offer you and if they insist on eating unhealthy food, just walk out of the room so you don't have to see it or smell it. Good luck!
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    I think a lot of people need a "buddy" to justify their own snacking, hence all the offers. You don't need that stuff! As long as you can say no they'll learn to stop asking.

    I think this might absolutely be true for your hubby. I know that I am MUCH more likely to splurge on unhealthy stuff if I have someone who will "split it with me". Maybe your hubby wants it and he just doesn't want to feel like a hog, but he doesn't even realize how hard he's making it for you. As for those friends and whatnot, there are all types. But I've found that I really just have to focus on me, and when I need it, my MFP community. If you can sustain a healthy lifestyle on your own, you probably won't be able to make it last. But, still, it sucks. *hugs*

    Keep up the fantastic work, and congrats on the amazing loss so far!!
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    So sorry to hear you are having an off day ... you haave some choices to make ...
    1. tell people how what they say bothers you and you would like them to support you ....
    2. just understand that weight loss is your decision and priority and it might not be a priority for those around you and you have to
    let go of the belief that those around you should think as you do ...
    3. only surround yourself with people that you feel support your weight loss ... except for hubby (just tune him out and give him a kiss ... and let it go ... maybe he is insecure and afraid you will look too good to other men ... and if that is the case .. he is not going to tell you)

    Smile ... and have a great day ... and this would be the best place to vent ... we are sort of all in the same boat heading to the same destination ...
  • sallyah13
    sallyah13 Posts: 44 Member
    Just my 2 cents! First I have 2 small children that have bedtime snacks every night or they are up at midnight starved. So every night I have to make the choice not to eat whatever it is they are having. Sometimes dad makes them popcorn, or there is muffins, cookies, you name it for them to choose from. Most the time I have to use a little mental trick and tell myself that I can have those treats just not so late at night, so if I still want it, I give myself permission to have it the next day for one of my normal snacks. By then I normal don't want to have it anyway :). Sometimes I just eat it and log it if I just can't seem to get it out of my head afterall I am a living breathing chocolate loving human being! I also stash hershey's kisses in the cupboard (in the top out of sight) to have one if I just can't seem to get the need for a chocolatey snack out of my head, one of those and I am usually good

    As for the friend always trying to bake for you, I am sometimes guilty of that too, but only because I love to bake and know that me nor my family need to eat an entire pan of brownies or cake. I know sometimes they don't like it, but I hate to throw it away. Just keep saying no thanks or if that doesn't work, take it and give it to someone else or throw it away if it is too tempting.

    Keep at it, eventually everyone will see you are serious about changing your life and will hopefully want to support you or even join you!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    I would say "lol" because I totally know where you are coming from.... but I guess it isnt funny since you are ranting! :)
    BUT- I am in the same boat.... My husband is terrible. He is CONSTANTLY watching me like a hawk and inserting comments about what I eat or how much (basically that I need to be eating more and more of a variety.... he actually told me that my body needs some grease LOL)
    My family tells me that I am already too skinny and ask when I am going to get over this "phase..".....
    I get it from all sides too, but I look at it this way... It's all just noise really. There are many reasons that our loved ones act the way they do.. simple jealousy or honest concern for your well being. But, in either case it is usually a lack of understanding of what you are doing and why. I sat my hubby down and said "look- I am not comfortable like this and I want to change so that I am happy. Once he understood (after beating it into his head) he is MUCH better. So do this for you- who cares what anyone else thinks! BUT- I would have a sit down with the hubby and get on the same page- I bet it will help. :)
  • nll002
    nll002 Posts: 18
    It's been 12 years since I adopted a healthier lifestyle (and 60lbs down!), and only now are the people around me finally starting to understand. I think it's more the society we grew up in: every event/activity/celebration has centered around food, so people are conditioned to believe that food is the way to say "thanks", or "good job", or even "I love you". They're not doing it on purpose or to be mean (and I honestly don't believe it's a jealousy thing when it comes to family and friends; these people love you!), I think they just don't realize the effort it takes to change. My biggest issue is when everyone says "go ahead and have some: it's Christmas". You know what? It's always something! Birthday, Christmas, Summer Vacation, Easter - you name it and people have an excuse to eat! Just keep focusing on you and stay strong. It may take another decade, but eventually the people around you will realize this is the new you and not some phase you are going through! Good Luck!!
  • jms023
    jms023 Posts: 37 Member
    It is really hard to find support sometimes in the people who are closest to you. My husband is kind of the same way, except he does it on purpose to get a response out of me. He knows I'm trying to eat healthy, but he often buys ice cream or cookies or other unhealthy stuff and then eats it in front of me. Yes, it may have been funny the first time, but when it starts to be a continuous thing it just gets really frustrating and annoying. A few weeks ago he left some ice cream in my freezer (he doesn't live with me currently due to work and school situations, but he visits or I visit every weekend). I was pretty fed up at this point, and I just threw it in the trash. He hasn't done anything like that since then :) I guess he finally realized how annoying it is and tried to tone it down a bit. I mean, I'm not going to tell him to eat healthy and ban him from eating what he wants to eat, but he doesn't have to shove it in my face to get a rise out of me. He only usually gets to see me once a week, and I think he can manage to abstain from junk food for 2 days and not buy unhealthy stuff and then leave it at my place instead of taking it with him. At least buy smaller portions and just eat it instead of buying a huge box of it and then leaving 90% of it with me.

    I look at it as a test of willpower. There are always going to be people who don't get why you would want to stop eating like crap and actually start putting food in your body that's going to give your body the nutrition it needs. Part of the reason in my case is because I'm actually thin already and just want to be healthy, so when I count calories or watch my portion sizes people give me weird looks, like "Why are you dieting, when you are already skinny?" Just shrug it off, find support where you can, and maybe eventually people will start to understand if you stick with it long enough for them to see it is not a diet but a healthy lifestyle.
  • courtrptr13
    courtrptr13 Posts: 272
    It can be very frustrating when your spouse isn't on the same page as you when it comes to losing weight/eating healthy. I'm trying to lose pregnancy weight and I'm 40 and it's hard! My husband is a thin guy and can eat just about anything (and does) and doesn't gain weight. I can work out daily and eat healthy and drop a few pounds here and there, but he never works out and eats junk all the time and stays thin. Fortunately he doesn't offer me junk to eat, but his idea to lose weight is to eat chicken and broccoli every day :( Have you sat your husband down and told him you need his support, that you're really trying hard and need him to back off on pushing food on you? As long as you're not limiting what he eats, he shouldn't care what you eat, as long as you are eating. Explain to him that you aren't happy with yourself the way you are and you're doing this for YOU and if you're happier, he'll be happier too!

    As for your friend, it sounds like she isn't ready to do this yet and she's jealous that you are and wants to make herself feel better by having you join her rather than her joining you.

    Your husband may not notice the loss as much because he sees you daily. Maybe look at some pics with him when you were heavier and I'm sure he'll notice the difference. Good luck to you! You're doing great! And if you need support, come here and get it. Some people are just not capable of supporting others, especially if they haven't struggled with it themselves.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    My husband was the same way once...until I gave him a swift kick in the @$$. :wink:

    Seriously, though, we had a serious chat. I also told my friends and coworkers that I did not appreciate the lack of support. Some stopped being my friend...and I've been better ever since!
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I think the explanation is actually very simple. When people go on very restrictive diets, it basically puts everyone around them on a very restrictive diet that they didn't sign up for. My friend's wife, who is a healthy weight, exclaimed to me the other day, "Ugh, I don't think I'll eat a burger ever again!" She's frustrated because she's been forced to be put on a diet to be supportive and can't have some of the tastier things in life that she enjoys responsibly (because she's obviously a healthy weight).

    I know that it kind of sucks to make food or go out to eat with people on the Atkins Diet or vegetarian/vegan. You have to go out of your way to make sure they have something that fits in your diet, and it may not be something you want. Normally, people won't complain about it here and there, but when people feel deprived for months I think some resentment could set in. Even I hate when people on diets or crazy workout plans try to make you feel guilty for skipping a days workout or making a bad choice in your diet here and there.

    Personally, that's the biggest reason that I'm not having a super restrictive diet. I'll have ice cream, just a small portion size within my diet. I'll have a brownie, just a small piece within my diet. I'll have the kolaches at work for breakfast, but just one and I'll make up for it somewhere else. I'll go out to eat at work for lunch and get a healthy option or only eat half of my unhealthy choice. You talk about this not being a diet and being a lifestyle -- isn't that what a lifestyle is? Eating the things you like, but responsibly? You're never going to eat ice cream again in your life? You're never going to have pizza again in your life? In my opinion, that's unrealistic and that's what leads to binges and to setbacks.

    My caveat here is that I'm a very big people-pleaser and I'm always overly-worried about how I'm affecting people. I may be over-stating some things -- but, at the same time you didn't marry your husband because he was some selfish or unsupportive person. Maybe he is everything that you signed up for and you haven't been meeting him half way.
  • You're doing awesome! People seem to like company when they eat; food is associated with so many social/emotional elements. But you can have fun without food (it is possible!)...
    I think the key is deciding on your goal and then taking practical steps to get there. Your husband and friend don't have those goals right now, so they want you to keep them company with slack eating. Give in, and eventually you'll end up back where you started.

    My friends and family break out chips, cookies, ice cream etc almost every night. I've just resolved to live a different way. I've found having a schedule really helps:
    I wake up every day at 6AM and put in the work/exercise that some people talk about but never do. I put this on the calendar and treat it like an appointment that I need to keep. I plan to eat clean foods every two hours, ending with dinner at about 6pm. After 7pm, I don't eat. There's no need to. I'm never hungry and so I just tell the people around me I'm not interested in ruining a day's work with junk food.
    If you keep working your plan, it'll pay off huge for you.
    Keep going- you'll inspire a lot of people!
  • Kathleen7r
    Kathleen7r Posts: 1 Member
    Hey i know how u feel!!!! your not alone!!! i live home with my mother and she buys nothing but junk food and she knows im tryin to eat healthy! and as goes for my brother he brings home junk food too...its hard not to eat it but...i pick at it but NOT alot of it!!! i just had a baby 2 1/2 years ago and i been since january tryin to work it off its coming off slowly...but thats what u want the slower it come off the better... cuz if u loose to much in a short period of time you'll gain it back really quick!!! I WANt to get back to my skinny jeans back to my high school weight!!! lol.... BTW 20 lbs is alot for someone thats beenn wanting too loose weight for awhile so IM PROUD OF U!!! :-) i wanna loose atleast 25-30 more i work out on the ellipitical almost every night i love it!!!. not alotta ppl say anythin to me either except "its looks like you lost weight in the face" thats all

    don't worry ur not winning!!! :-)
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,630 Member
    As everyone else that has posted before me I too have a husband and family and friends that do the same to me.

    One evening after my husband tried to force feed me junk and I refused(this happens all the time too) I got a great idea. I came in here to MFP,made up a mock days worth of what he had just eaten and printed it off for him. His caloreis for that one day were...are you ready??? Over 5000!!!!

    I told him that I had enough knowledge and willpower to know when I have had my healthy daily calorie intake and when my calories are eaten for that day I will not consume anymore. Unlike the 3100 extra that you have eaten today.

    I didn't want to sound like a meany, but sometimes certain people have to have it shoved right in their face to make them understand.

    Keep strong and keep using MFP!
  • B140
    B140 Posts: 56
    I love all the advice on here. It's reminded me, it's okay to be a little self-focused because you are the one that has to live in your body and your life. Also, sometimes you just have to have "the talk" with your loved ones and they realize that what you are doing is making you happier and healthier and that's exactly what they want you to be. And it's also a reminder that what other people do doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you or your goals, it's just what they are doing, just like the stuff you do isn't always focused on everyone else (right?). I'm the worst for forgetting to focus on myself and putting my unhappiness at other people's feet. It's good to to have reminders that you are responsible for your own happiness. Sometimes it's just a matter of looking a little closer at your plans and seeing where you can be flexible and still reach your goals.
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    First of all: CONGRATULATIONS! You're doing a great job! :bigsmile:

    My hubby totally supports what I am doing, BUT at the beginning he did forget what I was trying to accomplish. He would ask "Should we get some Dairy Queen?" and I would always cave in in the past because if someone mentioned anything yummy (ice cream, cake, fast food, etc) then I WANTED it! But once I started this journey, I instead made a pouty face and said to him "I WANT it... but I don't NEED it" if I was asked. And he would give me that "Oh YEAH" look and quickly say never mind. This only happened a couple times and once he realized I was truly serious, he's been great. If he needs a snacky fix and it's not something we have in the house, he'll get it on his own and doesn't flaunt it in my face, which I appreciate. Maybe your hubby just needs to know this time you're gonna do it and you're serious. And let him know how much it bothers you. He can't change if he doesn't know what's wrong. As much as we'd love for our men to be mind readers, they aren't!

    Keep it up! And vent as much as you need to here! :flowerforyou:
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    ..... last time my fiancée brought home croissants I burst into tears and ran out of the room! I truly don’t' think he ever got how hard it was for me until that moment, he's never done it again!

    That's awesome. Sometimes you really have to send a direct message and it looks like that one worked!